--- layout: page category: File System tags: absolute relative path author: Marwan Announ title: fs ---


Now, you can ask, why I have to use one or another?
What is the difference? and questions like this.

Don't worry, the answer it's easy.., we can use an absolute path from any location
whereas you want to use relative path we should be present that you have to be in the working directory.

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Don't worry it's for you, good luck

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Are you ready for the quiz?

What is path?

Is a location to a folder or file in a file system of a Operating System
Is an Operating System
Is a folder that you can find on your Operating System

What is an absolute path?

The bigger folder that you can find on your Operating System
Is defined as specifying the location of a file or directory from the root directory(/)
The last location of a file or directory from Documents

"cat /home/a1/group1.txt" it's an example of absolute path?


If you choose "NO" why it's not correct? if you think it's correct don't write anything

"pwd/home/user1cd Documents" it's an example of relative path?