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The project I analyze is therefore \href{https://github.com/apache/commons-lang}{\textbf{apache/commons-lang}}. \subsection{The Apache Commons Lang Project} The Apache Commons family of libraries is an Apache Software Foundation\footnote{\url{https://apache.org/}} sponsored collection of Java libraries designed to complement the standard libraries of Java. The Apache Commons Lang project focuses on classes that would have fitted in the \textit{java.lang} package if they were included with Java. All the source and test classes are contained within in the package \textit{org.apache.commons.lang3} or in a sub-package of that package. For the sake of brevity, this prefix is omitted from now on when mentioning packages and classes in the project. I choose to analyze version 3.12.0 of the library (i.e.\ the code under the \textit{git} tag \textit{rel/commons-lang-3.12.0}) because it is the same version analyzed during the SDM class. To verify that the project satisfies the 5000 lines of code requirement, I run the \textit{cloc} tool. Results are shown in table \ref{tab:cloc}. Given the project has more than 118,000 lines of code, this requirement is satisfied. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \toprule Language & Files & Blank & Comment & Code \\ \midrule Java & 409 & 15,790 & 60,363 & 86,056 \\ HTML & 22 & 1,015 & 100 & 13,028 \\ Text & 30 & 1,858 & 0 & 12,415 \\ XML & 38 & 434 & 539 & 4,819 \\ Maven & 1 & 31 & 37 & 940 \\ JavaScript & 5 & 21 & 78 & 698 \\ Markdown & 3 & 38 & 0 & 202 \\ CSS & 4 & 36 & 66 & 140 \\ Velocity Template Language & 1 & 23 & 31 & 90 \\ Groovy & 1 & 12 & 22 & 81 \\ YAML & 3 & 12 & 42 & 55 \\ Bourne Shell & 1 & 0 & 2 & 2 \\ \midrule Total & 518 & 19,270 & 61,280 & 118,526 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Output of the \textit{cloc} tool for the Apache Commons Lang project at tag \textit{rel/commons-lang-3.12.0} (before fixes are applied).} \label{tab:cloc} \end{table} \section{Running the Infer tool} The relevant source code to analyze has been copied to the directory \textit{before} in the assignment repository \begin{center} \href{https://gitlab.com/usi-si-teaching/msde/2022-2023/software-analysis/maggioni/assignment-2}{\textit{usi-si-teaching/msde/2022-2023/software-analysis/maggioni/assignment-2}} \end{center} on \textit{gitlab.com}. The script \textit{docker-infer.sh} can be ran to automatically run the Infer tool using default options through the course tools docker image \textit{bugcounting/satools:y23}. The analysis outputs are located in \textit{before/infer-out/report.txt}. \section{Results} Table \ref{tab:infer} shows the results of the analysis performed by Infer providing comments on true and false positives and the actions taken for each result. In total \begin{table}[] \small \begin{tabular}{@{}llp{1.2cm}p{0.8cm}p{6cm}@{}} \toprule \textbf{File} & \textbf{Line} & \textbf{Kind} & \textbf{True Pos.} & \textbf{Comment} \\ \midrule AnnotationUtils.java & 72 & Null & Yes & -- \\ reflect/MethodUtils.java & 486 & Null & Yes & -- \\ reflect/FieldUtils.java & 126 & Null & Yes & -- \\ concurrent/MultiBackgroundInitializer.java & 160 & Thread Safety & Yes & -- \\ \midrule builder/ToStringBuilder.java & 223 & Null & ?? & \multirow{2}{6cm}{??} \\ builder/ReflectionToStringBuilder.java & 131 & Null & No & \\ \midrule time/DurationUtils.java & 142 & Null & No & The method which may return a null value returns a non-null value if its parameter is non-null, and a non-null parameter is given \\ \midrule CharSetUtils.java & 181 & Null & No & According to \textit{java.lang} documentation, the method always returns a non-null value \\ \midrule reflect/FieldUtils.java & 341 & Null & No & \multirow{4}{6cm}{a utility method is used to guard the dereference reported with an exception throw} \\ reflect/FieldUtils.java & 385 & Null & No & \\ reflect/FieldUtils.java & 599 & Null & No & \\ reflect/FieldUtils.java & 644 & Null & No & \\ \midrule reflect/MethodUtils.java & 987 & Null & No & The method which may return a null value returns a non-null value if its parameter is non-null, and a non-null parameter is always given according to the \textit{java.lang} documentation for the inner nested method \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Results of the Infer static analysis tool execution with default options. \textit{True Pos.} denotes whether a result is a true positive, while \textit{Kind} denotes with \textit{Null} and \textit{Thread Safety} respectively null dereference issues and thread safety violations.} \label{tab:infer} \end{table} \end{document}