# Bonus 2 Author: Bevilacqua Joey Language: Kotlin ## Build To compile this exercise `gradle` and `java-1.8` are needed. To create a working jar executable, run ``` ./gradlew shadowJar ``` The output jar will be available at this path: `build/libs/bonus2.jar` ## Execute ``` java -jar bonus2.jar [file1.html] [file2.html] [directory] ``` Both files and directories can be passed as parameter, even at the same. If a directory is passed as parameter, the program will attemp to recursively search for Jekyll html files. The converted LaTeX files will be created in the `out` directory with subdirectories matching the absolute path of the files passed as argument. Note that the program will not work with plain html files, it requires Jekyll html files instead. A test file is available for reference under the directory `res`. ## Supported tags ### HTML tags * b -> textbf * br -> \\ * code -> texttt * i -> emph * a -> emph footnote url * ul -> itemize * ol -> itemize * li -> item * pre -> verbatim * h1 -> section * h2 -> subsection * h3 -> subsubsection * h4 -> plainText * h5 -> plainText * p -> plainText * table -> table tabular * u -> underline ### Extra * comments are removed * jekyll author -> LaTeX author * jekyll title -> LaTeX title