diff --git a/site/pages/info/history.html b/site/pages/info/history.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9761fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/site/pages/info/history.html @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +layout: page +category_title: frontpage +category-page: About +tags: History shell shells command-line interpreter Ken Thompson V6 PWD John Mashey Bourne C Korn Bourne-Again Brian Fox David Korn Bill Joy Stephen Bourne +author: Nicola Brunner +title: History of shells +--- + +

A shell is a command-line interpreter and like for the editors: Everyone has his favourite. +Several version, each with its own features got introduced in the last 50 years. In this section +we are going to briefly explain the history of the UNIX shell and to highlight the key +differences between the main ones, but don't forget: the core ideas about shells are +the same in everyone.

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In 1971, Ken Thompson (of Bell Labs) developed the V6 shell (/bin/sh), the first shell for +UNIX. This independent user program was inspired by Multics (an operating system developed +by the American software engineer Glenda Schroeder, in 1965) and introduced a compact syntax +for piping (concept of a sequence of chained processes where the output of a process feeds as +input to the next one) and for redirection (stays for the deviation of outputs to user-specified +locations), that has survived into all modern shells. This shell was only capable of acting as an +interactive shell (command interpreter), to invoke commands and view results, it was not able +to script.

+ +

After this first shell, the next one was the PWD shell created in 1975 by John Mashey. +This upward-compatible version of the Thompson shell focused on making shell programming practical. +Comparing it to his predecessor, new features were added such as variables, user-executable shell +scripts, interrupt-handling and an extension of control structures (that were integrated to the shell +itself, in fact in the older versions they were "outside" the shell).

+ +

A couple of years later the development of new and more capable shells got at its maximum +and several shells, all with different characteristics, were introduced. In the next section +the most influential ones are briefly presented.

+ +

The Bourne shell (sh), introduced in 1977 by Stephen Bourne (also at Bell Labs), +is a complete redesign of the "original" shell. It was backward compatible since it shared +with its predecessor all the basics functions, but it introduced a more functional language capable +of better interacting with the operating system. Its language was influenced by ALGOL 68 +(Algorithmic Language 1968), an imperative computer programming language. +This shell is known by users because of its characteristic default command line prompt character +and the use of the dollar sign. It still remains a useful and popular shell today. +There are many alternatives to this shell, here are listened only some of them: Almquist +shell (ash), Debian Almquist shell (dash), Z shell (zsh), Bourne-Again shell (bash) and +Korn shell (ksh). To the last two we come back later.

+ +

Another important shell that was developed in this period is the C shell (csh). +It was developed by Bill Joy at the University of California around 1978. This shell, +that has strong resemblances to C commands, introduced for the first time a large number of +features for interactive work, job control (the ability to stop, start, and pause commands) +and command history. It was upgraded 5 years later by the Tenex C shell (tcsh), which is +an improved version of the original C shell which includes many functions from the Tenex system. + +

The Korn shell, that was mentioned above, designed by David Korn, is a commercial product +that incorporates the best features of the Bourne and the C shells. One of its most distinguishing +feature is its predisposition to be used as scripting language. Besides it is +also backward-compatible with the original Bourne shell.

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The Bourne-Again shell is very similar to the Korn shell, with the key difference that +it is free. It was developed for the GNU project, by Brian Fox around +1988, with the idea to replace all the commercial UNIX utilities on the market with +free ones. Over the years, this shell has become the most popular Bourne shell derivate, +because of two main reasons: it is backward-compatible for scripting and it was heavily +supported by the developer team that performed several improvements and bug fixes over the years +(a second version - bash 2.0 - was released in 1996, which shows many new features like the +command-line editing modes, which let you fix mistakes or modify previous commands).

+ +

Throughout the last 50 years, the independence of the shell from the UNIX operating system has led +to the development of several shells, each with different features, but not all achieved the same success +and distribution. Bourne shell derivatives continue to be the primary +shells in use, in fact the Bourne shell is still known as the "standard" shell, and also the +Bourne-Again shell is becoming increasingly popular, because it includes the best features of +the C and Korn shells as well as several advantages of its own. Even though, several shells were +introduced in the last few decades the main concepts and ideas of the early shells remain the same +even several years later, showing that the shell has been improved but not substantially changed.

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