import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import HomeNavbar from './../components/HomeNavbar'; import { Button, Container, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, List, Menu, Responsive, Segment, Sidebar, Visibility, } from 'semantic-ui-react'; // Heads up! // We using React Static to prerender our docs with server side rendering, this is a quite simple solution. // For more advanced usage please check Responsive docs under the "Usage" section. const getWidth = () => { const isSSR = typeof window === 'undefined'; return isSSR ? Responsive.onlyTablet.minWidth : window.innerWidth; } /* eslint-disable react/no-multi-comp */ /* Heads up! HomepageHeading uses inline styling, however it's not the best practice. Use CSS or styled components for * such things. */ const HomepageHeading = ({ mobile }) => (
) HomepageHeading.propTypes = { mobile: PropTypes.bool, } class DesktopContainer extends Component { state = {}; hideFixedMenu = () => this.setState({ fixed: false }) showFixedMenu = () => this.setState({ fixed: true }) render() { const { children } = this.props return ( {children} ) } } DesktopContainer.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, } class MobileContainer extends Component { state = {} handleSidebarHide = () => this.setState({ sidebarOpened: false }) handleToggle = () => this.setState({ sidebarOpened: true }) render() { const { children } = this.props; const { sidebarOpened } = this.state; return ( Home Log in Sign Up {children} ) } } MobileContainer.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, } const ResponsiveContainer = ({ children }) => (
{children} {children}
) ResponsiveContainer.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, } const Home = () => (
We help you keep your home connected

In a few steps your home will be fully connected with SmartHut.

Choose between a wide range of devices

SmartHut is a leading worldwide company in technology innovation. Explore our website to find the best devices for each room of your home!

Have you ever dreamt about a smart home?

Let us carrying you into the future. With SmartHut, being at home will be a refreshing experience. With just a few clicks, you will be able the set the illumination of your entire place. Follow the intelligent light, follow SmartHut.

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Keep your Home connected.

) export default Home;