@online{guacdoc:arch, title = "Guacamole Manual, Chapter 1. Implementation and architecture", author = "The Apache Software Fundation", url = "https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/guacamole-architecture.html", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018, personally re-elaborated version]" } @online{ionic:website, title = "Build Amazing Native Apps and Progressive Web Apps with Ionic Framework and Angular", author = "Ionic (previously Drifty Co.)", url = "https://ionicframework.com/framework", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{guacamole:website, title = {Apache Guacamole\copyright}, author = "The Apache Software Foundation", url = "https://guacamole.apache.org", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{agomir:website, title = "Agomir S.p.A. - Software - Sistemi - Servizi", author = "Agomir S.p.A.", url = "https://www.agomir.com", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{guacdoc:api, title = {\textit{API Documentation} -- Apache Guacamole}, author = "The Apache Software Foundation", url = "https://guacamole.apache.org/api-documentation/", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018, personally re-elaborated version]" } @online{cordova:website, title = "Apache Cordova", author = "The Apache Software Foundation", url = "https://cordova.apache.org", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{wiki:rest, author = "{Wikipedia contributors}", title = "Representational state transfer --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2018", url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Representational_state_transfer&oldid=843748009", note = "[Online; accessed 5-June-2018]" } @online{wiki:soap, author = "{Wikipedia contributors}", title = "SOAP --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2018", url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SOAP&oldid=835351297", note = "[Online; accessed 5-June-2018]" } @online{wiki:json, author = "{Wikipedia contributors}", title = "JSON --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2018", url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=JSON&oldid=843693815", note = "[Online; accessed 5-June-2018]" } @online{wiki:crud, author = "{Wikipedia contributors}", title = "Create, read, update and delete --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2018", url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Create,_read,_update_and_delete&oldid=842226549", note = "[Online; accessed 5-June-2018]" } @online{wiki:orm, author = "{Wikipedia contributors}", title = "Object-relational mapping --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2018", url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Object-relational_mapping&oldid=837678762", note = "[Online; accessed 5-June-2018]" } @online{maven:website, title = "Maven – Welcome to Apache Maven", author = "The Apache Software Foundation", url = "https://maven.apache.org", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{hibernate:website, title = "Your relational data. Objectively. - Hibernate ORM", author = "Red Hat, Inc.", url = "https://hibernate.org/orm", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{gson:website, title = "GitHub - google/gson: A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back", author = "Google Inc.", url = "https://github.com/google/gson", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" } @online{jersey:website, title = "Jersey", author = "Oracle Corporation", url = "https://jersey.github.io", note = "[Online; accessed 5-june-2018]" }