import sys sys.path.append('../VISUAL-AN-PROJECT') import math import pandas as pd import os from scraper.top100_extractor import programming_crime_list import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) def get_peg(ticker: str): # Read current ratios .csv. Check if it exists current_ratios = pd.read_csv(f'Companies_Data/{ticker}_Data/{ticker}_current_ratios.csv', index_col=[0]) # Convert Object to DateTime current_ratios['asOfDate'] = pd.to_datetime(current_ratios['asOfDate']) # Sorting per Date current_ratios = current_ratios.sort_values('asOfDate', ascending=False) # Drop NaN pandas values current_ratios = current_ratios.dropna() # Take first value (the last peg ratio) # If it does not exist, it returns 0 try: if len(current_ratios['PegRatio']) > 0: peg_ratio = current_ratios['PegRatio'].iloc[:1] else: return 0.0 except KeyError: return 0.0 return peg_ratio.values[0] def get_financial_health(ticker: str): # Read balance sheet .csv balance_sheet = pd.read_csv(f'Companies_Data/{ticker}_Data/{ticker}_balance_sheet_4Y+4Q.csv', index_col=[0]) # Convert Object to DateTime balance_sheet['asOfDate'] = pd.to_datetime(balance_sheet['asOfDate']) # Sorting per Date balance_sheet = balance_sheet.sort_values('asOfDate', ascending=False) # Drop NaN pandas values balance_sheet = balance_sheet.dropna() # Create financial health column try: balance_sheet['financial_health'] = balance_sheet['TotalDebt'] / balance_sheet['TotalAssets'] except KeyError: return 2.0 # Get financial health financial_health = balance_sheet['financial_health'].iloc[:1] return financial_health.values[0] def estimated_growth(ticker: str): # Read 5 years growth estimates growth_estimated = pd.read_csv(f'Companies_Data/{ticker}_Data/{ticker}5YGrowthEstimates.csv', index_col=[0])['5Y Growth estimate'].values[0] return growth_estimated def past_performance_earnings(ticker: str): # Read earnings csv earnings = pd.read_csv(f'Companies_Data/{ticker}_Data/{ticker}earnings.csv', index_col=[0]) # Performance performance_index = round((earnings['epsActual'].sum() - earnings['epsEstimate'].sum()) / earnings['epsEstimate'].sum() * 100, 2) return performance_index def normalizer(): ''' Normalize the dataframe columns to a range between 0 and 200''' # Read Not_normalized .csv not_normalized = pd.read_csv('Elaborated_Data/Not_Normalized.csv') # Elaborate Valuation column v_values = (200/(1+math.e**( 0.2*(-not_normalized['Valuation'].mean()+not_normalized['Valuation'])))) #VALUATION STAT not_normalized['Valuation'] = v_values # Elaborate Financial health column fh_values= (80/not_normalized['Financial Health'].mean())*not_normalized['Financial Health'] #FINANCIAL HEALTH STAT not_normalized['Financial Health'] = fh_values # Elaborate Estimated Growth column not_normalized['Estimated Growth'] = not_normalized['Estimated Growth'].str.strip("%").astype("float") eg_values= (200/(1+math.e**( 0.08*(not_normalized['Estimated Growth'].mean()-not_normalized['Estimated Growth'])))) #ESTIMATED GROWTH STAT for i in range(len(eg_values)): eg_values[i] = float(round(eg_values[i],2)) not_normalized['Estimated Growth']= eg_values # Elaborate Past Performance Column pf_values = (200/(1+math.e**( 0.08*(not_normalized['Past Performance'].mean()-not_normalized['Past Performance'])))) #PAST PERFORMANCE not_normalized['Past Performance'] = pf_values # Create normalized dataframe for main page not_normalized.to_csv(r'Elaborated_Data/normalized_data.csv') def create_df(companies_list): # Dictionary d = { 'Ticker': [], 'Valuation' : [], 'Financial Health': [], 'Estimated Growth': [], 'Past Performance': [] } # Loop to get all the data for company in companies_list: d['Ticker'].append(company) d['Valuation'].append(get_peg(company)) d['Financial Health'].append(get_financial_health(company)) d['Estimated Growth'].append(estimated_growth(company)) d['Past Performance'].append(past_performance_earnings(company)) # Dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) # Save to csv df.to_csv("Elaborated_Data/Not_Normalized.csv") def main(): if not os.path.exists(r"Elaborated_Data"): os.mkdir(r"Elaborated_Data") create_df(programming_crime_list) normalizer() # print(get_peg('GOOGL')) # < 1 ( GREEN); > 1 (RED); = 1 (ORANGE) # print(get_financial_health('GOOGL')) # < 1 (GREEN); > 1 (RED); = 1 (ORANGE) # print(estimated_growth('GOOGL')) # < 0 (RED); 0 < x < 8% (ORANGE); < 8 % (GREEN) # print(past_performance_earnings('GOOGL'), "%") # -100 < x < 0 (RED); = 0 (ORANGE); 0 < x < 100 (GREEN) if __name__ == '__main__': main()