import React, {Component, useState} from 'react'; import {Button, Checkbox, Form, Modal} from "semantic-ui-react"; const SettingsForm = (props) => { const handleInputChange = e => { const {name, value} =; setValues({...values, [name]: value}) }; const handleCheckboxChange = (e,d) => { const {name, checked} = d; setValues({...values, [name]: checked}) }; const [values, setValues] = useState({name: ''}); return ( <Form> <Form.Field> <label>New Name: </label> <input autoComplete="off" name="name" onChange={handleInputChange} value={} placeholder='Device name'/> </Form.Field> {props.type === "smart-plug" ? ( <Form.Field> <Checkbox slider name={"reset"} onClick={handleCheckboxChange} label='Reset Energy Consumption'/> </Form.Field> ) : ""} <Button onClick={() => props.saveFunction(values)} color="blue" type='submit'>Save</Button> </Form> ) } export default class SettingsModal extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { open: true, }; } handleClose = () => { this.setState({open: false}); }; saveSettings = (device) => { // TODO Here there should be all the connections to save the data in the backend console.log("SAVED: ", device); this.props.openModal(); }; render() { const SettingsModal = () => ( <Modal open={true} onOpen={this.props.openModal} onClose={this.props.openModal}> <Modal.Header>Settings of {}</Modal.Header> <Modal.Content> <SettingsForm type={this.props.device.type} saveFunction={this.saveSettings}/> </Modal.Content> </Modal> ); return ( <SettingsModal/> ) } }