2023-11-18 17:26:15 +01:00

133 lines
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package ch.usi.inf.sp.callgraph.renderer;
import ch.usi.inf.sp.callgraph.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class DotGraph {
// use map[e->e] instead of set[e] to allow fetching equal element
private final DuplicateAwareSet<DotClassNode> classNodes = new DuplicateAwareSet<>();
private final DuplicateAwareSet<DotMethodNode> methodNodes = new DuplicateAwareSet<>();
private final List<DotEdge> otherEdges = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set<DotEdge> classToMethodEdges = new HashSet<>();
private static String formatProperties(Map<String, String> properties) {
return properties.entrySet().stream()
.map((e) -> String.format("%s=\"%s\"", e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
private static <E> Map<E, Integer> enumerate(Set<E> set) {
final Map<E, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
int index = 0;
for (final E element : set) {
map.put(element, index++);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
private DotClassNode considerClass(final ClassType classType) {
return classNodes.addIfNew(new DotClassNode(classType), (addedClassNode) -> {
if (addedClassNode.isResolved()) {
for (final Method m : classType.getMethods()) {
new DotMethodNode(new MethodAdapter(m)),
(addedMethodNode) -> classToMethodEdges.add(new ClassToMethodEdge(addedClassNode, addedMethodNode))
for (final ClassType c : classType.getInterfaces()) {
final DotClassNode interfaceNode = considerClass(c);
otherEdges.add(new TypeHierarchyEdge(addedClassNode, interfaceNode));
private void scanMethods() {
final Deque<DotMethodNode> methodQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(methodNodes.getAll());
while (!methodQueue.isEmpty()) {
final DotMethodNode methodNode = methodQueue.pop();
final Method m = methodNode.getMethodLike().getMethod();
if (m == null) continue; // we care about actual methods only, not callsites
for (final CallSite c : m.getCallSites()) {
final DotMethodNode toMethodNode = methodNodes.addIfNew(new DotMethodNode(new CallSiteAdapter(c)));
otherEdges.add(new InvokeEdge(methodNode, toMethodNode, c.getOpcode(), true));
for (final ClassType p : c.getPossibleTargetClasses()) {
if (p.getInternalName().endsWith("Math")) {
final DotMethodNode pm = methodNodes.addIfNew(new DotMethodNode(new PossibleTargetAdapter(c, p)));
final DotClassNode pc = classNodes.addIfNew(new DotClassNode(p));
// if the target is a new node, the class of that node might not have been analyzed,
// thus class to method edges might not have been added
classToMethodEdges.add(new ClassToMethodEdge(pc, pm));
otherEdges.add(new InvokeEdge(methodNode, toMethodNode, c.getOpcode(), false));
public void build(final ClassHierarchy hierarchy) {
for (final Type type : hierarchy.getTypes()) {
if (type instanceof ClassType) {
final ClassType classType = (ClassType) type;
final DotClassNode node = considerClass(classType);
final ClassType superClassType = classType.getSuperClass();
if (superClassType != null) {
final DotClassNode superNode = considerClass(superClassType);
otherEdges.add(new TypeHierarchyEdge(node, superNode));
public String toDot() {
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append("digraph CallGraph {\n");
final Set<DotNode> nodes = new HashSet<>();
final Map<DotNode, Integer> nodeToId = enumerate(nodes);
for (final Map.Entry<DotNode, Integer> e : nodeToId.entrySet()) {
s.append(buildNode(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
final List<DotEdge> edges = new ArrayList<>(otherEdges);
for (final DotEdge e : edges) {
s.append(buildEdge(e, nodeToId.get(e.getFrom()), nodeToId.get(e.getTo())));
return s.toString();
private String buildNode(DotNode node, int nodeId) {
return String.format("node%d [%s];\n", nodeId, formatProperties(node.getProperties()));
private String buildEdge(DotEdge edge, int idFrom, int idTo) {
return String.format("node%d %s node%d [%s];\n", idFrom, edge.getConnector(), idTo, formatProperties(edge.getProperties()));