This repository has been archived on 2023-06-18. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

755 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Generated by PEG.js 0.10.0.
"use strict";
function peg$subclass(child, parent) {
function ctor() { this.constructor = child; }
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
function peg$SyntaxError(message, expected, found, location) {
this.message = message;
this.expected = expected;
this.found = found;
this.location = location; = "SyntaxError";
if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === "function") {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, peg$SyntaxError);
peg$subclass(peg$SyntaxError, Error);
peg$SyntaxError.buildMessage = function(expected, found) {
literal: function(expectation) {
return "\"" + literalEscape(expectation.text) + "\"";
"class": function(expectation) {
var escapedParts = "",
for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
escapedParts +=[i] instanceof Array
? classEscape([i][0]) + "-" + classEscape([i][1])
: classEscape([i]);
return "[" + (expectation.inverted ? "^" : "") + escapedParts + "]";
any: function(expectation) {
return "any character";
end: function(expectation) {
return "end of input";
other: function(expectation) {
return expectation.description;
function hex(ch) {
return ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
function literalEscape(s) {
return s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/\0/g, '\\0')
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/[\x00-\x0F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x0' + hex(ch); })
.replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x' + hex(ch); });
function classEscape(s) {
return s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/\]/g, '\\]')
.replace(/\^/g, '\\^')
.replace(/-/g, '\\-')
.replace(/\0/g, '\\0')
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/[\x00-\x0F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x0' + hex(ch); })
.replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x' + hex(ch); });
function describeExpectation(expectation) {
return DESCRIBE_EXPECTATION_FNS[expectation.type](expectation);
function describeExpected(expected) {
var descriptions = new Array(expected.length),
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
descriptions[i] = describeExpectation(expected[i]);
if (descriptions.length > 0) {
for (i = 1, j = 1; i < descriptions.length; i++) {
if (descriptions[i - 1] !== descriptions[i]) {
descriptions[j] = descriptions[i];
descriptions.length = j;
switch (descriptions.length) {
case 1:
return descriptions[0];
case 2:
return descriptions[0] + " or " + descriptions[1];
return descriptions.slice(0, -1).join(", ")
+ ", or "
+ descriptions[descriptions.length - 1];
function describeFound(found) {
return found ? "\"" + literalEscape(found) + "\"" : "end of input";
return "Expected " + describeExpected(expected) + " but " + describeFound(found) + " found.";
function peg$parse(input, options) {
options = options !== void 0 ? options : {};
var peg$FAILED = {},
peg$startRuleFunctions = { Text: peg$parseText },
peg$startRuleFunction = peg$parseText,
peg$c0 = function(k, w, t) { return "<b class='k'>"+k+"</b>" + w + t },
peg$c1 = function(id, w, t) { return "<b class='id'>"+id+"</b>" + w + t },
peg$c2 = function(s, w, t) { return "<b class='s'>"+s+"</b>" + w + t },
peg$c3 = "feature",
peg$c4 = peg$literalExpectation("feature", false),
peg$c5 = "optional",
peg$c6 = peg$literalExpectation("optional", false),
peg$c7 = "required",
peg$c8 = peg$literalExpectation("required", false),
peg$c9 = "requires",
peg$c10 = peg$literalExpectation("requires", false),
peg$c11 = "excludes",
peg$c12 = peg$literalExpectation("excludes", false),
peg$c13 = "hasOneOf",
peg$c14 = peg$literalExpectation("hasOneOf", false),
peg$c15 = "hasSome",
peg$c16 = peg$literalExpectation("hasSome", false),
peg$c17 = "has",
peg$c18 = peg$literalExpectation("has", false),
peg$c19 = "[",
peg$c20 = peg$literalExpectation("[", false),
peg$c21 = "]",
peg$c22 = peg$literalExpectation("]", false),
peg$c23 = ",",
peg$c24 = peg$literalExpectation(",", false),
peg$c25 = function() { return "<b>"+text()+"</b>"; },
peg$c26 = function() { return text(); },
peg$c27 = "\"",
peg$c28 = peg$literalExpectation("\"", false),
peg$c29 = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]/,
peg$c30 = peg$classExpectation([["0", "9"], ["a", "z"], ["A", "Z"], "_", "-"], false, false),
peg$c31 = /^[\-0-9a-zA-Z_]/,
peg$c32 = peg$classExpectation(["-", ["0", "9"], ["a", "z"], ["A", "Z"], "_"], false, false),
peg$c33 = peg$otherExpectation("integer"),
peg$c34 = /^[0-9]/,
peg$c35 = peg$classExpectation([["0", "9"]], false, false),
peg$c36 = function() { return parseInt(text(), 10); },
peg$c37 = peg$otherExpectation("whitespace"),
peg$c38 = /^[ \t\n\r]/,
peg$c39 = peg$classExpectation([" ", "\t", "\n", "\r"], false, false),
peg$currPos = 0,
peg$savedPos = 0,
peg$posDetailsCache = [{ line: 1, column: 1 }],
peg$maxFailPos = 0,
peg$maxFailExpected = [],
peg$silentFails = 0,
if ("startRule" in options) {
if (!(options.startRule in peg$startRuleFunctions)) {
throw new Error("Can't start parsing from rule \"" + options.startRule + "\".");
peg$startRuleFunction = peg$startRuleFunctions[options.startRule];
function text() {
return input.substring(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);
function location() {
return peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos);
function expected(description, location) {
location = location !== void 0 ? location : peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos)
throw peg$buildStructuredError(
input.substring(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos),
function error(message, location) {
location = location !== void 0 ? location : peg$computeLocation(peg$savedPos, peg$currPos)
throw peg$buildSimpleError(message, location);
function peg$literalExpectation(text, ignoreCase) {
return { type: "literal", text: text, ignoreCase: ignoreCase };
function peg$classExpectation(parts, inverted, ignoreCase) {
return { type: "class", parts: parts, inverted: inverted, ignoreCase: ignoreCase };
function peg$anyExpectation() {
return { type: "any" };
function peg$endExpectation() {
return { type: "end" };
function peg$otherExpectation(description) {
return { type: "other", description: description };
function peg$computePosDetails(pos) {
var details = peg$posDetailsCache[pos], p;
if (details) {
return details;
} else {
p = pos - 1;
while (!peg$posDetailsCache[p]) {
details = peg$posDetailsCache[p];
details = {
line: details.line,
column: details.column
while (p < pos) {
if (input.charCodeAt(p) === 10) {
details.column = 1;
} else {
peg$posDetailsCache[pos] = details;
return details;
function peg$computeLocation(startPos, endPos) {
var startPosDetails = peg$computePosDetails(startPos),
endPosDetails = peg$computePosDetails(endPos);
return {
start: {
offset: startPos,
line: startPosDetails.line,
column: startPosDetails.column
end: {
offset: endPos,
line: endPosDetails.line,
column: endPosDetails.column
function peg$fail(expected) {
if (peg$currPos < peg$maxFailPos) { return; }
if (peg$currPos > peg$maxFailPos) {
peg$maxFailPos = peg$currPos;
peg$maxFailExpected = [];
function peg$buildSimpleError(message, location) {
return new peg$SyntaxError(message, null, null, location);
function peg$buildStructuredError(expected, found, location) {
return new peg$SyntaxError(
peg$SyntaxError.buildMessage(expected, found),
function peg$parseText() {
var s0, s1, s2, s3;
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = peg$parseKeyword();
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = peg$parse_();
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
s3 = peg$parseText();
if (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c0(s1, s2, s3);
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = peg$parseIdentifier();
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = peg$parse_();
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
s3 = peg$parseText();
if (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c1(s1, s2, s3);
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = peg$parseString();
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = peg$parse_();
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
s3 = peg$parseText();
if (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c2(s1, s2, s3);
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s0 = peg$parse_();
return s0;
function peg$parseKeyword() {
var s0, s1;
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 7) === peg$c3) {
s0 = peg$c3;
peg$currPos += 7;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c4); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 8) === peg$c5) {
s0 = peg$c5;
peg$currPos += 8;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c6); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 8) === peg$c7) {
s0 = peg$c7;
peg$currPos += 8;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c8); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 8) === peg$c9) {
s0 = peg$c9;
peg$currPos += 8;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c10); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 8) === peg$c11) {
s0 = peg$c11;
peg$currPos += 8;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c12); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 8) === peg$c13) {
s0 = peg$c13;
peg$currPos += 8;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c14); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 7) === peg$c15) {
s0 = peg$c15;
peg$currPos += 7;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c16); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.substr(peg$currPos, 3) === peg$c17) {
s0 = peg$c17;
peg$currPos += 3;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c18); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === 91) {
s0 = peg$c19;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c20); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
if (input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === 93) {
s0 = peg$c21;
} else {
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c22); }
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s0 = peg$currPos;
if (input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === 44) {
s1 = peg$c23;
} else {
s1 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c24); }
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c25();
s0 = s1;
return s0;
function peg$parseIdentifier() {
var s0, s1;
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = peg$parseLabel();
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c26();
s0 = s1;
return s0;
function peg$parseString() {
var s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5;
s0 = peg$currPos;
if (input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === 34) {
s1 = peg$c27;
} else {
s1 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c28); }
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = [];
s3 = peg$currPos;
s4 = peg$parseLabel();
if (s4 !== peg$FAILED) {
s5 = peg$parse_();
if (s5 !== peg$FAILED) {
s4 = [s4, s5];
s3 = s4;
} else {
peg$currPos = s3;
s3 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s3;
s3 = peg$FAILED;
while (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
s3 = peg$currPos;
s4 = peg$parseLabel();
if (s4 !== peg$FAILED) {
s5 = peg$parse_();
if (s5 !== peg$FAILED) {
s4 = [s4, s5];
s3 = s4;
} else {
peg$currPos = s3;
s3 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s3;
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
if (input.charCodeAt(peg$currPos) === 34) {
s3 = peg$c27;
} else {
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c28); }
if (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c26();
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
return s0;
function peg$parseLabel() {
var s0, s1, s2, s3;
s0 = peg$currPos;
if (peg$c29.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s1 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s1 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c30); }
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = [];
if (peg$c31.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s3 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c32); }
while (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
if (peg$c31.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s3 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c32); }
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c26();
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
return s0;
function peg$parseInteger() {
var s0, s1, s2, s3;
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = peg$parse_();
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
s2 = [];
if (peg$c34.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s3 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c35); }
if (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
while (s3 !== peg$FAILED) {
if (peg$c34.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s3 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s3 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c35); }
} else {
s2 = peg$FAILED;
if (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c36();
s0 = s1;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
} else {
peg$currPos = s0;
s0 = peg$FAILED;
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s1 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c33); }
return s0;
function peg$parse_() {
var s0, s1, s2;
s0 = peg$currPos;
s1 = [];
if (peg$c38.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s2 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s2 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c39); }
while (s2 !== peg$FAILED) {
if (peg$c38.test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
s2 = input.charAt(peg$currPos);
} else {
s2 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c39); }
if (s1 !== peg$FAILED) {
peg$savedPos = s0;
s1 = peg$c26();
s0 = s1;
if (s0 === peg$FAILED) {
s1 = peg$FAILED;
if (peg$silentFails === 0) { peg$fail(peg$c37); }
return s0;
peg$result = peg$startRuleFunction();
if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos === input.length) {
return peg$result;
} else {
if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos < input.length) {
throw peg$buildStructuredError(
peg$maxFailPos < input.length ? input.charAt(peg$maxFailPos) : null,
peg$maxFailPos < input.length
? peg$computeLocation(peg$maxFailPos, peg$maxFailPos + 1)
: peg$computeLocation(peg$maxFailPos, peg$maxFailPos)
module.exports = {
SyntaxError: peg$SyntaxError,
parse: peg$parse