Finito restaurant lato server

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Claudio Maggioni 2018-05-01 16:12:25 +02:00
parent 06db6b8d8a
commit e15a5182f2
2 changed files with 135 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
\def\mdauthor{Claudio Maggioni}
% header and footer style
@ -281,9 +281,9 @@
di successo che in errore.
Seguono le interfaccie delle classi \textit{CRUDUtils}, \textit{JsonProducer},
Seguono le interfacce delle classi \textit{CRUDUtils}, \textit{JsonProducer},
\textit{ReadableRESTController} e \textit{CRUDRESTController}, complete di
Javadoc (in inglese, come presente nei sorgenti originali).
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Interfaccia della classe \textit{JsonProducer}, label={lst:jsonprd-java}, language=Java]
@ -505,6 +505,138 @@ public abstract class CRUDRESTController<T extends CRUDable, U extends
Si precisa che la classe \textit{CRUDable} è un estensione della classe
\textit{Readable} che contiene metodi per l'inizializzazione dell'oggetto
sulla base di dati in input, contenuti in \textit{MultivaluedMap<String,
String>}. Di conseguenza, le classi ``entità'' che estendono CRUDable
possono essere usate per operazioni di scrittura, come quelle implementate
da \textit{CRUDRESTController}.
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Interfaccia della classe \textit{CRUDUtils}, label={lst:crudutils-java}, language=Java]
* Database access class. Access statically
public abstract class CRUDUtils {
* Interface containing a function able to generate an Hibernate Query
* object and execute it by getting a generic response given the
* session
* @param <T> the response type
public interface HBMInteraction<T> {
T execute(Session s);
* Interface containing a function able to generate an Hibernate Query
* object and execute it by getting a list of rows given the session
public interface HBMQuery extends HBMInteraction<List<Object[]>> {
List<Object[]> execute(Session s);
* Number of items on a single page. Used when pagination is requested
public static final int ITEMSPERPAGE = %*\ldots*);
private static final Logger log = %*\ldots*);
* Save a writable entity on the database
* @param o the entity to save
* @param <T> type of the entity. Must be readable and writable
* @return boolean true = success, false = error
public static <T extends CRUDable> boolean persist(final T o) { %*\ldots*) }
* Delete a writable entity on the database
* @param toDelete the entity to delete
* @param <T> type of the entity. Must be readable and writable
* @return boolean true = success, false = error
public static <T extends CRUDable> boolean delete(final T toDelete)
{ %*\ldots*) }
* Execute a query which returns data of a generic type
* @param query HBMInteraction implementation
* @param <T> The returning type
* @return the data
public static <T> T executeHBMInteraction(HBMInteraction<T> query)
{ %*\ldots*) }
* Get a list of entities
* @param tClass class of the entities
* @param restrictions map of names of fields and their values which
* must be equal in the fetched entities
* (null accepted if not used)
* @param criteria list of additional filters (Hibernate Criterion
* objects, null accepted if not used)
* @param <T> entity type. Must be readable
* @param o order of the entities (Hibernate Order, null accepted if
* not used)
* @param page the page number to fetch (starts at 1, null accepted if
* not used)
* @return the list of entities
public static <T extends Readable> List<T> get(Class<T> tClass,
Map<String, Object> restrictions, List<Criterion> criteria,
Order[] o, Integer page) { %*\ldots*) }
* Get a list of entities
* @param tClass class of the entities
* @param <T> entity type. Must be readable
* @return the list of entities
public static <T extends Readable> List<T> get(Class<T> tClass) { %*\ldots*) }
* Get a single entity
* @param tClass class of the entities
* @param restrictions map of names of fields and their values which
* must be equal in the fetched entities
* (null accepted if not used)
* @param <T> entity type. Must be readable
* @return the list of entities
public static <T extends Readable> T getOne(Class<T> tClass,
Map<String, Object> restrictions) { %*\ldots*) }
* Get a single entity
* @param tClass class of the entities
* @param pk the primary key object of the entity
* @param <T> entity type. Must be readable and contain a primary key
* object
* @return the list of entities
public static <T extends Readable> T getOne(Class<T> tClass,
PrimaryKey<T> pk) { %*\ldots*) }
Oltre a quanto mostrato, \textit{restaurant} contiene vari metodi utilità per
la gestione di file \texttt{.properties}, per la validazione dei dati in