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m4 for loop definition
int a[3]; // array to reverse
int r_s[3]; // for SequentialReverser: where the reverse is stored
int r_p[3]; // for ParallelReverser: where the reverse is stored
// stores termination of each reverser
// index 0 is for the sequential algorithm
// indices 1-2 are for the ThreadedReverser instances
bool done[2 + 1]; // initialized to false
bool seq_eq_to_parallel = true;
// ThreadedReverser implementation
proctype ThreadedReverser(int from; int to; int n) {
printf("proc[%d]: started from=%d to=%d\n", n, from, to);
int k;
for (k: from .. (to - 1)) {
printf("r_p[%d] = a[%d]\n", 3 - k - 1, k);
r_p[3 - k - 1] = a[k];
printf("proc[%d]: ended\n", n);
done[n] = true;
// SequentialReverser implementation
proctype SequentialReverser() {
int k;
for (k: 0 .. (3 - 1)) {
r_s[3 - k - 1] = a[k];
printf("r_s[%d] = a[%d]\n", 3 - k - 1, k);
done[0] = true; // mark sequential end
// ParallelReverser implementation
proctype ParallelReverser() {
int n;
int s = 3 / 2;
// fork section
for (n: 0 .. (2 - 1)) {
int from = n * s;
int to;
:: (n == 2 - 1) -> to = 3;
:: else -> to = n * s + s;
run ThreadedReverser(from, to, n + 1); // run as "thread n"
// join section
for (n: 1 .. 2) {
(done[n] == true); // wait "thread n"
printf("[%d] joined\n", n);
init {
printf("program start\n");
// array initialization
int i;
for (i in a) {
int value;
select(value: 0 .. 2);
a[i] = value;
printf("a[%d]: %d\n", i, value);
printf("sequential start\n");
run SequentialReverser();
printf("parallel start\n");
run ParallelReverser();
(done[0] == true && done[2] == true);
// test if seq and parallel are the same
int i;
for (i: 0 .. (3 - 1)) {
:: (r_s[i] != r_p[i]) -> seq_eq_to_parallel = false;
// ltl syntax:
ltl seq_eq_parallel {
// the variable seq_eq_to_parallel will never be false if all the elements
// between the sequential and parallel reversed arrays are equal
[] (seq_eq_to_parallel == true)
ltl termination {
// termination happens when the sequential reverser terminates
// (done[0] is true) and the last process in the parallel reverser joins
// (done[2] is true)
<> (done[0] == true && done[2] == true)
// Due to avoid excessive parser complexity when checking the model
// with other ltl properties the correctness_seq is excluded by m4 from the
// ProMeLa source when there is no need to check it
// Similar exclusion logic is applied to correctness_par