#!/bin/sh echo Testing... # Remove actual output from prior run (if any) rm -f asm-6.2.1.jar-actual.output.txt # There should be only one build folder, with the name of this IntelliJ project. Get that name. OUT=`ls ../out/production` # Run the program, storing stdout in a file java -cp ../out/production/${OUT}:../lib/asm-7.1.jar:../lib/asm-tree-7.1.jar:../lib/asm-util-7.1.jar Analyzer asm-6.2.1.jar > asm-6.2.1.jar-actual.output.txt # Compare actual to expected output diff asm-6.2.1.jar-actual.output.txt asm-6.2.1.jar-expected.output.txt RESULT=$? # If actual output differs from expected output, print "failed" if [ ${RESULT} -eq 0 ]; then echo passed else echo failed fi