297 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2018 Bevilacqua Joey.
package ch.usi.inf.atelier.group1.jekyll
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class HtmlToLatexWriter(private var content: String, private val singlePage: Boolean) {
private val document = StringBuilder()
* Prepare the Latex file
* and insert the header
fun start() {
insert(HEADER, afterLine = true)
* Begin the document and insert the title
* and table of contents automatically
fun beginDocument() {
insert("\\begin{document}", afterLine = true)
insert("\\maketitle", afterLine = true)
* Store the converted html text into
* the writer content so it can be later exported
fun commit() {
* End the document
fun endDocument() {
insert("\\end{document}", afterLine = true)
* Insert a bold text in the document
fun changeBold() {
content = content.replaceTag("<b>", "</b>", "\\textbf{", "}")
* Replace <br> with a LaTeX newline
fun changeBr() {
content = content.replaceTag("<br><br>", null, "\\\\", null)
.replaceTag("<br>", null, "\\\\", null)
.replaceTag("</br></br>", null, "\\\\", null)
.replaceTag("</br>", null, "\\\\", null)
* Replace <code> with LaTeX \texttt
fun changeCode() {
content = content.replaceTag("<code>", "</code>", "\\texttt{", "}")
* Replace <i> with LaTeX \emph
fun changeItalics() {
content = content.replaceTag("<i>", "</i>", "\\emph{", "}")
* Replace <a> with LaTeX footNote url
fun changeLink() {
content = content.replace("{{ site.baseurl }}/", "") // ""
val pattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>(.*?)</a>")
val matcher = pattern.matcher(content)
while (matcher.find()) {
val text =
val url =
content = content.replace(, LINK.format(url, text))
* Replace <ul> and <ol> with LaTeX itemize
fun changeList() {
content = content.replaceTag("<ul>", "</ul>", "\\begin{itemize}", "\\end{itemize}")
.replaceTag("<ol>", "</ol>", "\\begin{itemize}", "\\end{itemize}")
* Replace <li> with LaTeX itemize item
fun changeListItem() {
content = content.replaceTag("<li>", "</li>", "\\item ", "")
* Replace <pre> and {% highlight %} with LaTeX verbatim
fun changeMono() {
content = content.replaceTag("<pre>", "</pre>", "\\begin{verbatim}", "\\end{verbatim}")
.replaceTag("{% highlight bash %}", "{% endhighlight %}",
"\\begin{verbatim}", "\\end{verbatim}")
* Replace <p>, empty <a>, <h4> and <h5> with LaTeX plain text
fun changeParagraph() {
content = content.replaceTag("<h4>", "</h4>", "", "")
.replaceTag("<h5>", "</h5>", "", "")
.replaceTag("<p>", "</p>", "\n", "")
.replaceTag("<a>", "</a>", "", "")
if (singlePage) {
content = content.replaceTag("<h3>", "</h3>", "", "")
* Replace <h1> with LaTeX \section
fun changeSection() {
content = content.replaceTag("<h1>", "</h1>",
if (singlePage) "\\subsection{" else "\\section{", "}\n")
* Replace <h2> with LaTeX \subsection
fun changeSubSection() {
content = content.replaceTag("<h2>", "</h2>",
if (singlePage) "\\subsubsection{" else "\\subsection{", "}\n")
* Replace <h3> with LaTeX \subsubsection
fun changeSubSubSection() {
if (singlePage) {
content = content.replaceTag("<h3>", "</h3>", "\\subsubsection{", "}\n")
* Replace <table> with LaTex tabular
fun changeTable() {
val pattern = Pattern.compile("(?:<table>((?:.*?\\r?\\n?)*)</table>)+")
val matcher = pattern.matcher(content)
while (matcher.find()) {
val document = Jsoup.parse(, "", Parser.xmlParser())
val table ="table")[0]
val rows ="tr")
val columnsDump = ArrayList<String>()
var colCount = 0
for (row in rows) {
var columns ="td")
if (columns.isEmpty()) {
// Maybe this is an header
columns ="th")
if (colCount == 0) {
colCount = columns.size
val dump = StringBuilder() { it.wholeText() }.forEach { dump.append("$it &") }
// Replace the last & with a LaTeX newLine
// Build the LaTeX table
val latexTable = StringBuilder().run {
columnsDump.forEach { append(" $it") }
content = content.replace(, latexTable)
* Replace <ul> with LaTeX \underline
fun changeUnderline() {
content = content.replaceTag("<u>", "</u>", "\\underline{", "}")
* Add an author to the document
* @param author the text being inserted
fun addAuthor(author: String) {
insert(if (singlePage) "\\large $author \\normalsize\\\\" else AUTHOR.format(author), true, true)
* Add a title to the document
* @param title the text being inserted
fun addTitle(title: String) {
insert(if (singlePage) "\\section{$title}\n" else TITLE.format(title), true, true)
* Add an header for the html file in singlePage mode
fun addSinglePageInfo(title: String, author: String) {
if (!singlePage) {
insert(TITLE.format(title), true, true)
insert(AUTHOR.format(author), false, true)
* Remove the html comments
fun stripComments() {
content = content.replace(Regex("(?s)<!--.*?-->"), "")
* Insert content into the document
* @param string the content being inserted
* @param preLine whether a newLine char should be inserted before the content
* @param afterLine whether a newLine char should be inserted after the content
private fun insert(string: String, preLine: Boolean = false, afterLine: Boolean = false) {
document.apply {
if (preLine) {
if (afterLine) {
private fun String.replaceTag(oldOpen: String, oldClose: String?,
newOpen: String, newClose: String?): String {
var replaced = replace(oldOpen, newOpen)
if (oldClose != null && newClose != null) {
replaced = replaced.replace(oldClose, newClose)
return replaced
private fun CharSequence.append(append: String) = "${toString()}$append"
override fun toString() = document.toString()
companion object {
private const val AUTHOR = "\\author{%1\$s}"
private const val TITLE = "\\title{%1\$s}"
private const val LINK = "\\underline{\\href{%1\$s}{%2\$s}}"
private const val HEADER =
"\\documentclass[hidelinks,12pt,a4paper,numbers=enddot]{scrartcl}\n\n" +
"\\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}\n" +