--- layout: page category-page: intermediate category-title: Intermediate commands tags: cat content file show concatenate author: Fabiano Fenini title: cat previous-page: pages/cmd/interm/caffeinate.html next-page: pages/cmd/interm/chroot.html --- The cat command can be easily associated to the word “concatenation” but it doesn’t have that only function: in fact, cat command gives us the possibility to create files and also to display them.
The name stands for catenate.


The default cat command syntax is:
cat [flags] [--] [file1] [file2] [file...]
Where [flags] are the cat flags, read below for more info, [--] indacates that the following parameters won't be considered as flags, while the file parameters indicates the names of one or more files to concatenate. Between the names of two files is possible to use the shell redirection symbol ">", in order to redirect the output to the file considered.


Here are some of the most common cat flags: