# MSDE Software Architecture 2022 Modeling Assignment Repository ## Getting started ``` brew install yarn plantuml yarn install yarn global add onchange ``` For installation of brew take a look at: * https://brew.sh/ Make sure that your `java` version is compatible with `plantuml` ## Building the document ``` yarn build ``` The document [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheetplan) and [PlantUML](https://plantuml.com/) source is found in the `src/sa/model/` folder. Write your assignments extending the template `index.md` as you solve each exercise. Enter your project title and your name in the header. ``` --- title: Model of My Project --- author: Enter Your Full Name --- ``` The HTML output and the generated SVG diagrams are stored in the `upload` folder. ## Clean the Output ``` yarn clean ``` ## Continuous Build ``` yarn watch ``` This requires `yarn global add onchange` to work. It will automatically rebuild the documentation when the source files are modified. Stop it using `^C`. ## Submitting Your Work After adding (with `git add`) whatever file you have modified (please **do not** include the generated files inside the `upload` folder), use the following commit message to indicate your work is ready to be checked: ``` git commit -m "exercise N complete, please check" git push ``` where N is the assignment number (0-15). We will use github issues to provide feedback about your model. Also, be ready to present and discuss your work during lectures.