--- layout: page category-page: intermediate category-title: Intermediate commands author: Joy Albertini tags: server ping latency UNIX title: ping --- The ping command, is used to test connection between a local server/computer to a remote UNIX server.
The ping command sends ICMP Echo Request packets to the remote server for accessing it. Each packet echoed back (via an ICMP Echo Response packet) is written to the shell output.
  ping [-flag] server
The main usages for the ping command are:
  1. Test whether remote server if working.
  2. Check the network connectivity from your local machine to a remote one.
  3. Check for general network issues.
    1. ping theshell.ch
      The shell will output something like this: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=49 time=144.781 ms for each packets that returns (echoed back).
      To stop the ping command press control + c.
