Login and logout work on the new system. Nasty error on logout

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2020-04-09 13:59:34 +02:00
parent c36d298f10
commit 462cad0e53
7 changed files with 289 additions and 282 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"@testing-library/user-event": "^7.1.2",
"axios": "^0.19.2",
"classnames": "^2.2.6",
"immutability-helper": "^3.0.2",
"material-ui-image": "^3.2.3",
"react": "^16.12.0",
"react-axios": "^2.0.3",

View File

@ -12,44 +12,17 @@ import ConfirmRegistration from "./views/ConfirmRegistration";
import ConfirmResetPassword from "./views/ConfirmResetPassword";
import Instruction from "./views/Instruction";
import queryString from "query-string";
import { call } from "./client_server";
/*let userJsonString = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("token"));
let date = new Date().getTime().toString();
let delta = date - userJsonString.timestamp;
if (delta < 5*60*60*1000) {
loggedIn = true;
import { RemoteService } from "./remote";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
let loggedIn = false;
let token = undefined;
try {
let userJsonString = localStorage.getItem("token");
let exp = localStorage.getItem("exp");
let date = new Date().getTime();
if (userJsonString && exp && date < exp) {
loggedIn = true;
token = userJsonString;
} else {
} catch (exception) {}
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
loggedIn: loggedIn,
token: token,
query: "",
info: "",
this.auth = this.auth.bind(this);
this.logout = this.logout.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
@ -58,70 +31,21 @@ class App extends Component {
query: values,
} else {
query: "ciao",
auth(data) {
return call
.then((res) => {
if (res.data && res.status === 200) {
let expire = new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60 * 5 * 1000;
localStorage.setItem("token", res.data.jwttoken);
localStorage.setItem("exp", expire);
user: data.params.user,
token: res.data.jwttoken,
loggedIn: true,
return res;
} else {
error: res.data.message,
return res.status;
.catch((err) => {
return err;
logout() {
loggedIn: false,
render() {
console.log("rendering root", this.props.loggedIn, this.state.query);
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/login">
{this.state.loggedIn && this.state.token ? (
<Redirect tkn={this.state.token} to="/dashboard" />
) : (
<Login auth={this.auth} />
{this.props.loggedIn ? <Redirect to="/dashboard" /> : <Login />}
<Route path="/signup" exact component={Signup} />
<Route path="/dashboard">
{this.state.loggedIn ? (
<Dashboard tkn={this.state.token} logout={this.logout} />
) : (
<Redirect to="/login" />
{this.props.loggedIn ? <Dashboard /> : <Redirect to="/login" />}
<Route path="/forgot-password">
<ForgotPass />
@ -149,4 +73,9 @@ class App extends Component {
export default App;
const mapStateToProps = (state, _) => {
console.log("malusae react", state);
return { loggedIn: !!(state.login && state.login.loggedIn) };
const AppContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, RemoteService)(App);
export default AppContainer;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import React from "react";
import { Grid, Divider, Button, Label, Responsive } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { Segment, Image } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { call } from "../client_server";
import { RemoteService } from "../remote";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
const IconHomeImage = () => (
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ const IconHomeImage = () => (
const TitleImage = () => <Image src="sm_logo.png" size="medium" centered />;
export default class MyHeader extends React.Component {
export class MyHeader extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
@ -24,15 +26,13 @@ export default class MyHeader extends React.Component {
getInfo() {
call.getUserInfo(this.state.token).then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
username: res.data.username,
.catch((err) => console.error("MyHeader fetch user info error", err));
render() {
return (
@ -86,3 +86,13 @@ export default class MyHeader extends React.Component {
const mapStateToProps = (state, _) => ({
state.userInfo && state.userInfo.username ? state.userInfo.username : "",
const LoginContainer = connect(
export default LoginContainer;

View File

@ -2,30 +2,43 @@ import smartHutStore from "./store";
import actions from "./storeActions";
import axios from "axios";
class Endpoint {
socket = null;
axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: this.URL,
validateStatus: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 300,
* An object returned by promise rejections in remoteservice
* @typedef {Error} RemoteError
* @property {String[]} messages a list of user-friendly error messages to show;
class RemoteError extends Error {
constructor(messages) {
super("remote error");
this.messages = messages;
* Returns the endpoint URL (SmartHut backend URL)
* @returns {String} endpoint URL
static get URL() {
function endpointURL() {
return window.BACKEND_URL !== "__BACKEND_URL__"
? window.BACKEND_URL
: "http://localhost:8080";
const Endpoint = {
axiosInstance: axios.create({
baseURL: endpointURL(),
validateStatus: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 300,
* Returns token for current session, null if logged out
* @returns {String|null} the token
static get token() {
get token() {
return smartHutStore.getState().login.token;
* Performs an authenticated request
@ -34,18 +47,17 @@ class Endpoint {
* @param {[String]String} query query ('?') parameters (no params by default)
* @param {any} body the JSON request body
static send(method, route, query = {}, body = null) {
if (!this.token) {
send: (method, route, query = {}, body = null) => {
if (!Endpoint.token) {
throw new Error("No token while performing authenticated request");
if (method !== "get")
return this.axiosInstance(route, {
return Endpoint.axiosInstance(route, {
method: method,
params: query,
data: ["put", "post"].indexOf(method) !== -1 ? body : null,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.token}`,
Authorization: `Bearer ${Endpoint.token}`,
}).then((res) => {
if (!res.data) {
@ -55,78 +67,86 @@ class Endpoint {
return res;
* Performs login
* @param {String} usernameOrEmail
* @param {String} password
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<String, *>} promise that resolves to the token string
* and rejects to the axios error.
static login(dispatch, usernameOrEmail, password) {
login: (usernameOrEmail, password) => {
return Endpoint.axiosInstance
.post(`${Endpoint.URL}/auth/login`, {
.post(`/auth/login`, {
.then((res) => {
localStorage.setItem("token", res.token);
localStorage.setItem("token", res.data.jwttoken);
localStorage.setItem("exp", new Date().getTime() + 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
this.socket = new ServiceSocket(res.data.token);
return res.data.token;
Endpoint.socket = new ServiceSocket(res.data.jwttoken);
return res.data.jwttoken;
static logout() {
this.socket = null;
* Returns an immediately resolved promise for the socket logouts
* @return {Promise<Undefined, _>} An always-resolved promise
logout: () => {
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
* Performs an authenticated GET request
* @param {String} route the desired route (e.g. "/rooms/1/devices")
* @param {[String]String} query query ('?') parameters (no params by default)
* @returns {Promise<*, *>} The Axios-generated promise
static get(route, query) {
get(route, query = {}) {
return this.send("get", route, query);
* Performs an authenticated POST request
* @param {String} route the desired route (e.g. "/rooms/1/devices")
* @param {[String]String} query query ('?') parameters (no params by default)
* @param {any} body the JSON request body
* @returns {Promise<*, *>} The Axios-generated promise
static post(route, query, body) {
post(route, query, body) {
return this.send("post", route, query, body);
* Performs an authenticated PUT request
* @param {String} route the desired route (e.g. "/rooms/1/devices")
* @param {[String]String} query query ('?') parameters (no params by default)
* @param {any} body the JSON request body
* @returns {Promise<*, *>} The Axios-generated promise
static put(route, query, body) {
put(route, query = {}, body = {}) {
return this.send("put", route, query, body);
* Performs an authenticated DELETE request
* @param {get|post|put|delete} the desired method
* @param {String} route the desired route (e.g. "/rooms/1/devices")
* @param {[String]String} query query ('?') parameters (no params by default)
* @returns {Promise<*, *>} The Axios-generated promise
static delete(route, query) {
delete(route, query = {}) {
return this.send("delete", route, query);
* Given an error response, returns an array of user
* friendly messages to display to the user
* @param {*} err the Axios error reponse object
* @returns {String[]} user friendly error messages
* @returns {RemoteError} user friendly error messages
function parseValidationErrors(err) {
if (
@ -135,96 +155,97 @@ function parseValidationErrors(err) {
err.response.data &&
) {
return [...new Set(err.response.data.errors.map((e) => e.defaultMessage))];
throw new RemoteError([
...new Set(err.response.data.errors.map((e) => e.defaultMessage)),
} else {
console.warn("Non validation error", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
export class RemoteService {
export const RemoteService = {
* Performs login
* @param {String} usernameOrEmail
* @param {String} password
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static login(usernameOrEmail, password) {
login: (usernameOrEmail, password) => {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.login(dispatch, usernameOrEmail, password)
return Endpoint.login(usernameOrEmail, password)
.then((token) => dispatch(actions.loginSuccess(token)))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("login error", err);
return [
err.response.status === 401
throw new RemoteError([
err.response && err.response.status === 401
? "Wrong credentials"
: "An error occurred while logging in",
* Performs logout
* @param {String} usernameOrEmail
* @param {String} password
static logout() {
return (dispatch) => Endpoint.logout.then(void dispatch(actions.logout()));
logout: () => {
return (dispatch) =>
Endpoint.logout().then(void dispatch(actions.logout()));
* Fetches user information via REST calls, if it is logged in
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static fetchUserInfo() {
fetchUserInfo: () => {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.get("/auth/profile")
.then((res) => void dispatch(actions.userInfoUpdate(res.data)))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("Fetch user info error", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Fetches all rooms that belong to this user. This call does not
* populate the devices attribute in rooms.
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static fetchAllRooms() {
fetchAllRooms: () => {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.get("/room")
.then((res) => void dispatch(actions.roomsUpdate(res.data)))
.catch((err) => {
console.error("Fetch all rooms error", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Fetches all devices in a particular room, or fetches all devices.
* This also updates the devices attribute on values in the map rooms.
* @param {Number|null} roomId the room to which fetch devices
* from, null to fetch from all rooms
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static fetchDevices(roomId = null) {
fetchDevices: (roomId = null) => {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.get(roomId ? `/room/${roomId}/device` : "/device")
.then((res) => void dispatch(actions.devicesUpdate(roomId, res.data)))
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Fetch devices roomId=${roomId} error`, err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Creates/Updates a room with the given data
@ -232,10 +253,10 @@ export class RemoteService {
* @param {String} data.icon the room's icon name in SemanticUI icons
* @param {String} data.image ths room's image, as base64
* @param {Number|null} roomId the room's id if update, null for creation
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static saveRoom(data, roomId = null) {
saveRoom: (data, roomId = null) => {
return (dispatch) => {
data = {
name: data.name,
@ -250,7 +271,7 @@ export class RemoteService {
.then((res) => void dispatch(actions.roomSave(res.data)))
* Creates/Updates a device with the given data. If
@ -261,10 +282,10 @@ export class RemoteService {
* is used for updates and the POST "/<device.kind>"
* endpoints are used for creation.
* @param {Device} data the device to update.
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static updateDevice(data) {
updateDevice: (data) => {
return (dispatch) => {
let url = "/device";
if ((data.id && data.flowType === "OUTPUT") || !data.id) {
@ -275,12 +296,12 @@ export class RemoteService {
.then((res) => void dispatch(actions.deviceUpdate(res.data)))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("Update device: ", data, "error: ", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
static _operateInput(url, getUrl, action) {
_operateInput: (url, getUrl, action) => {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.put(url, {}, action)
.then(async (res) => {
@ -290,10 +311,10 @@ export class RemoteService {
.catch((err) => {
console.warn(`${url} error`, err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Changes the state of a switch, by turning it on, off or toggling it.
@ -302,30 +323,30 @@ export class RemoteService {
* @param {Number} switchId the switch device id
* @param {SwitchOperation} type the operation to perform on the switch
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static switchOperate(switchId, type) {
switchOperate: (switchId, type) => {
return this._operateInput("/switch/operate", `/switch/${switchId}`, {
type: type.toUpperCase(),
id: switchId,
* Turns a knob dimmer to a specific amount
* @param {Number} dimmerId the knob dimmer id
* @param {number} intensity the absolute intensity to dim to. Must be >=0 and <= 100.
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static knobDimmerDimTo(dimmerId, intensity) {
knobDimmerDimTo: (dimmerId, intensity) => {
return this._operateInput("/knobDimmer/dimTo", `/knobDimmer/${dimmerId}`, {
id: dimmerId,
* Turns a button dimmer up or down
@ -334,10 +355,10 @@ export class RemoteService {
* @param {Number} dimmerId the button dimmer id
* @param {ButtonDimmerDimType} dimType the type of dim to perform
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static buttonDimmerDim(dimmerId, dimType) {
buttonDimmerDim: (dimmerId, dimType) => {
return this._operateInput(
@ -346,59 +367,63 @@ export class RemoteService {
id: dimmerId,
* Resets the meter on a smart plug
* @param {Number} smartPlugId the smart plug to reset
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static smartPlugReset(smartPlugId) {
smartPlugReset(smartPlugId) {
return (dispatch) => {
return Endpoint.delete(`/smartPlug/${smartPlugId}/meter`)
.then((res) => dispatch(actions.deviceOperationUpdate([res.data])))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn(`Smartplug reset error`, err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Deletes a room
* @param {Number} roomId the id of the room to delete
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static deleteRoom(roomId) {
deleteRoom: (roomId) => {
return (dispatch) => {
.then((_) => dispatch(actions.roomDelete(roomId)))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("Room deletion error", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
* Deletes a device
* @param {Number} deviceId the id of the device to delete
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, String[]>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a String array
* @returns {Promise<Undefined, RemoteError>} promise that resolves to void and rejects
* with user-fiendly errors as a RemoteError
static deleteDevice(deviceId) {
deleteDevice: (deviceId) => {
return (dispatch) => {
.then((_) => dispatch(actions.deviceDelete(deviceId)))
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("Device deletion error", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);
for (const key in RemoteService) {
RemoteService[key] = RemoteService[key].bind(RemoteService);
/** Class to handle connection with the sensor socket */
@ -409,7 +434,7 @@ class ServiceSocket {
static get URL() {
const httpURL = new URL(Endpoint.URL);
const httpURL = new URL(endpointURL());
const isSecure = httpURL.protocol === "https:";
const protocol = isSecure ? "wss:" : "ws:";
const port = httpURL.port || (isSecure ? 443 : 80);
@ -512,7 +537,7 @@ export class Forms {
.then((_) => void 0)
.catch((err) => {
console.warn("Init reset password failed", err);
return ["Network error"];
throw new RemoteError(["Network error"]);

View File

@ -1,68 +1,100 @@
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import actions from "./storeActions";
import update from "immutability-helper";
function reducer(previousState, action) {
let newState = Object.assign({}, previousState);
let newState;
const createOrUpdateRoom = (room) => {
if (!(room.id in newState.rooms)) {
newState.rooms[room.id] = room;
newState.rooms[room.id].devices = new Set();
newState = update(newState, {
rooms: { [room.id]: { devices: { $set: new Set() } } },
} else {
newState.rooms[room.id].name = room.name;
newState.rooms[room.id].image = room.image;
newState.rooms[room.id].icon = room.icon;
newState = update(newState, {
rooms: {
[room.id]: {
name: { $set: room.name },
image: { $set: room.image },
icon: { $set: room.icon },
let change;
switch (action.type) {
newState.login = action.login;
delete newState.errors.login;
newState = update(previousState, { login: { $set: action.login } });
newState.user = action.user;
delete newState.errors.userInfo;
newState = update(previousState, { userInfo: { $set: action.user } });
newState = previousState;
for (const room of action.rooms) {
delete newState.errors.rooms;
change = null;
// if room is given, delete all devices in that room
// and remove any join between that room and deleted
// devices
if (action.roomId) {
change = {
rooms: { [action.roomId]: { devices: { $set: new Set() } } },
devices: { $unset: [] },
const room = newState.rooms[action.roomId];
for (const deviceId of room.devices) {
delete newState.devices[deviceId];
room.devices = [];
} else if (action.partial) {
// if the update is partial and caused by an operation on an input
// device (like /switch/operate), iteratively remove deleted
// devices and their join with their corresponding room.
change = {
devices: { $unset: [] },
rooms: {},
for (const device of action.devices) {
const room = newState.rooms[newState.devices[device.id].roomId];
delete newState.devices[device.id];
const roomId = previousState.devices[device.id].roomId;
change.rooms[roomId] = change.rooms[roomId] || {
devices: { $remove: [] },
} else {
// otherwise, just delete all devices and all joins
// between rooms and devices
newState.devices = {};
for (const room of newState.rooms) {
room.devices = [];
change = {
devices: { $set: {} },
rooms: {},
for (const room of newState.rooms) {
change.rooms[room.id].devices = { $set: new Set() };
newState = update(previousState, change);
change = {
devices: {},
rooms: {},
for (const device of action.devices) {
newState.devices[device.id] = device;
change.devices[device.id] = { $set: device };
if (device.roomId in newState.rooms) {
const devices = change.rooms[device.roomId].devices;
devices.$add = devices.$add || [];
} else {
"Cannot join device",
@ -72,14 +104,13 @@ function reducer(previousState, action) {
delete newState.errors.devices;
newState = update(newState, change);
case "ROOM_SAVE":
if (!(actions.roomId in newState.rooms)) {
if (!(actions.roomId in previousState.rooms)) {
console.warn(`Room to delete ${actions.roomId} does not exist`);
@ -87,31 +118,41 @@ function reducer(previousState, action) {
// This update does not ensure the consistent update of switchId/dimmerId properties
// on output devices connected to an input device in this room. Please manually request
// all devices again if consistent update is desired
for (const id of newState.rooms[action.roomId].devices) {
delete newState.devices[id];
change = { devices: { $unset: [] } };
for (const id of previousState.rooms[action.roomId].devices) {
delete newState.rooms[action.roomId];
change.rooms = { $unset: actions.roomId };
newState = update(previousState, change);
if (!(actions.deviceId in newState.devices)) {
if (!(actions.deviceId in previousState.devices)) {
console.warn(`Device to delete ${actions.deviceId} does not exist`);
delete newState.devices[actions.deviceId];
newState = update(previousState, {
devices: { $unset: actions.deviceId },
rooms: {
[previousState.devices[actions.deviceId].roomId]: {
devices: { $remove: actions.deviceId },
case "LOGOUT":
newState.login = { token: null, loggedIn: false };
newState.rooms = [];
newState.devices = [];
delete newState.errors.login;
newState = {
login: { loggedIn: false, token: null },
rooms: [],
devices: [],
userInfo: null,
console.warn(`Action type ${action.type} unknown`, action);
return previousState;
console.log("new state: ", newState);
@ -123,6 +164,7 @@ function createSmartHutStore() {
const exp = localStorage.getItem("exp");
const initialState = {
errors: {},
login: {
token: token,
@ -133,7 +175,7 @@ function createSmartHutStore() {
devices: {},
initialState.login.loggedIn = token && exp > new Date().getTime();
initialState.login.loggedIn = !!(token && exp > new Date().getTime());
if (!initialState.login.loggedIn) {

View File

@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ import {
} from "semantic-ui-react";
import { RemoteService } from "../remote";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
export default class Login extends Component {
class Login extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
@ -23,31 +26,15 @@ export default class Login extends Component {
handleLogin = (e) => {
const params = {
usernameOrEmail: this.state.user,
password: this.state.password,
user: this.state.user,
params: params,
.then((res) => {
if (res.response.status === 200) {
} else if (res.response.status === 401) {
error: { state: true, message: "Wrong credentials" },
} else {
error: { state: true, message: "An error occurred while logging" },
.login(this.state.user, this.state.password)
.then(() => this.props.history.push("/dashboard"))
.catch((err) => {
error: { state: true, message: err.messages.join(" - ") },
@ -108,7 +95,7 @@ export default class Login extends Component {
@ -127,3 +114,9 @@ export default class Login extends Component {
const mapStateToProps = (state, _) => ({ loggedIn: state.login.loggedIn });
const LoginContainer = withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, RemoteService))(
export default LoginContainer;

View File

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