Report explains ProMeLa code and all LTLs

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2023-05-11 21:26:10 +02:00
parent 649dacc521
commit 171740efd6
3 changed files with 102 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd)
if [ "$#" -ne 54]; then
if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then
echo "$0: [ltl-prop] [n] [length] [r]" > /dev/stderr
exit 1
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ compile_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
cp "$SCRIPT_DIR/reversal.pml.m4" "$compile_dir"
cd "$compile_dir"
echo "Compiling in: $compile_dir"
m4 -DN="$2" -DLENGTH="$3" -DR="$4" -DLTL="$1" reversal.pml.m4 > "$filename"
spin -a "$filename"
"$cc" -Wno-format-overflow -o "$pan_name" pan.c

Binary file not shown.

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@ -140,22 +140,25 @@ bool seq_eq_to_parallel = true;
reverser store the reversed array. The \texttt{done} array stores an array of
boolean values: \mintinline{c}{done[0]} stores whether the sequential reverser
has terminated, and each \mintinline{c}{done[i]} for $1 \leq i \leq N$ stores
whether the i-th spawned thread of the parallel reverser has terminated
(consequently, since threads are joined in order, when \mintinline{c}{done[N] == true} the parallel reverser terminates). Finally
whether the i-th spawned thread of the parallel reverser has terminated.
Consequently, since threads are joined in order, when
\mintinline{c}{done[N] == true} the parallel reverser terminates, an effect that
is exploited by the main model body implementation to wait for it. Finally
\texttt{seq\_eq\_to\_parallel} is set to \mintinline{c}{false} when an
incongruence between \texttt{reversed\_seq} and \texttt{reversed\_par} is found
after termination of both reversers.
after termination of
both reversers.
The body of the model is structured in the following way:
init {
{ /* array initialization */ }
/* sequential reverser algorithm */
run SequentialReverser();
/* parallel reverser algorithm */
run ParallelReverser()
run ParallelReverser();
(done[0] == true && done[N] == true);
@ -163,12 +166,16 @@ init {
Each of the enumerated sections is surrounded by curly braces to emulate the
effect of locally scoped variables in procedures, which do not exist in
\textit{ProMeLa} aside the concurrency emulating \texttt{proctype} construct.
As requested by the assignment, the sequential and parallel reverser are
implemented in a \texttt{proctype} and spawned in parallel in the model. The two
\textit{ProMeLa} processes join before the congruence check thanks to an
``expression'' statement waiting on the termination boolean array to signal that
both reversers have finished doing their job.
The array initialization is carried out as follows:
@ -281,20 +288,97 @@ it is declared and set to a meaningful value in this block of the model.
In this section I cover the LTL property definitions I included in the model.
The following LTL property definition checks that once both reversers have
terminated, the content of
ltl seq_eq_parallel {
[] (seq_eq_to_parallel == true)
This LTL property definition checks that once both reversers have terminated,
the content of the respective reversed arrays they produce is the same. As
discussed in the previous section, this variable can only turn to false during
the execution of the congruence check and only if a pair of array elements of
same index is indeed different. Therefore, if the program is correct, the value
of the variable will always be true.
Note that this property does not ensure
termination of the program, at it relies on the congruence check to eventually
run at the end of the program. To ensure termination, I define the following LTL
ltl termination {
<> (done[0] == true && done[N] == true)
This mirrors the wait statement introduced in the model code before the
congruence check block, and relies exactly in the same way on the termination
boolean array. Note that the elements of the array can only turn from
\mintinline{c}{false} to \mintinline{c}{true} or not change at all, thus the
property in the ``eventually'' operator is actually always true after it becomes
indeed true (i.e.\ the program cannnot un-terminate according to the model).
I then define other two custom properties showcasing the powers of the
M4 macro processor when compared to the built-in \textit{ProMeLa} one.
// ifelse(LTL, correctness_seq, `
ltl correctness_seq {
[] (done[0] == true -> (true for(`k', 0, LENGTH-1, ` &&
r_s[eval(LENGTH - k - 1)] == a[k]')))
// ', `')
This property checks if the array produced by the sequential reverser is indeed
the reverse of the input array. Note that the ``polyglot'' M4 sugar allows for
the property to be arbitrairly unraveled based on the value of \texttt{LENGTH}.
Notice that to simplify the \textit{ProMeLa} source code to compile for long
array lengths, thanks to the \texttt{ifelse} macro the property is omitted by M4
when the property is not actually checked (because long LTL properties actually
make the model fail to parse). Here is an example of the unravelled property for
\mintinline{c}{LENGTH = 10}:
ltl correctness_seq {
[] (done[0] == true -> (true &&
r_s[9] == a[0] &&
r_s[8] == a[1] &&
r_s[7] == a[2] &&
r_s[6] == a[3] &&
r_s[5] == a[4] &&
r_s[4] == a[5] &&
r_s[3] == a[6] &&
r_s[2] == a[7] &&
r_s[1] == a[8] &&
r_s[0] == a[9]))
Note that the use of \mintinline{c}{true} as the first condition after the
implication is simply to allow for \mintinline{c}{&&} to be simply appended at
the start of each condition.
In a similar fashion, I also define a property that is not generally true. The
following LTL formula specifies that when the second thread of the parallel
reverser terminates, the section to be reversed by the first thread is already
// ifelse(LTL, correctness_par, `
ltl correctness_par {
[] (done[2] == true -> (true for(`k', 0, LENGTH / N - 1, ` &&
r_p[eval(LENGTH - k - 1)] == a[k]')))
// ', `')
This property is clearly not generally true as the first thread may not complete
the reversal process before the second thread terminates due to concurrency.
The citation \cite{tange_2023_7855617}.
The citation \cite{spin}.
The citation \cite{tange_2023_7855617}.