// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=80: /* * Assignment 3 - Chess paths * Claudio Maggioni * * No external source was used as parts of code or as an inspiration for the * overall algorithm. * * The flag DEBUG, if defined, activates some debug messages printe on stdout. * This is disabled to comply with tests. */ #include "chess_paths.h" #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG char* NAMES[] = { "KING", "QUEEN", "ROOK", "BISHOP", "KNIGHT", "PAWN" }; void print_p_position(struct piece_position* p) { printf("%s at row: %u col: %u\n", NAMES[p->piece], p->row, p->column); } void print_visited(const struct chessboard* ch, bool* v) { for (int r = rows(ch) - 1; r >= 0; r--) { for (int c = 0; c < columns(ch); c++) { printf("%d", v[columns(ch) * c + r]); } puts(""); } } #endif /** * Code for visited row/column dictionary. Used in simple_path_len */ struct row_list { unsigned row; unsigned column; struct row_list* next; }; typedef struct row_list* visit_table; #if DEBUG unsigned long alloc = 0; #endif unsigned long table_total_size(const struct chessboard*); unsigned long table_hash(const struct chessboard*, unsigned, unsigned); inline unsigned long table_total_size(const struct chessboard* c) { return 100; } inline unsigned long table_hash(const struct chessboard* c, unsigned col, unsigned row) { return (value_at(c, col, row) ^ (('C'|'a') << 24 | ('r'|'z') << 16 | ('a'|'n') << 8 | ('i'|'g'|'a'))) % table_total_size(c); } visit_table* table_new(const struct chessboard* c) { unsigned long table_size = table_total_size(c); #if DEBUG alloc += sizeof(struct row_list*) * table_size; #endif return calloc(table_size, sizeof(struct row_list*)); } void table_visit(const struct chessboard* c, visit_table* visited, unsigned column, unsigned row) { unsigned long hash = table_hash(c, column, row); struct row_list* prev = hash[visited]; #if DEBUG alloc += sizeof(struct row_list); #endif hash[visited] = malloc(sizeof(struct row_list)); assert(hash[visited] != NULL); hash[visited]->row = row; hash[visited]->column = column; hash[visited]->next = prev; } bool table_visited(const struct chessboard* c, visit_table* visited, unsigned column, unsigned row) { unsigned long hash = table_hash(c, column, row); for (struct row_list* i = hash[visited]; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (i->row == row && i->column == column) return true; } return false; } void table_destroy(const struct chessboard* c, visit_table* visited) { unsigned long table_size = table_total_size(c); for (unsigned e = 0; e < table_size; e++) { for (struct row_list* i = e[visited], *j; i != NULL;) { j = i->next; free(i); i = j; } } #if DEBUG printf("alloc = %lu\n", alloc); alloc = 0; #endif free(visited); } /** * Code for search_status struct. Used to keep track of the piece to choose in * all *_path_len functions and in piece functions */ struct search_status { unsigned column; unsigned row; bool found; bool (*better)(struct search_status* s, unsigned col, unsigned row); const struct chessboard* chessboard; visit_table* table; }; void search_status_init(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p, bool (*better)(struct search_status*, unsigned, unsigned), const struct chessboard* c, visit_table* table) { s->column = p->column; s->row = p->row; s->found = false; s->better = better; s->chessboard = c; s->table = table; } /** * Consider compares the value at the given position with the current maximum, * if "better" (according to the predicate stored in search_status) then it sets * the search_status maximum to the given posiition */ void consider(struct search_status* s, unsigned column, unsigned row) { const bool b = s->better(s, column, row); #if DEBUG printf("consider c=%u r=%u better=%u\n", column, row, b); #endif if (b) { s->found = true; s->column = column; s->row = row; } } /** * Piece postitions. They "consider" every position which is a legal move for * the piece */ void pawn_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { if (p->row + 1 < rows(s->chessboard)) { consider(s, p->column, p->row + 1); } } void king_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { unsigned cs = columns(s->chessboard) - 1; unsigned rs = rows(s->chessboard) - 1; unsigned row = p->row, col = p->column; if (row > 0 && col > 0) consider(s, col - 1, row - 1); if (row > 0) consider(s, col, row - 1); if (row > 0 && col < cs) consider(s, col + 1, row - 1); if (col > 0) consider(s, col - 1, row); if (col < cs) consider(s, col + 1, row); if (row < rs && col > 0) consider(s, col - 1, row + 1); if (row < rs) consider(s, col, row + 1); if (row < rs && col < cs) consider(s, col + 1, row + 1); } void rook_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { unsigned c_cols = columns(s->chessboard); unsigned c_rows = rows(s->chessboard); for (int col = 0; col < c_cols; col++) { if (col == p->column) continue; consider(s, col, p->row); } for (int row = 0; row < c_rows; row++) { if (row == p->row) continue; consider(s, p->column, row); } } void knight_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { unsigned cs = columns(s->chessboard) - 1; unsigned rs = rows(s->chessboard) - 1; unsigned row = p->row, col = p->column; if (row >= 1 && col >= 2) consider(s, col - 2, row - 1); if (row >= 2 && col >= 1) consider(s, col - 1, row - 2); if (row >= 2 && col <= cs - 1) consider(s, col + 1, row - 2); if (row >= 1 && col <= cs - 2) consider(s, col + 2, row - 1); if (row <= rs - 1 && col <= cs - 2) consider(s, col + 2, row + 1); if (row <= rs - 2 && col <= cs - 1) consider(s, col + 1, row + 2); if (row <= rs - 2 && col >= 1) consider(s, col - 1, row + 2); if (row <= rs - 1 && col >= 2) consider(s, col - 2, row + 1); } void bishop_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { unsigned cs = columns(s->chessboard); unsigned rs = rows(s->chessboard); int r, c; for (r = p->row - 1, c = p->column - 1; r >= 0 && c >= 0; r--, c--) { consider(s, c, r); } for (r = p->row + 1, c = p->column + 1; r < rs && c < cs; r++, c++) { consider(s, c, r); } for (r = p->row - 1, c = p->column + 1; r >= 0 && c < cs; r--, c++) { consider(s, c, r); } for (r = p->row + 1, c = p->column - 1; r < rs && c >= 0; r++, c--) { consider(s, c, r); } } void queen_positions(struct search_status* canotaggio, struct piece_position* p) { bishop_positions(canotaggio, p); rook_positions(canotaggio, p); } void consider_positions(struct search_status* s, struct piece_position* p) { switch (p->piece) { case PAWN: pawn_positions(s, p); break; case KING: king_positions(s, p); break; case ROOK: rook_positions(s, p); break; case KNIGHT: knight_positions(s, p); break; case BISHOP: bishop_positions(s, p); break; case QUEEN: queen_positions(s, p); break; } } unsigned int path_len(const struct chessboard* c, struct piece_position* p, bool (*better)(struct search_status*, unsigned, unsigned), visit_table* table) { unsigned int hops = 0; #if DEBUG printf("board r=%u c=%u\n", rows(c), columns(c)); #endif struct search_status status; search_status_init(&status, p, better, c, table); while (true) { status.found = false; consider_positions(&status, p); #if DEBUG printf("consideration c=%u r=%u\n", status.column, status.row); print_p_position(p); #endif if (status.column == p->column && status.row == p->row) { break; } p->column = status.column; p->row = status.row; if (status.table != NULL) { table_visit(c, table, p->column, p->row); } #if DEBUG print_p_position(p); #endif hops++; } return hops; } bool better_inc(struct search_status* s, unsigned column, unsigned row) { return value_at(s->chessboard, column, row) > value_at(s->chessboard, s->column, s->row); } bool better_dec(struct search_status* s, unsigned column, unsigned row) { return value_at(s->chessboard, column, row) < value_at(s->chessboard, s->column, s->row); } bool better_simple(struct search_status* s, unsigned column, unsigned row) { return !table_visited(s->chessboard, s->table, column, row) && (!s->found || value_at(s->chessboard, column, row) > value_at(s->chessboard, s->column, s->row)); } unsigned int increasing_path_len(const struct chessboard* c, struct piece_position* p) { return path_len(c, p, better_inc, NULL); } unsigned int decreasing_path_len(const struct chessboard* c, struct piece_position* p) { return path_len(c, p, better_dec, NULL); } unsigned int simple_path_len(const struct chessboard* c, struct piece_position* p) { visit_table* v = table_new(c); table_visit(c, v, p->column, p->row); unsigned int len = path_len(c, p, better_simple, v); table_destroy(c, v); return len; }