promela expl done (minus ltl)

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Claudio Maggioni 2023-05-10 16:47:52 +02:00
parent 422c06c7aa
commit 1e25f0d9d1
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@ -159,7 +159,118 @@ init {
Each of the enumerated sections is surrounded by curly braces to emulate the
effect of locally scoped variables in procedures, which do not exist in
\textit{ProMeLa} aside the cuncurrency-like \texttt{proctype} construct.
\textit{ProMeLa} aside the concurrency emulating \texttt{proctype} construct.
The array initialization is carried out as follows:
int i;
for (i in to_reverse) {
int value;
select(value: 0 .. R);
to_reverse[i] = value;
printf("to_reverse[%d]: %d\n", i, value);
As specified above, the array is initialized with values in $[0,R]$.
Specifically, values are generated using a nondeterministic \texttt{select}
statement to allow the model checker to try all possible values efficiently.
The sequential reversed algorithm is implemented with the following code:
int k;
for (k: 0 .. (LENGTH - 1)) {
reversed_seq[LENGTH - k - 1] = to_reverse[k];
printf("reversed_seq[%d] = to_reverse[%d]\n", LENGTH - k - 1, k);
done[0] = true;
which is a direct translation of the Java implementation to verify.
The sequential reverser is used to implement each thread of the parallel
reverser through the \textit{ThreadedReverser} class. In the model, the class is
translated in a Spin process through the \texttt{proctype} construct with the
following implementation:
proctype ThreadedReverser(int from; int to; int n) {
printf("proc[%d]: started from=%d to=%d\n", n, from, to);
int k;
for (k: from .. (to - 1)) {
printf("reversed_par[%d] = to_reverse[%d]\n", LENGTH - k - 1, k);
reversed_par[LENGTH - k - 1] = to_reverse[k];
printf("proc[%d]: ended\n", n);
done[n] = true;
The implementation is closely related to the sequential one, as it differs only
in \texttt{reversed\_par} being used as the destination array and limiting the
reversal between \texttt{from} and \texttt{to}. The argument \texttt{n} is used
to identify the thread in the \texttt{done} array to store the termination
state. Following the indexing rules of \texttt{done} given earlier, the i-th
spawned thread corresponds to a \texttt{proctype} call with $n = i$, so that at
termination \mintinline{c}{done[i]} is set to \mintinline{c}{true}.
The actual thread-spawning part of the parallel reverser, i.e.\ class
\textit{ParallelReverser} itself, is represented by the following
\textit{ProMeLa} code placed in the \texttt{init} section of the model:
int n;
int s = LENGTH / N;
for (n: 0 .. (N - 1)) { // fork loop
int from = n * s;
int to;
:: (n == N - 1) -> to = LENGTH;
:: else -> to = n * s + s;
run ThreadedReverser(from, to, n + 1); // fork here
for (n: 1 .. N) { // join loop
(done[n] == true); // join n-th thread here
printf("[%d] joined\n", n);
Here the values of \texttt{n}, \texttt{s}, \texttt{from} and \texttt{to}
replicate exactly the values used in the Java implementation. The \texttt{n + 1}
parameter identifies maps each \texttt{proctype} invocation to its place in the
invocation order (e.g.\ for $n=0$, \texttt{ThreadedReverser} is called with
$n+1=1$, since this is the 1st invocation of the process).
The second ``join'' loop waits for each process to complete in order of
invocation, replication the thread joining behaviour of the parallel reverser
implementation in the Java program. Note that the \textit{ProMeLa} statement
\mintinline{c}{(done[n] == true);} will ``wait'' for the value of
\mintinline{c}{done[n]} to be \mintinline{c}{true} before executing the
following statement, thus being an adequate analogy for
Finally, the congruence check between the arrays produced by both implementation
is implemented with the following code:
int i;
for (i: 0 .. (LENGTH - 1)) {
:: (reversed_seq[i] != reversed_par[i]) -> seq_eq_to_parallel = false;
Should any matching pair of elements be different,
\texttt{seq\_eq\_to\_parallel} will be set to \mintinline{c}{false}. Note that
this boolean variable is used to implement one of the LTL properties, hence why
it is declared and set to a meaningful value in this block of the model.
\subsection{LTL properties}
The citation \cite{tange_2023_7855617}.
The citation \cite{spin}.