# Lab 3 - Software Peformance 2023 This is Lab 3 of the **Software Performance** course at USI. Go to [this Lab on iCorsi](https://www.icorsi.ch/course/view.php?id=16963). ## Submission Info Property | Value ------------ | ------------- First Name | ... Last Name | ... ## Submission Checklist Please complete this checklist (turn [ ] into [X]) before you submit: - [ ] I completed the above Submission Info - [ ] I built the project in IntelliJ (Build > Build Project) - [ ] I implemented the ControlFlowGraphBuilder - [ ] I implemented the ControlFlowGraphRenderer - [ ] I wrote the source code myself and did not look at the source code of my class mates - [ ] I ran all the JUnit tests and verified that they all pass - [ ] I manually checked that my implementation is correct by doing this: - [ ] I studied the test-input/ExampleClass.java source code - [ ] I ran App to produce the dot files (in test-output/) - [ ] I ran dot to turn the dot files in test-output into a PDF - [ ] I manually verified that the PDF contains one page per method of ExampleClass - [ ] I manually verified that those CFGs correspond to the methods' source code - [ ] I committed my changes (at least one commit, but possibly many) - [ ] I pushed my commits to GitHub