exercise 4 done

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2023-03-19 18:23:27 +01:00
parent c64cacff0f
commit 742dc1a789
2 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
feature root "SmartHut"
feature ui "User interface"
feature web "Web app"
feature ios "iOS app"
feature android "Android app"
feature desktop "Desktop/electron app"
feature backend "Backend"
feature api "API"
feature rest "REST"
feature soap "SOAP"
feature socket "WebSocket"
feature bl "Business logic"
feature inout "Input-output propagation"
feature sensors "Sensors"
feature scenes "Scenes"
feature trig "Triggers"
feature aut "Automation"
feature device "IoT device integration"
feature homekit "HomeKit API"
feature echo "Echo API"
feature google "Google API"
feature scripts "Deployment scripts"
feature docker "Docker images"
feature xdd "x86-64 Linux"
feature xss "x86 Linux"
feature arm "ARM Linux"
feature win "x86-64 Windows image"
feature dcomp "docker-compose script"
feature va "v3.8"
feature vb "v2.4"
feature vc "v1"
root has ui
root has backend
root has device
root has scripts
ui has web
ui canHave android
ui canHave ios
ui canHave desktop
backend has api
backend has bl
bl has inout
bl has sensors
bl has scenes
bl canHave trig
bl canHave aut
api canHave rest
api canHave soap
api has socket
device hasSome [homekit, echo, google]
scripts has docker
scripts has dcomp
dcomp hasOneOf [va, vb, vc]
docker canHave xss
docker canHave arm
docker canHave win
docker has xdd
ui requires api
rest excludes soap
api requires bl
aut requires trig
aut requires scenes

View File

@ -424,6 +424,29 @@ Exceed: Include more than 8 non-trivial features, indicate which are found in yo
} }
By "competitor" I choose to consider the existing application as it has been developed for the 2020 edition of SA4, comparing what has already been implemented to what needs to be implemented.
Here is a list of features included in the existing application. All other features therefore need to / could be implemented or replace existing features.
- User Interface
- Web app
- Backend
- WebSocket
- Business Logic
- Input-output propagation
- Sensors
- Scenes
- Deployment scripts
- Docker images
- x66-64 linux
- docker-compose script
- v2.4
![Feature Model Diagram](./features.fml1)
# Ex - Context Diagram # Ex - Context Diagram