hw7: done except 2 ADR

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2023-04-03 18:09:20 +02:00
parent a68c667063
commit 5d0f7aeebb

View File

@ -777,11 +777,21 @@ Exceed: Redesign based on >3 reused components (1 Logical View, >1 Process View,
Components TBD:
- https://github.com/hap-java/HAP-Java
- https://github.com/tlaukkan/MQTT4java
- instances of the PostgreSQL 15 RDBMS ([sources here](https://github.com/postgres/postgres) and [specification here](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/index.html)), a _free as in beer_ and FOSS piece of software.
- https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot
## Component selection process ADRs
<span style="color: red">TBD HAP-java + paho.mqtt.java</span>
<span style="color: red">TBD postgres (cite ADR #3 - reational DBs)</span>
## Chosen components
| **Name** | **Version** | **Description** | **Price** | **Sources** |
| -------- | ----------- | --------------- | --------- | - |
| HAP-Java | 2.0.4 (2022-11-23) | Java implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol | free (MIT license) | https://github.com/hap-java/HAP-Java/tree/hap-2.0.4 |
| Eclipse Paho Java MQTT client | 1.2.5 SR (2020-07-15) | Java client for the MQTT protocol | free (EPL 2.0 license) | https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.java/tree/v1.2.5 |
| PostgreSQL | 15.2 (2023-02-06) | Relational DBMS | free (PostgreSQL license) | https://github.com/postgres/postgres/tree/REL_15_2 |
## Logical View
@ -889,17 +899,18 @@ skinparam defaultFontName Courier
Use case: a user alters manually the state of device 'D' in the UI, and the device updates accordingly. Device 'D' is not part of any defined trigger.
## Process Views
Use Case: An homekit smart sensor 'HS' and a MQTT smart sensor 'MS' report values which satisfy the condition defined in a trigger. Thanks to an automation specification, this in turn triggers the application of a scene which changes the state of homekit smart device 'D'.
title Process View: UI updates state of device
title Process View: Sensor triggers trigger and scene application
box "IoT Devices"
participant "HomeKit dev." as HD
participant "HomeKit sens." as HS
participant "MQTT dev." as ZD
participant "MQTT sens." as ZS
participant "HomeKit device 'D'" as HD
participant "HomeKit sensor 'HS'" as HS
participant "MQTT sensor 'MS'" as ZS
end box
box "User Interface"
@ -925,14 +936,78 @@ box "Scenes"
participant "DB" as SCDB
end box
UI -> DI: update state (HTTP PUT)
HS -> HAP: Homekit protocol\n(report new temperature value)
HAP -> DI: TemperatureSensorAccessory.getCurrentTemperature() Future resolves\n(report new temperature value from 'HS')
ZS -> ZIG: MQTT PUBLISH\n(report new temperature value)
ZIG -> DI: subscriber.subscribe(...) observer called\n(report new temperature value from 'MS')
DI -> DIDB: JDBC transaction (UPDATE)\n(store new states)
DI -> WSS: s.getBasicRemote().sendText(...)\n(send new device states)
WSS <- WSC: WebSocket protocol
WSC -> UI: connection.onmessage called\n(new device states received, updates UI)
DI -> T: report latest device states
T -> TDB: prepared SELECT statement\n(query for relevant triggers)
T -> TDB: prepared SELECT statement\n(query for triggered automations)
T -> TDB: prepared SELECT statement\n(query for scenes included in automation)
T -> SC: request scene application
SC -> SCDB: prepared SELECT statement\n(query for device states to apply)
SC -> DI: HTTP 1.1 PUT /devices/{id}/state\n(apply new state to device 'D')
DI -> HAP: LightbulbAccessory.setLightbulbPowerState(...)\n(apply new state to device 'D')
HAP -> HD: Homekit protocol\n(apply new state)
HD -> HAP: Homekit protocol\n(report successful application)
HAP -> DI: LightbulbAccessory.setLightbulbPowerState(...) Future completes\n(report successful application)
DI -> DIDB: JDBC transaction (UPDATE)\n(store new state)
DI -> WSS: s.getBasicRemote().sendText(...)\n(send new device state)
WSS <- WSC: WebSocket protocol
WSC -> UI: connection.onmessage called\n(new device state received, updates UI)
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam shadowing false
skinparam defaultFontName Courier
Use case: a user alters manually the state of device 'D' in the UI, and the device updates accordingly. Device 'D' is not part of any defined trigger.
title Process View: UI updates state of device
box "IoT Devices"
participant "MQTT device 'D'" as ZD
end box
box "User Interface"
participant "UI" as UI
participant "WebSockets API (JS)" as WSC
end box
box "Users and Devices"
participant "javax.websocket" as WSS
participant "HAP-java" as HAP
participant "paho.mqtt.java" as ZIG
participant "Engine" as DI
participant "DB" as DIDB
end box
box "Triggers and Automations"
participant "Engine" as T
participant "DB" as TDB
end box
box "Scenes"
participant "Engine" as SC
participant "DB" as SCDB
end box
UI -> DI: HTTP 1.1 PUT /devices/{id}/state\n(update state)
DI -> ZIG: client.publish(\n TOPIC,\n new MqttMessage(...)\n);\n(request state update)
ZIG -> ZD: PUBLISH\n(state update request)
ZD -> ZIG: PUBLISH\n(new state)
ZIG -> ZD: MQTT PUBLISH\n(state update request)
ZD -> ZIG: MQTT PUBLISH\n(new state)
ZIG -> DI: subscriber.subscribe(...) observer called \n(successful application)
DI -> DIDB: JDBC transaction (UPDATE)\n(store new state)
DI -> WSS: s.getBasicRemote().sendText(...)\n(send new device state)
WSS -> WSC: WebSocket protocol
WSS <--> WSC: WebSocket protocol
WSC -> UI: connection.onmessage called\n(new device state received, updates UI)
DI -> T: report latest device state