function check(){ var question1 = document.quiz.question1.value; var question2 = document.quiz.question2.value; var question3 = document.quiz.question3.value; var question4 = document.quiz.question4.value; var question5 = document.quiz.question5.value; var correct = 0; if (question1 == "Is a location to a folder or file in a file system of a Operating System") { correct++; } if (question2 == "Is defined as specifying the location of a file or directory from the root directory(/)") { correct++; } if (question3 == "YES") { correct++; } if (question4 == "") { correct++; } var pictures = ["img/win.gif", "img/meh.jpeg", "img/lose.gif"]; var messages = ["Great job!", "That's just okay", "You really need to do better"]; var score; if (correct == 0) { score = 3; } if (correct > 0 && correct < 4) { score = 2; } if (correct == 4) { score = 0; } document.getElementById("after_submit").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = messages[score]; document.getElementById("number_correct").innerHTML = "You got " + correct + " correct."; document.getElementById("picture").src = pictures[score]; } v0dfsew