package comments.resources; import comments.model.Comment; import comments.repository.CriticsRepository; import comments.repository.MapCriticsRepository; //import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.BadRequestException; //import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.NotFoundException; import*; import*; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; @Path("/comments") public class CommentResource { public static CommentResource _instance = null; CriticsRepository repository; private CommentResource() { repository = MapCriticsRepository.getInstance(); } public static CommentResource getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new CommentResource(); } return _instance; } public void order(List list) { // Comparator c = Comparator.comparing(x -> x.getDate()); Collections.sort(list, new ComparatorDateComment()); } public List length(List list, Integer index) { List sublist = list.subList(0, index); return sublist; } @GET @Produces("application/json") public Response getAll(@QueryParam("contains") String word, @QueryParam("type") String type, @QueryParam("order") String order, @QueryParam("offset") String offset, @QueryParam("limit") String limit) { if(type != null && !type.equals("Review") && !type.equals("Request") && !type.equals("Complain") && !type.equals("All")) return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("type must be one of Review, Request, Complain or All").build(); // return Response.status(400).build(); if(order != null && !order.equals("date") && !order.equals("-date") && !order.equals("+date")) return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("order must be one of date, -date or +date").build(); // return Response.status(400).build(); List comments = new ArrayList(); Comment c = null; Iterator iterator = repository.getAllComments().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { c =; if (wordFilter(c, word) && typeFilter(c, type)) { comments.add(c); } } if (order != null && (order.equals("date") || order.equals("+date"))) { Collections.sort(comments, new ComparatorDateComment()); } if (order != null && order.equals("-date")) { Collections.sort(comments, new ComparatorDateCommentReversed()); } Integer off = 0; Integer lim = comments.size(); if (offset != null) { try { off = new Integer(offset); if (off < 0 || off > comments.size()) { off = 0; } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("The offset must be a number").build(); } } if (limit != null) { try { lim = new Integer(limit); if (lim < 0 || lim + off > comments.size()) { lim = comments.size(); } else { lim--; } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("The limit must be a number").build(); } } comments = comments.subList(off, lim + off > comments.size() ? lim : lim + off); return Response.ok(comments).build(); } @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces("application/json") public Response getComment(@PathParam("id") String commentId) { Comment comment = repository.getComment(commentId); if (comment == null) { return Response.status(404).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("The comment with id" + commentId + " was not found").type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); // return Response.status(404).build(); } return Response.ok(comment).build(); } @DELETE @Path("{id}") @Produces("application/json") public Response deleteComment(@PathParam("id") String commentId) { Comment comment = repository.getComment(commentId); if (comment == null) { return Response.status(404).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("The comment with id" + commentId + " was not found").build(); // return Response.status(404).build(); } return Response.noContent().build(); } @POST @Consumes("application/json") @Produces("application/json") public Response addComment(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, Comment c) { if (!validateBodyPost(c)) { return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("You must complete the username and text fields").build(); // return Response.status(400).build(); } if (c.getType() != null && !(c.getType().equals("Review") || c.getType().equals("Request") || c.getType().equals("Complain"))) { return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("Invalid value for type parameter").build(); // return Response.status(400).build(); } repository.addComment(c); UriBuilder ub = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path(this.getClass(), "getComment"); URI uri =; ResponseBuilder resp = Response.created(uri); resp.entity(c); return; } @PUT @Consumes("application/json") @Produces("application/json") public Response updateComment(Comment c) { if(!validateBodyPut(c)) return Response.status(400).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("You must complete all fields").build(); // return Response.status(400).build(); Comment oldComment = repository.getComment(c.getId()); if (oldComment == null) { return Response.status(404).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).entity("The comment with id " + c.getId() + " was not found").build(); // return Response.status(404).build(); } repository.updateComment(c); return Response.ok(repository.getComment(c.getId())).build(); } private boolean validateBodyPost(Comment c) { return c != null && c.getUserName() != null && !c.getUserName().equals("") && c.getText() != null && !c.getText().equals("") && !(c.getType() != null && !c.getType().equals("Review") && !c.getType().equals("Request") && !c.getType().equals("Complain")); } private boolean validateBodyPut(Comment c) { return c != null && c.getId() != null && !c.getId().equals("") && c.getUserName() != null && !c.getUserName().equals("") && c.getText() != null && !c.getText().equals("") && c.getId() != null && !c.getId().equals("") && c.getDate() != null && !c.getDate().equals("") && c.getType() != null && (c.getType().equals("Review") || c.getType().equals("Request") || c.getType().equals("Complain")); } // Returns true if the comment include word, or if the word is null or empty. private boolean wordFilter(Comment c, String word) { return (word == null || word.equals("") || c.getText().contains(word)); } // Returns true if the comment matches the input type. private boolean typeFilter(Comment c, String type) { // return (type == null || type.equals("") || type.equals("All") || c.getType().equals(type)); return type == null || type.equals("") || type.equals("All") || (c.getType() != null && c.getType().equals(type)); } }