Finished /after, wip on report

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2023-04-11 19:00:17 +02:00
parent cdf2205ff5
commit 0dfad5fe1d
3 changed files with 57 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ public void addInitializer(final String name, final BackgroundInitializer<?> bac
protected int getTaskCount() {
int result = 1;
for (final BackgroundInitializer<?> bi : childInitializers.values()) {
result += bi.getTaskCount();
synchronized (this) {
for (final BackgroundInitializer<?> bi : childInitializers.values()) {
result += bi.getTaskCount();
return result;

Binary file not shown.

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
@ -92,10 +93,10 @@ I choose to analyze version 3.12.0 of the library (i.e.\ the code under the
version analyzed during the SDM class.
To verify that the project satisfies the 5000 lines of code requirement, I run
the \textit{cloc} tool. Results are shown in figure \ref{fig:cloc}. Given the
the \textit{cloc} tool. Results are shown in table \ref{tab:cloc}. Given the
project has more than 118,000 lines of code, this requirement is satisfied.
@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ project has more than 118,000 lines of code, this requirement is satisfied.
\caption{Output of the \textit{cloc} tool for the Apache Commons Lang project at
tag \textit{rel/commons-lang-3.12.0} (before fixes are applied).}
\section{Running the Infer tool}
@ -136,5 +137,53 @@ automatically run the Infer tool using default options through the course
tools docker image \textit{bugcounting/satools:y23}. The analysis outputs
are located in \textit{before/infer-out/report.txt}.
Table \ref{tab:infer} shows the results of the analysis performed by Infer
providing comments on true and false positives and the actions taken for each
In total
\textbf{File} & \textbf{Line} & \textbf{Kind} & \textbf{True Pos.} &
\textbf{Comment} \\ \midrule & 72 & Null & Yes & -- \\
reflect/ & 486 & Null & Yes & -- \\
reflect/ & 126 & Null & Yes & -- \\
concurrent/ & 160 & Thread Safety & Yes & -- \\
builder/ & 223 & Null & ?? & \multirow{2}{6cm}{??} \\
builder/ & 131 & Null & No & \\
time/ & 142 & Null & No & The method which may return a null
value returns a non-null value if its parameter is non-null, and a
non-null parameter is given \\
\midrule & 181 & Null & No & According to \textit{java.lang} documentation, the
method always returns a non-null value \\
reflect/ & 341 & Null & No &
\multirow{4}{6cm}{a utility method is used to guard the dereference reported
with an exception throw} \\
reflect/ & 385 & Null & No & \\
reflect/ & 599 & Null & No & \\
reflect/ & 644 & Null & No & \\
reflect/ & 987 & Null & No & The method which may return a null
value returns a non-null value if its parameter is non-null, and a
non-null parameter is always given according to the \textit{java.lang}
documentation for the inner nested method \\ \bottomrule
\caption{Results of the Infer static analysis tool execution with default
options. \textit{True Pos.} denotes whether a result is a true positive,
while \textit{Kind} denotes with \textit{Null} and \textit{Thread Safety}
respectively null dereference issues and thread safety violations.}