--- layout: page category: File System tags: absolute relative path author: Marwan Announ title: fs ---


Now, you can ask, why I have to use one or another?
What is the difference? and questions like this.

Don't worry, the answer it's easy.., we can use an absolute path from any location
whereas you want to use relative path we should be present that you have to be in the working directory.

We suppose that now you know the differences between both, but, what is the vantages and disadvantages?

Pro and Cons of using Absolute and Relative

1)Absolute paths are clearer: who will have to maintain/modify your script (you or others) will be able to know
every time what directories are involved;

2)With absolute paths you are sure the involved directories are the one with the exact path you are writing
in the script;

3)Relative paths are shorter, but you need to be sure of the subtree you're working into;

4)You can achieve shortness replacing recurring paths with a variable at the beginning of the script

(e.g. /var/log/app/component/module/logfile.log -> $module_log_dir/logfile.log)

I'm sure that if you read this for two or more times you will be able to pass the quiz

Yeah, right, there is a quiz.
The best way to learn something it's not the theory, in fact you have to do some practice, if you click
the button "QUIZ", you can try to do a quiz in order to check what you've just read.

Don't worry it's for you, good luck

* for css, please try to do a button or layout to links the quiz*