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And maybe, maybe, maybe... I guess that would be considered a UFO. A big cotton ball in the sky. Just think about these things in your mind and drop em' on canvas.

We'll take a little bit of Van Dyke Brown. If you've been in Alaska less than a year you're a Cheechako. We touch the canvas, the canvas takes what it wants. Isn't that fantastic that you can create an almighty tree that fast?

La- da- da- da- dah. Just be happy. You gotta think like a tree. You're meant to have fun in life.

{% highlight bash linenos %} [Unit] Description=systemd Unit to automatically start a Bluetooth keyboard Documentation=https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth_Keyboard Requires=dbus-org.bluez.service After=dbus-org.bluez.service ConditionPathExists=/etc/btkbd.conf ConditionPathExists=/usr/bin/hcitool ConditionPathExists=/usr/bin/hciconfig [Service] Type=oneshot EnvironmentFile=/etc/btkbd.conf ExecStart=/usr/bin/hciconfig ${HCIDEVICE} up # ignore errors on connect, spurious problems with bt? # so start next command with - ExecStart=-/usr/bin/hcitool cc ${BTKBDMAC} [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target {% endhighlight %}