package ch.usi.inf.sa4.sanmarinoes.smarthut.models; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import; public interface ThermostatRepository extends DeviceRepository { /** * Finds all devices belonging to a user * * @param username the User's username * @return all devices of that user */ @Transactional @Query("SELECT t FROM Thermostat t JOIN r JOIN r.user u WHERE u.username = ?1") List findAllByUsername(String username); /** * Computes the average temperature of all temperature sensors in the room * * @param thermostatRoomId room ID of the thermostat * @return an optional big decimal, empty if none found */ @Query( "SELECT AVG(s.value) FROM Sensor s JOIN r WHERE s.sensor = 'TEMPERATURE' AND = ?1") Optional getAverageTemperature(Long thermostatRoomId); }