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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Check command line.
if (grep ($_ eq '-h' || $_ eq '--help', @ARGV)) {
print <<'EOF';
backtrace, for converting raw addresses into symbolic backtraces
usage: backtrace [BINARY]... ADDRESS...
where BINARY is the binary file or files from which to obtain symbols
and ADDRESS is a raw address to convert to a symbol name.
If no BINARY is unspecified, the default is the first of kernel.o or
build/kernel.o that exists. If multiple binaries are specified, each
symbol printed is from the first binary that contains a match.
The ADDRESS list should be taken from the "Call stack:" printed by the
kernel. Read "Backtraces" in the "Debugging Tools" chapter of the
Pintos documentation for more information.
exit 0;
die "backtrace: at least one argument required (use --help for help)\n"
if @ARGV == 0;
# Drop garbage inserted by kernel.
@ARGV = grep (!/^(call|stack:?|[-+])$/i, @ARGV);
s/\.$// foreach @ARGV;
# Find binaries.
my (@binaries);
while ($ARGV[0] !~ /^0x/) {
my ($bin) = shift @ARGV;
die "backtrace: $bin: not found (use --help for help)\n" if ! -e $bin;
push (@binaries, $bin);
if (!@binaries) {
my ($bin);
if (-e 'kernel.o') {
$bin = 'kernel.o';
} elsif (-e 'build/kernel.o') {
$bin = 'build/kernel.o';
} else {
die "backtrace: no binary specified and neither \"kernel.o\" nor \"build/kernel.o\" exists (use --help for help)\n";
push (@binaries, $bin);
# Find addr2line.
my ($a2l) = search_path ("i386-elf-addr2line") || search_path ("addr2line");
if (!$a2l) {
die "backtrace: neither `i386-elf-addr2line' nor `addr2line' in PATH\n";
sub search_path {
my ($target) = @_;
for my $dir (split (':', $ENV{PATH})) {
my ($file) = "$dir/$target";
return $file if -e $file;
return undef;
# Figure out backtrace.
my (@locs) = map ({ADDR => $_}, @ARGV);
for my $bin (@binaries) {
open (A2L, "$a2l -fe $bin " . join (' ', map ($_->{ADDR}, @locs)) . "|");
for (my ($i) = 0; <A2L>; $i++) {
my ($function, $line);
chomp ($function = $_);
chomp ($line = <A2L>);
next if defined $locs[$i]{BINARY};
if ($function ne '??' || $line ne '??:0') {
$locs[$i]{FUNCTION} = $function;
$locs[$i]{LINE} = $line;
$locs[$i]{BINARY} = $bin;
close (A2L);
# Print backtrace.
my ($cur_binary);
for my $loc (@locs) {
if (defined ($loc->{BINARY})
&& @binaries > 1
&& (!defined ($cur_binary) || $loc->{BINARY} ne $cur_binary)) {
$cur_binary = $loc->{BINARY};
print "In $cur_binary:\n";
my ($addr) = $loc->{ADDR};
$addr = sprintf ("0x%08x", hex ($addr)) if $addr =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
print $addr, ": ";
if (defined ($loc->{BINARY})) {
my ($function) = $loc->{FUNCTION};
my ($line) = $loc->{LINE};
$line =~ s/^(\.\.\/)*//;
$line = "..." . substr ($line, -25) if length ($line) > 28;
print "$function ($line)";
} else {
print "(unknown)";
print "\n";