Added pintos source and bochs support files

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2020-03-22 09:36:01 +01:00
commit eb678bb2f9
718 changed files with 41025 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Prerequisites
# Object files
# Linker output
# Precompiled Headers
# Libraries
# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
# Executables
# Debug files
# Kernel Module Compile Results

Vagrantfile vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
# accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
# "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
config.vm.hostname = "pintosvm"
config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
config.vm.synced_folder "./pintos-env", "/pintos-env"

12 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc g++ gdb binutils \
libxrandr2 libxrandr-dev \
libncurses5-dev libncurses5
cat <<EOF > /home/vagrant/.bash_profile
export PATH
export PS1='\${debian_chroot:+(\$debian_chroot)}\[\e[1;31m\]\u@\h:\[\e[0m\]\w\\$ '
alias ls='ls --color'

pintos-env/bin/bochs Executable file

Binary file not shown.

pintos-env/bin/bxcommit Executable file

Binary file not shown.

pintos-env/bin/bximage Executable file

Binary file not shown.

pintos-env/pintos/.cproject Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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<targetPlatform archList="all" binaryParser="org.eclipse.cdt.core.MachO64" id="" name="Debug Platform" osList="macosx" superClass=""/>
<builder id="" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="false" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass=""/>
<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.macosx.c.linker.macosx.base.589064000" name="MacOS X C Linker" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.macosx.c.linker.macosx.base"/>
<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.macosx.cpp.linker.macosx.base.68314080" name="MacOS X C++ Linker" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.macosx.cpp.linker.macosx.base">
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<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.macosx.base.313293257" name="GCC C++ Compiler" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.macosx.base">
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pintos-env/pintos/.project Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

pintos-env/pintos/LICENSE Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
Pintos, including its documentation, is subject to the following
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford
Jr. University. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
A few individual files in Pintos were originally derived from other
projects, but they have been extensively modified for use in Pintos.
The original code falls under the original license, and modifications
for Pintos are additionally covered by the Pintos license above.
In particular, code derived from Nachos is subject to the following
/* Copyright (c) 1992-1996 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and
without written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear
in all copies of this software.
Also, code derived from MIT's 6.828 course code is subject to the
following license:
* Copyright (C) 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* This software is being provided by the copyright holders under the
* following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software,
* you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the
* following terms and conditions:
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is
* hereby granted, provided that the full text of this NOTICE appears on
* ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof,
* including modifications, that you make.
* The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in
* advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific,
* written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any
* associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright
* holders. See the file AUTHORS which should have accompanied this software
* for a list of all copyright holders.
* This file may be derived from previously copyrighted software. This
* copyright applies only to those changes made by the copyright
* holders listed in the AUTHORS file. The rest of this file is covered by
* the copyright notices, if any, listed below.

pintos-env/pintos/Make.config Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
SHELL = /bin/sh
# Binary utilities.
# If the host appears to be x86, use the normal tools.
# If it's x86-64, use the compiler and linker in 32-bit mode.
# Otherwise assume cross-tools are installed as i386-elf-*.
X86 = i.86\|pentium.*\|[pk][56]\|nexgen\|viac3\|6x86\|athlon.*\|i86pc
X86_64 = x86_64
ifneq (0, $(shell expr `uname -m` : '$(X86)'))
CC = gcc
LD = ld
OBJCOPY = objcopy
ifneq (0, $(shell expr `uname -m` : '$(X86_64)'))
ifneq (0, $(shell expr `uname -s` : 'Darwin'))
CC = i386-elf-gcc
LD = i386-elf-ld
AR = i386-elf-ar
RANLIB = i386-elf-ranlib
OBJCOPY = i386-elf-objcopy
CC = gcc -m32 -fno-stack-protector
LD = ld -melf_i386
AR = ar
RANLIB = ranlib
OBJCOPY = objcopy
CC = i386-elf-gcc
LD = i386-elf-ld
AR = i386-elf-ar
RANLIB = i386-elf-ranlib
OBJCOPY = i386-elf-objcopy
ifeq ($(strip $(shell command -v $(CC) 2> /dev/null)),)
$(warning *** Compiler ($(CC)) not found. Did you set $$PATH properly? Please refer to the Getting Started section in the documentation for details. ***)
# Compiler and assembler invocation.
WARNINGS = -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wsystem-headers
CFLAGS = -g -msoft-float -O
CPPFLAGS = -nostdinc -I$(SRCDIR) -I$(SRCDIR)/lib
ASFLAGS = -Wa,--gstabs
DEPS = -MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d)
# Turn off -fstack-protector, which we don't support.
ifeq ($(strip $(shell echo | $(CC) -fno-stack-protector -E - > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?)),0)
CFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector
# Turn off --build-id in the linker, which confuses the Pintos loader.
ifeq ($(strip $(shell $(LD) --help | grep -q build-id; echo $$?)),0)
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--build-id=none
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNINGS) $(DEFINES) $(DEPS)
%.o: %.S
$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(ASFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(DEPS)

pintos-env/pintos/Makefile Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
BUILD_SUBDIRS = threads userprog vm filesys
@echo "Run 'make' in subdirectories: $(BUILD_SUBDIRS)."
@echo "This top-level make has only 'clean' targets."
for d in $(CLEAN_SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d $@; done
rm -f TAGS tags
distclean:: clean
find . -name '*~' -exec rm '{}' \;
TAGS_SOURCES = find $(TAGS_SUBDIRS) -name \*.[chS] -print
etags --members `$(TAGS_SOURCES)`
ctags -T --no-warn `$(TAGS_SOURCES)`
$(TAGS_SOURCES) > cscope.files
cscope:: cscope.files
cscope -b -q -k

pintos-env/pintos/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
SRCDIR = ../..
all: kernel.bin loader.bin
include ../../Make.config
include ../Make.vars
include ../../tests/Make.tests
# Compiler and assembler options.
kernel.bin: CPPFLAGS += -I$(SRCDIR)/lib/kernel
# Core kernel.
threads_SRC = threads/start.S # Startup code.
threads_SRC += threads/init.c # Main program.
threads_SRC += threads/thread.c # Thread management core.
threads_SRC += threads/switch.S # Thread switch routine.
threads_SRC += threads/interrupt.c # Interrupt core.
threads_SRC += threads/intr-stubs.S # Interrupt stubs.
threads_SRC += threads/synch.c # Synchronization.
threads_SRC += threads/palloc.c # Page allocator.
threads_SRC += threads/malloc.c # Subpage allocator.
# Device driver code.
devices_SRC = devices/pit.c # Programmable interrupt timer chip.
devices_SRC += devices/timer.c # Periodic timer device.
devices_SRC += devices/kbd.c # Keyboard device.
devices_SRC += devices/vga.c # Video device.
devices_SRC += devices/serial.c # Serial port device.
devices_SRC += devices/block.c # Block device abstraction layer.
devices_SRC += devices/partition.c # Partition block device.
devices_SRC += devices/ide.c # IDE disk block device.
devices_SRC += devices/input.c # Serial and keyboard input.
devices_SRC += devices/intq.c # Interrupt queue.
devices_SRC += devices/rtc.c # Real-time clock.
devices_SRC += devices/shutdown.c # Reboot and power off.
devices_SRC += devices/speaker.c # PC speaker.
# Library code shared between kernel and user programs.
lib_SRC = lib/debug.c # Debug helpers.
lib_SRC += lib/random.c # Pseudo-random numbers.
lib_SRC += lib/stdio.c # I/O library.
lib_SRC += lib/stdlib.c # Utility functions.
lib_SRC += lib/string.c # String functions.
lib_SRC += lib/arithmetic.c # 64-bit arithmetic for GCC.
lib_SRC += lib/ustar.c # Unix standard tar format utilities.
# Kernel-specific library code.
lib/kernel_SRC = lib/kernel/debug.c # Debug helpers.
lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/list.c # Doubly-linked lists.
lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/bitmap.c # Bitmaps.
lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/hash.c # Hash tables.
lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/console.c # printf(), putchar().
# User process code.
userprog_SRC = userprog/process.c # Process loading.
userprog_SRC += userprog/pagedir.c # Page directories.
userprog_SRC += userprog/exception.c # User exception handler.
userprog_SRC += userprog/syscall.c # System call handler.
userprog_SRC += userprog/gdt.c # GDT initialization.
userprog_SRC += userprog/tss.c # TSS management.
# No virtual memory code yet.
#vm_SRC = vm/file.c # Some file.
# Filesystem code.
filesys_SRC = filesys/filesys.c # Filesystem core.
filesys_SRC += filesys/free-map.c # Free sector bitmap.
filesys_SRC += filesys/file.c # Files.
filesys_SRC += filesys/directory.c # Directories.
filesys_SRC += filesys/inode.c # File headers.
filesys_SRC += filesys/fsutil.c # Utilities.
SOURCES = $(foreach dir,$(KERNEL_SUBDIRS),$($(dir)_SRC))
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(SOURCES)))
DEPENDS = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJECTS))
threads/ CPPFLAGS += -P
threads/ threads/ threads/loader.h
kernel.o: threads/ $(OBJECTS)
$(LD) -T $< -o $@ $(OBJECTS)
kernel.bin: kernel.o
$(OBJCOPY) -R .note -R .comment -S $< $@
threads/loader.o: threads/loader.S
$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(ASFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFINES)
loader.bin: threads/loader.o
$(LD) -N -e 0 -Ttext 0x7c00 --oformat binary -o $@ $<
os.dsk: kernel.bin
cat $^ > $@
rm -f threads/loader.o threads/ threads/loader.d
rm -f kernel.bin.tmp
rm -f kernel.o
rm -f kernel.bin loader.bin
rm -f bochsout.txt bochsrc.txt
rm -f results grade
Makefile: $(SRCDIR)/
cp $< $@
-include $(DEPENDS)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
include Make.vars
DIRS = $(sort $(addprefix build/,$(KERNEL_SUBDIRS) $(TEST_SUBDIRS) lib/user))
all grade check: $(DIRS) build/Makefile
cd build && $(MAKE) $@
mkdir -p $@
build/Makefile: ../
cp $< $@
build/%: $(DIRS) build/Makefile
cd build && $(MAKE) $*
rm -rf build

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
$(PROGS): CPPFLAGS += -I$(SRCDIR)/lib/user -I.
# Linker flags.
$(PROGS): LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -static -Wl,-T,$(LDSCRIPT)
$(PROGS): LDSCRIPT = $(SRCDIR)/lib/user/
# Library code shared between kernel and user programs.
lib_SRC = lib/debug.c # Debug code.
lib_SRC += lib/random.c # Pseudo-random numbers.
lib_SRC += lib/stdio.c # I/O library.
lib_SRC += lib/stdlib.c # Utility functions.
lib_SRC += lib/string.c # String functions.
lib_SRC += lib/arithmetic.c # 64-bit arithmetic for GCC.
lib_SRC += lib/ustar.c # Unix standard tar format utilities.
# User level only library code.
lib/user_SRC = lib/user/debug.c # Debug helpers.
lib/user_SRC += lib/user/syscall.c # System calls.
lib/user_SRC += lib/user/console.c # Console code.
LIB_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(lib_SRC) $(lib/user_SRC)))
LIB_DEP = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(LIB_OBJ))
LIB = lib/user/entry.o libc.a
PROGS_SRC = $(foreach prog,$(PROGS),$($(prog)_SRC))
PROGS_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(PROGS_SRC)))
PROGS_DEP = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(PROGS_OBJ))
all: $(PROGS)
$(1)_OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$($(1)_SRC)))
$(1): $$($(1)_OBJ) $$(LIB) $$(LDSCRIPT)
$$(CC) $$(LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJ) $$(LIB) -o $$@
$(foreach prog,$(PROGS),$(eval $(call TEMPLATE,$(prog))))
libc.a: $(LIB_OBJ)
rm -f $@
$(AR) -r $@ $^
$(RANLIB) $@
rm -f $(LIB_DEP) $(LIB_OBJ) lib/user/entry.[do] libc.a
.PHONY: all clean
-include $(LIB_DEP) $(PROGS_DEP)

pintos-env/pintos/README Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
### Pintos on Mac###
Pintos Mac - Pintos on Mac
Release Version: 0.1
Release Data: 2012/9/17
Contact: Jeremy Mao( or
1. Overview
2. Getting Started
3. Building Pintos
4. Running Pintos
Welcome to Pintos. Pintos is a simple operating system framework for the 80x86 architecture. It supports kernel threads, loading and running user programs, and a file system, but it implements all of these in a very simple way. In the Pintos projects, you and your project team will strengthen its support in all three of these areas. You will also add a virtual memory implementation.
The orignal experimental environment of Pintos is on *nix (Unix and Linux), since MacOSX comes from Unix, I am curious to make Pintos workable on MacOSX. The following instructions can help you setup your experimental environment.
* 2 Getting Started
2.0 Prerequisites
Before next step, you at least need
1. Hardware: Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, Mac Mini or iMac
2. Software: OS X Mountaion Lion (My environment), maybe workable on Lion and Snow Leopard
2.0.1 Setup cross build environment
To set up the pintos working environment on mac, you should
1. Download pintos source code from github
git clone
2. Download MacPorts from
3. Install cross build tools
sudo port install i386-elf-binutils
sudo port install i386-elf-gcc
4. Create gcc link
cd /opt/local/bin
sudo ln -s i386-elf-gcc i386-elf-gcc-4.3.2
5. Install bochs
sudo port install bochs
6. Install X on Mac from
* 3 Building Pintos
As the next step, build the source code supplied for the first project. First, cd into the "threads" directory. Then, issue the "make" command. This will create a "build" directory under "theads", populate it with a "Makefile" and a few subdirectories, and then build the kernel inside. The entire build should take less than 30 second.
Watch the commands executed during the build. On the Linux machines, the ordinary system tools are used.
Following the build, the following are the interesting files in the "build" directory:
A copy of "pintos/src/". It describes how to build the kernel.
Object file for the entire kernel. This is the result of linking object files compiled from each individual kernel source file into a single object file. It contains debug infomation, so you can run GDB or backtrace on it.
Memory image of the kernel, that is, the exact bytes loaded into memory to run the Pintos kernel. This is just "kernel.o" with debug information stripped out, which saves a lot of space, which in turn keeps the kernel from bumping up against a 512KB size limit imposed by the kernel loader's design.
Memory image for the kernel loader, a small chunk of code written in assembly language that reads the kernel from disk into memory and starts it up. It is exactly 512 bytes long, a size fixed by the PC BIOS.
Subdirectories of "build" contain object files (".o") and dependency files (".d"), both produced by the compiler. The dependency file tell make which source files need to be recompiled when other source or header files are changed.
* 4 Running Pintos
cd threads/build
pintos -- run alarm-single

pintos-env/pintos/devices/block.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
#include "devices/block.h"
#include <list.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/ide.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
/* A block device. */
struct block
struct list_elem list_elem; /* Element in all_blocks. */
char name[16]; /* Block device name. */
enum block_type type; /* Type of block device. */
block_sector_t size; /* Size in sectors. */
const struct block_operations *ops; /* Driver operations. */
void *aux; /* Extra data owned by driver. */
unsigned long long read_cnt; /* Number of sectors read. */
unsigned long long write_cnt; /* Number of sectors written. */
/* List of all block devices. */
static struct list all_blocks = LIST_INITIALIZER (all_blocks);
/* The block block assigned to each Pintos role. */
static struct block *block_by_role[BLOCK_ROLE_CNT];
static struct block *list_elem_to_block (struct list_elem *);
/* Returns a human-readable name for the given block device
TYPE. */
const char *
block_type_name (enum block_type type)
static const char *block_type_names[BLOCK_CNT] =
return block_type_names[type];
/* Returns the block device fulfilling the given ROLE, or a null
pointer if no block device has been assigned that role. */
struct block *
block_get_role (enum block_type role)
return block_by_role[role];
/* Assigns BLOCK the given ROLE. */
block_set_role (enum block_type role, struct block *block)
block_by_role[role] = block;
/* Returns the first block device in kernel probe order, or a
null pointer if no block devices are registered. */
struct block *
block_first (void)
return list_elem_to_block (list_begin (&all_blocks));
/* Returns the block device following BLOCK in kernel probe
order, or a null pointer if BLOCK is the last block device. */
struct block *
block_next (struct block *block)
return list_elem_to_block (list_next (&block->list_elem));
/* Returns the block device with the given NAME, or a null
pointer if no block device has that name. */
struct block *
block_get_by_name (const char *name)
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (&all_blocks); e != list_end (&all_blocks);
e = list_next (e))
struct block *block = list_entry (e, struct block, list_elem);
if (!strcmp (name, block->name))
return block;
return NULL;
/* Verifies that SECTOR is a valid offset within BLOCK.
Panics if not. */
static void
check_sector (struct block *block, block_sector_t sector)
if (sector >= block->size)
/* We do not use ASSERT because we want to panic here
regardless of whether NDEBUG is defined. */
PANIC ("Access past end of device %s (sector=%"PRDSNu", "
"size=%"PRDSNu")\n", block_name (block), sector, block->size);
/* Reads sector SECTOR from BLOCK into BUFFER, which must
have room for BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes.
Internally synchronizes accesses to block devices, so external
per-block device locking is unneeded. */
block_read (struct block *block, block_sector_t sector, void *buffer)
check_sector (block, sector);
block->ops->read (block->aux, sector, buffer);
/* Write sector SECTOR to BLOCK from BUFFER, which must contain
BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. Returns after the block device has
acknowledged receiving the data.
Internally synchronizes accesses to block devices, so external
per-block device locking is unneeded. */
block_write (struct block *block, block_sector_t sector, const void *buffer)
check_sector (block, sector);
ASSERT (block->type != BLOCK_FOREIGN);
block->ops->write (block->aux, sector, buffer);
/* Returns the number of sectors in BLOCK. */
block_size (struct block *block)
return block->size;
/* Returns BLOCK's name (e.g. "hda"). */
const char *
block_name (struct block *block)
return block->name;
/* Returns BLOCK's type. */
enum block_type
block_type (struct block *block)
return block->type;
/* Prints statistics for each block device used for a Pintos role. */
block_print_stats (void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_CNT; i++)
struct block *block = block_by_role[i];
if (block != NULL)
printf ("%s (%s): %llu reads, %llu writes\n",
block->name, block_type_name (block->type),
block->read_cnt, block->write_cnt);
/* Registers a new block device with the given NAME. If
EXTRA_INFO is non-null, it is printed as part of a user
message. The block device's SIZE in sectors and its TYPE must
be provided, as well as the it operation functions OPS, which
will be passed AUX in each function call. */
struct block *
block_register (const char *name, enum block_type type,
const char *extra_info, block_sector_t size,
const struct block_operations *ops, void *aux)
struct block *block = malloc (sizeof *block);
if (block == NULL)
PANIC ("Failed to allocate memory for block device descriptor");
list_push_back (&all_blocks, &block->list_elem);
strlcpy (block->name, name, sizeof block->name);
block->type = type;
block->size = size;
block->ops = ops;
block->aux = aux;
block->read_cnt = 0;
block->write_cnt = 0;
printf ("%s: %'"PRDSNu" sectors (", block->name, block->size);
print_human_readable_size ((uint64_t) block->size * BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
printf (")");
if (extra_info != NULL)
printf (", %s", extra_info);
printf ("\n");
return block;
/* Returns the block device corresponding to LIST_ELEM, or a null
pointer if LIST_ELEM is the list end of all_blocks. */
static struct block *
list_elem_to_block (struct list_elem *list_elem)
return (list_elem != list_end (&all_blocks)
? list_entry (list_elem, struct block, list_elem)
: NULL);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
/* Size of a block device sector in bytes.
All IDE disks use this sector size, as do most USB and SCSI
disks. It's not worth it to try to cater to other sector
sizes in Pintos (yet). */
/* Index of a block device sector.
Good enough for devices up to 2 TB. */
typedef uint32_t block_sector_t;
/* Format specifier for printf(), e.g.:
printf ("sector=%"PRDSNu"\n", sector); */
#define PRDSNu PRIu32
/* Higher-level interface for file systems, etc. */
struct block;
/* Type of a block device. */
enum block_type
/* Block device types that play a role in Pintos. */
BLOCK_KERNEL, /* Pintos OS kernel. */
BLOCK_FILESYS, /* File system. */
BLOCK_SCRATCH, /* Scratch. */
BLOCK_SWAP, /* Swap. */
/* Other kinds of block devices that Pintos may see but does
not interact with. */
BLOCK_RAW = BLOCK_ROLE_CNT, /* "Raw" device with unidentified contents. */
BLOCK_FOREIGN, /* Owned by non-Pintos operating system. */
BLOCK_CNT /* Number of Pintos block types. */
const char *block_type_name (enum block_type);
/* Finding block devices. */
struct block *block_get_role (enum block_type);
void block_set_role (enum block_type, struct block *);
struct block *block_get_by_name (const char *name);
struct block *block_first (void);
struct block *block_next (struct block *);
/* Block device operations. */
block_sector_t block_size (struct block *);
void block_read (struct block *, block_sector_t, void *);
void block_write (struct block *, block_sector_t, const void *);
const char *block_name (struct block *);
enum block_type block_type (struct block *);
/* Statistics. */
void block_print_stats (void);
/* Lower-level interface to block device drivers. */
struct block_operations
void (*read) (void *aux, block_sector_t, void *buffer);
void (*write) (void *aux, block_sector_t, const void *buffer);
struct block *block_register (const char *name, enum block_type,
const char *extra_info, block_sector_t size,
const struct block_operations *, void *aux);
#endif /* devices/block.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/ide.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
#include "devices/ide.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/block.h"
#include "devices/partition.h"
#include "devices/timer.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/synch.h"
/* The code in this file is an interface to an ATA (IDE)
controller. It attempts to comply to [ATA-3]. */
/* ATA command block port addresses. */
#define reg_data(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 0) /* Data. */
#define reg_error(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 1) /* Error. */
#define reg_nsect(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 2) /* Sector Count. */
#define reg_lbal(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 3) /* LBA 0:7. */
#define reg_lbam(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 4) /* LBA 15:8. */
#define reg_lbah(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 5) /* LBA 23:16. */
#define reg_device(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 6) /* Device/LBA 27:24. */
#define reg_status(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 7) /* Status (r/o). */
#define reg_command(CHANNEL) reg_status (CHANNEL) /* Command (w/o). */
/* ATA control block port addresses.
(If we supported non-legacy ATA controllers this would not be
flexible enough, but it's fine for what we do.) */
#define reg_ctl(CHANNEL) ((CHANNEL)->reg_base + 0x206) /* Control (w/o). */
#define reg_alt_status(CHANNEL) reg_ctl (CHANNEL) /* Alt Status (r/o). */
/* Alternate Status Register bits. */
#define STA_BSY 0x80 /* Busy. */
#define STA_DRDY 0x40 /* Device Ready. */
#define STA_DRQ 0x08 /* Data Request. */
/* Control Register bits. */
#define CTL_SRST 0x04 /* Software Reset. */
/* Device Register bits. */
#define DEV_MBS 0xa0 /* Must be set. */
#define DEV_LBA 0x40 /* Linear based addressing. */
#define DEV_DEV 0x10 /* Select device: 0=master, 1=slave. */
/* Commands.
Many more are defined but this is the small subset that we
use. */
#define CMD_READ_SECTOR_RETRY 0x20 /* READ SECTOR with retries. */
#define CMD_WRITE_SECTOR_RETRY 0x30 /* WRITE SECTOR with retries. */
/* An ATA device. */
struct ata_disk
char name[8]; /* Name, e.g. "hda". */
struct channel *channel; /* Channel that disk is attached to. */
int dev_no; /* Device 0 or 1 for master or slave. */
bool is_ata; /* Is device an ATA disk? */
/* An ATA channel (aka controller).
Each channel can control up to two disks. */
struct channel
char name[8]; /* Name, e.g. "ide0". */
uint16_t reg_base; /* Base I/O port. */
uint8_t irq; /* Interrupt in use. */
struct lock lock; /* Must acquire to access the controller. */
bool expecting_interrupt; /* True if an interrupt is expected, false if
any interrupt would be spurious. */
struct semaphore completion_wait; /* Up'd by interrupt handler. */
struct ata_disk devices[2]; /* The devices on this channel. */
/* We support the two "legacy" ATA channels found in a standard PC. */
#define CHANNEL_CNT 2
static struct channel channels[CHANNEL_CNT];
static struct block_operations ide_operations;
static void reset_channel (struct channel *);
static bool check_device_type (struct ata_disk *);
static void identify_ata_device (struct ata_disk *);
static void select_sector (struct ata_disk *, block_sector_t);
static void issue_pio_command (struct channel *, uint8_t command);
static void input_sector (struct channel *, void *);
static void output_sector (struct channel *, const void *);
static void wait_until_idle (const struct ata_disk *);
static bool wait_while_busy (const struct ata_disk *);
static void select_device (const struct ata_disk *);
static void select_device_wait (const struct ata_disk *);
static void interrupt_handler (struct intr_frame *);
/* Initialize the disk subsystem and detect disks. */
ide_init (void)
size_t chan_no;
for (chan_no = 0; chan_no < CHANNEL_CNT; chan_no++)
struct channel *c = &channels[chan_no];
int dev_no;
/* Initialize channel. */
snprintf (c->name, sizeof c->name, "ide%zu", chan_no);
switch (chan_no)
case 0:
c->reg_base = 0x1f0;
c->irq = 14 + 0x20;
case 1:
c->reg_base = 0x170;
c->irq = 15 + 0x20;
lock_init (&c->lock);
c->expecting_interrupt = false;
sema_init (&c->completion_wait, 0);
/* Initialize devices. */
for (dev_no = 0; dev_no < 2; dev_no++)
struct ata_disk *d = &c->devices[dev_no];
snprintf (d->name, sizeof d->name,
"hd%c", 'a' + chan_no * 2 + dev_no);
d->channel = c;
d->dev_no = dev_no;
d->is_ata = false;
/* Register interrupt handler. */
intr_register_ext (c->irq, interrupt_handler, c->name);
/* Reset hardware. */
reset_channel (c);
/* Distinguish ATA hard disks from other devices. */
if (check_device_type (&c->devices[0]))
check_device_type (&c->devices[1]);
/* Read hard disk identity information. */
for (dev_no = 0; dev_no < 2; dev_no++)
if (c->devices[dev_no].is_ata)
identify_ata_device (&c->devices[dev_no]);
/* Disk detection and identification. */
static char *descramble_ata_string (char *, int size);
/* Resets an ATA channel and waits for any devices present on it
to finish the reset. */
static void
reset_channel (struct channel *c)
bool present[2];
int dev_no;
/* The ATA reset sequence depends on which devices are present,
so we start by detecting device presence. */
for (dev_no = 0; dev_no < 2; dev_no++)
struct ata_disk *d = &c->devices[dev_no];
select_device (d);
outb (reg_nsect (c), 0x55);
outb (reg_lbal (c), 0xaa);
outb (reg_nsect (c), 0xaa);
outb (reg_lbal (c), 0x55);
outb (reg_nsect (c), 0x55);
outb (reg_lbal (c), 0xaa);
present[dev_no] = (inb (reg_nsect (c)) == 0x55
&& inb (reg_lbal (c)) == 0xaa);
/* Issue soft reset sequence, which selects device 0 as a side effect.
Also enable interrupts. */
outb (reg_ctl (c), 0);
timer_usleep (10);
outb (reg_ctl (c), CTL_SRST);
timer_usleep (10);
outb (reg_ctl (c), 0);
timer_msleep (150);
/* Wait for device 0 to clear BSY. */
if (present[0])
select_device (&c->devices[0]);
wait_while_busy (&c->devices[0]);
/* Wait for device 1 to clear BSY. */
if (present[1])
int i;
select_device (&c->devices[1]);
for (i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
if (inb (reg_nsect (c)) == 1 && inb (reg_lbal (c)) == 1)
timer_msleep (10);
wait_while_busy (&c->devices[1]);
/* Checks whether device D is an ATA disk and sets D's is_ata
member appropriately. If D is device 0 (master), returns true
if it's possible that a slave (device 1) exists on this
channel. If D is device 1 (slave), the return value is not
meaningful. */
static bool
check_device_type (struct ata_disk *d)
struct channel *c = d->channel;
uint8_t error, lbam, lbah, status;
select_device (d);
error = inb (reg_error (c));
lbam = inb (reg_lbam (c));
lbah = inb (reg_lbah (c));
status = inb (reg_status (c));
if ((error != 1 && (error != 0x81 || d->dev_no == 1))
|| (status & STA_DRDY) == 0
|| (status & STA_BSY) != 0)
d->is_ata = false;
return error != 0x81;
d->is_ata = (lbam == 0 && lbah == 0) || (lbam == 0x3c && lbah == 0xc3);
return true;
/* Sends an IDENTIFY DEVICE command to disk D and reads the
response. Registers the disk with the block device
layer. */
static void
identify_ata_device (struct ata_disk *d)
struct channel *c = d->channel;
block_sector_t capacity;
char *model, *serial;
char extra_info[128];
struct block *block;
ASSERT (d->is_ata);
/* Send the IDENTIFY DEVICE command, wait for an interrupt
indicating the device's response is ready, and read the data
into our buffer. */
select_device_wait (d);
issue_pio_command (c, CMD_IDENTIFY_DEVICE);
sema_down (&c->completion_wait);
if (!wait_while_busy (d))
d->is_ata = false;
input_sector (c, id);
/* Calculate capacity.
Read model name and serial number. */
capacity = *(uint32_t *) &id[60 * 2];
model = descramble_ata_string (&id[10 * 2], 20);
serial = descramble_ata_string (&id[27 * 2], 40);
snprintf (extra_info, sizeof extra_info,
"model \"%s\", serial \"%s\"", model, serial);
/* Disable access to IDE disks over 1 GB, which are likely
physical IDE disks rather than virtual ones. If we don't
allow access to those, we're less likely to scribble on
someone's important data. You can disable this check by
hand if you really want to do so. */
if (capacity >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE)
printf ("%s: ignoring ", d->name);
print_human_readable_size (capacity * 512);
printf ("disk for safety\n");
d->is_ata = false;
/* Register. */
block = block_register (d->name, BLOCK_RAW, extra_info, capacity,
&ide_operations, d);
partition_scan (block);
/* Translates STRING, which consists of SIZE bytes in a funky
format, into a null-terminated string in-place. Drops
trailing whitespace and null bytes. Returns STRING. */
static char *
descramble_ata_string (char *string, int size)
int i;
/* Swap all pairs of bytes. */
for (i = 0; i + 1 < size; i += 2)
char tmp = string[i];
string[i] = string[i + 1];
string[i + 1] = tmp;
/* Find the last non-white, non-null character. */
for (size--; size > 0; size--)
int c = string[size - 1];
if (c != '\0' && !isspace (c))
string[size] = '\0';
return string;
/* Reads sector SEC_NO from disk D into BUFFER, which must have
room for BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes.
Internally synchronizes accesses to disks, so external
per-disk locking is unneeded. */
static void
ide_read (void *d_, block_sector_t sec_no, void *buffer)
struct ata_disk *d = d_;
struct channel *c = d->channel;
lock_acquire (&c->lock);
select_sector (d, sec_no);
issue_pio_command (c, CMD_READ_SECTOR_RETRY);
sema_down (&c->completion_wait);
if (!wait_while_busy (d))
PANIC ("%s: disk read failed, sector=%"PRDSNu, d->name, sec_no);
input_sector (c, buffer);
lock_release (&c->lock);
/* Write sector SEC_NO to disk D from BUFFER, which must contain
BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. Returns after the disk has
acknowledged receiving the data.
Internally synchronizes accesses to disks, so external
per-disk locking is unneeded. */
static void
ide_write (void *d_, block_sector_t sec_no, const void *buffer)
struct ata_disk *d = d_;
struct channel *c = d->channel;
lock_acquire (&c->lock);
select_sector (d, sec_no);
issue_pio_command (c, CMD_WRITE_SECTOR_RETRY);
if (!wait_while_busy (d))
PANIC ("%s: disk write failed, sector=%"PRDSNu, d->name, sec_no);
output_sector (c, buffer);
sema_down (&c->completion_wait);
lock_release (&c->lock);
static struct block_operations ide_operations =
/* Selects device D, waiting for it to become ready, and then
writes SEC_NO to the disk's sector selection registers. (We
use LBA mode.) */
static void
select_sector (struct ata_disk *d, block_sector_t sec_no)
struct channel *c = d->channel;
ASSERT (sec_no < (1UL << 28));
select_device_wait (d);
outb (reg_nsect (c), 1);
outb (reg_lbal (c), sec_no);
outb (reg_lbam (c), sec_no >> 8);
outb (reg_lbah (c), (sec_no >> 16));
outb (reg_device (c),
DEV_MBS | DEV_LBA | (d->dev_no == 1 ? DEV_DEV : 0) | (sec_no >> 24));
/* Writes COMMAND to channel C and prepares for receiving a
completion interrupt. */
static void
issue_pio_command (struct channel *c, uint8_t command)
/* Interrupts must be enabled or our semaphore will never be
up'd by the completion handler. */
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_ON);
c->expecting_interrupt = true;
outb (reg_command (c), command);
/* Reads a sector from channel C's data register in PIO mode into
SECTOR, which must have room for BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. */
static void
input_sector (struct channel *c, void *sector)
insw (reg_data (c), sector, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE / 2);
/* Writes SECTOR to channel C's data register in PIO mode.
SECTOR must contain BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. */
static void
output_sector (struct channel *c, const void *sector)
outsw (reg_data (c), sector, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE / 2);
/* Low-level ATA primitives. */
/* Wait up to 10 seconds for the controller to become idle, that
is, for the BSY and DRQ bits to clear in the status register.
As a side effect, reading the status register clears any
pending interrupt. */
static void
wait_until_idle (const struct ata_disk *d)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if ((inb (reg_status (d->channel)) & (STA_BSY | STA_DRQ)) == 0)
timer_usleep (10);
printf ("%s: idle timeout\n", d->name);
/* Wait up to 30 seconds for disk D to clear BSY,
and then return the status of the DRQ bit.
The ATA standards say that a disk may take as long as that to
complete its reset. */
static bool
wait_while_busy (const struct ata_disk *d)
struct channel *c = d->channel;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
if (i == 700)
printf ("%s: busy, waiting...", d->name);
if (!(inb (reg_alt_status (c)) & STA_BSY))
if (i >= 700)
printf ("ok\n");
return (inb (reg_alt_status (c)) & STA_DRQ) != 0;
timer_msleep (10);
printf ("failed\n");
return false;
/* Program D's channel so that D is now the selected disk. */
static void
select_device (const struct ata_disk *d)
struct channel *c = d->channel;
uint8_t dev = DEV_MBS;
if (d->dev_no == 1)
dev |= DEV_DEV;
outb (reg_device (c), dev);
inb (reg_alt_status (c));
timer_nsleep (400);
/* Select disk D in its channel, as select_device(), but wait for
the channel to become idle before and after. */
static void
select_device_wait (const struct ata_disk *d)
wait_until_idle (d);
select_device (d);
wait_until_idle (d);
/* ATA interrupt handler. */
static void
interrupt_handler (struct intr_frame *f)
struct channel *c;
for (c = channels; c < channels + CHANNEL_CNT; c++)
if (f->vec_no == c->irq)
if (c->expecting_interrupt)
inb (reg_status (c)); /* Acknowledge interrupt. */
sema_up (&c->completion_wait); /* Wake up waiter. */
printf ("%s: unexpected interrupt\n", c->name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
void ide_init (void);
#endif /* devices/ide.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include "devices/input.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include "devices/intq.h"
#include "devices/serial.h"
/* Stores keys from the keyboard and serial port. */
static struct intq buffer;
/* Initializes the input buffer. */
input_init (void)
intq_init (&buffer);
/* Adds a key to the input buffer.
Interrupts must be off and the buffer must not be full. */
input_putc (uint8_t key)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
ASSERT (!intq_full (&buffer));
intq_putc (&buffer, key);
serial_notify ();
/* Retrieves a key from the input buffer.
If the buffer is empty, waits for a key to be pressed. */
input_getc (void)
enum intr_level old_level;
uint8_t key;
old_level = intr_disable ();
key = intq_getc (&buffer);
serial_notify ();
intr_set_level (old_level);
return key;
/* Returns true if the input buffer is full,
false otherwise.
Interrupts must be off. */
input_full (void)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
return intq_full (&buffer);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void input_init (void);
void input_putc (uint8_t);
uint8_t input_getc (void);
bool input_full (void);
#endif /* devices/input.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/intq.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#include "devices/intq.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include "threads/thread.h"
static int next (int pos);
static void wait (struct intq *q, struct thread **waiter);
static void signal (struct intq *q, struct thread **waiter);
/* Initializes interrupt queue Q. */
intq_init (struct intq *q)
lock_init (&q->lock);
q->not_full = q->not_empty = NULL;
q->head = q->tail = 0;
/* Returns true if Q is empty, false otherwise. */
intq_empty (const struct intq *q)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
return q->head == q->tail;
/* Returns true if Q is full, false otherwise. */
intq_full (const struct intq *q)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
return next (q->head) == q->tail;
/* Removes a byte from Q and returns it.
If Q is empty, sleeps until a byte is added.
When called from an interrupt handler, Q must not be empty. */
intq_getc (struct intq *q)
uint8_t byte;
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
while (intq_empty (q))
ASSERT (!intr_context ());
lock_acquire (&q->lock);
wait (q, &q->not_empty);
lock_release (&q->lock);
byte = q->buf[q->tail];
q->tail = next (q->tail);
signal (q, &q->not_full);
return byte;
/* Adds BYTE to the end of Q.
If Q is full, sleeps until a byte is removed.
When called from an interrupt handler, Q must not be full. */
intq_putc (struct intq *q, uint8_t byte)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
while (intq_full (q))
ASSERT (!intr_context ());
lock_acquire (&q->lock);
wait (q, &q->not_full);
lock_release (&q->lock);
q->buf[q->head] = byte;
q->head = next (q->head);
signal (q, &q->not_empty);
/* Returns the position after POS within an intq. */
static int
next (int pos)
return (pos + 1) % INTQ_BUFSIZE;
/* WAITER must be the address of Q's not_empty or not_full
member. Waits until the given condition is true. */
static void
wait (struct intq *q UNUSED, struct thread **waiter)
ASSERT (!intr_context ());
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
ASSERT ((waiter == &q->not_empty && intq_empty (q))
|| (waiter == &q->not_full && intq_full (q)));
*waiter = thread_current ();
thread_block ();
/* WAITER must be the address of Q's not_empty or not_full
member, and the associated condition must be true. If a
thread is waiting for the condition, wakes it up and resets
the waiting thread. */
static void
signal (struct intq *q UNUSED, struct thread **waiter)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
ASSERT ((waiter == &q->not_empty && !intq_empty (q))
|| (waiter == &q->not_full && !intq_full (q)));
if (*waiter != NULL)
thread_unblock (*waiter);
*waiter = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/synch.h"
/* An "interrupt queue", a circular buffer shared between
kernel threads and external interrupt handlers.
Interrupt queue functions can be called from kernel threads or
from external interrupt handlers. Except for intq_init(),
interrupts must be off in either case.
The interrupt queue has the structure of a "monitor". Locks
and condition variables from threads/synch.h cannot be used in
this case, as they normally would, because they can only
protect kernel threads from one another, not from interrupt
handlers. */
/* Queue buffer size, in bytes. */
#define INTQ_BUFSIZE 64
/* A circular queue of bytes. */
struct intq
/* Waiting threads. */
struct lock lock; /* Only one thread may wait at once. */
struct thread *not_full; /* Thread waiting for not-full condition. */
struct thread *not_empty; /* Thread waiting for not-empty condition. */
/* Queue. */
uint8_t buf[INTQ_BUFSIZE]; /* Buffer. */
int head; /* New data is written here. */
int tail; /* Old data is read here. */
void intq_init (struct intq *);
bool intq_empty (const struct intq *);
bool intq_full (const struct intq *);
uint8_t intq_getc (struct intq *);
void intq_putc (struct intq *, uint8_t);
#endif /* devices/intq.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/kbd.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#include "devices/kbd.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "devices/input.h"
#include "devices/shutdown.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
/* Keyboard data register port. */
#define DATA_REG 0x60
/* Current state of shift keys.
True if depressed, false otherwise. */
static bool left_shift, right_shift; /* Left and right Shift keys. */
static bool left_alt, right_alt; /* Left and right Alt keys. */
static bool left_ctrl, right_ctrl; /* Left and right Ctl keys. */
/* Status of Caps Lock.
True when on, false when off. */
static bool caps_lock;
/* Number of keys pressed. */
static int64_t key_cnt;
static intr_handler_func keyboard_interrupt;
/* Initializes the keyboard. */
kbd_init (void)
intr_register_ext (0x21, keyboard_interrupt, "8042 Keyboard");
/* Prints keyboard statistics. */
kbd_print_stats (void)
printf ("Keyboard: %lld keys pressed\n", key_cnt);
/* Maps a set of contiguous scancodes into characters. */
struct keymap
uint8_t first_scancode; /* First scancode. */
const char *chars; /* chars[0] has scancode first_scancode,
chars[1] has scancode first_scancode + 1,
and so on to the end of the string. */
/* Keys that produce the same characters regardless of whether
the Shift keys are down. Case of letters is an exception
that we handle elsewhere. */
static const struct keymap invariant_keymap[] =
{0x01, "\033"}, /* Escape. */
{0x0e, "\b"},
{0x0f, "\tQWERTYUIOP"},
{0x1c, "\r"},
{0x1e, "ASDFGHJKL"},
{0x2c, "ZXCVBNM"},
{0x37, "*"},
{0x39, " "},
{0x53, "\177"}, /* Delete. */
{0, NULL},
/* Characters for keys pressed without Shift, for those keys
where it matters. */
static const struct keymap unshifted_keymap[] =
{0x02, "1234567890-="},
{0x1a, "[]"},
{0x27, ";'`"},
{0x2b, "\\"},
{0x33, ",./"},
{0, NULL},
/* Characters for keys pressed with Shift, for those keys where
it matters. */
static const struct keymap shifted_keymap[] =
{0x02, "!@#$%^&*()_+"},
{0x1a, "{}"},
{0x27, ":\"~"},
{0x2b, "|"},
{0x33, "<>?"},
{0, NULL},
static bool map_key (const struct keymap[], unsigned scancode, uint8_t *);
static void
keyboard_interrupt (struct intr_frame *args UNUSED)
/* Status of shift keys. */
bool shift = left_shift || right_shift;
bool alt = left_alt || right_alt;
bool ctrl = left_ctrl || right_ctrl;
/* Keyboard scancode. */
unsigned code;
/* False if key pressed, true if key released. */
bool release;
/* Character that corresponds to `code'. */
uint8_t c;
/* Read scancode, including second byte if prefix code. */
code = inb (DATA_REG);
if (code == 0xe0)
code = (code << 8) | inb (DATA_REG);
/* Bit 0x80 distinguishes key press from key release
(even if there's a prefix). */
release = (code & 0x80) != 0;
code &= ~0x80u;
/* Interpret key. */
if (code == 0x3a)
/* Caps Lock. */
if (!release)
caps_lock = !caps_lock;
else if (map_key (invariant_keymap, code, &c)
|| (!shift && map_key (unshifted_keymap, code, &c))
|| (shift && map_key (shifted_keymap, code, &c)))
/* Ordinary character. */
if (!release)
/* Reboot if Ctrl+Alt+Del pressed. */
if (c == 0177 && ctrl && alt)
shutdown_reboot ();
/* Handle Ctrl, Shift.
Note that Ctrl overrides Shift. */
if (ctrl && c >= 0x40 && c < 0x60)
/* A is 0x41, Ctrl+A is 0x01, etc. */
c -= 0x40;
else if (shift == caps_lock)
c = tolower (c);
/* Handle Alt by setting the high bit.
This 0x80 is unrelated to the one used to
distinguish key press from key release. */
if (alt)
c += 0x80;
/* Append to keyboard buffer. */
if (!input_full ())
input_putc (c);
/* Maps a keycode into a shift state variable. */
struct shift_key
unsigned scancode;
bool *state_var;
/* Table of shift keys. */
static const struct shift_key shift_keys[] =
{ 0x2a, &left_shift},
{ 0x36, &right_shift},
{ 0x38, &left_alt},
{0xe038, &right_alt},
{ 0x1d, &left_ctrl},
{0xe01d, &right_ctrl},
{0, NULL},
const struct shift_key *key;
/* Scan the table. */
for (key = shift_keys; key->scancode != 0; key++)
if (key->scancode == code)
*key->state_var = !release;
/* Scans the array of keymaps K for SCANCODE.
If found, sets *C to the corresponding character and returns
If not found, returns false and C is ignored. */
static bool
map_key (const struct keymap k[], unsigned scancode, uint8_t *c)
for (; k->first_scancode != 0; k++)
if (scancode >= k->first_scancode
&& scancode < k->first_scancode + strlen (k->chars))
*c = k->chars[scancode - k->first_scancode];
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include <stdint.h>
void kbd_init (void);
void kbd_print_stats (void);
#endif /* devices/kbd.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
#include "devices/partition.h"
#include <packed.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/block.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
/* A partition of a block device. */
struct partition
struct block *block; /* Underlying block device. */
block_sector_t start; /* First sector within device. */
static struct block_operations partition_operations;
static void read_partition_table (struct block *, block_sector_t sector,
block_sector_t primary_extended_sector,
int *part_nr);
static void found_partition (struct block *, uint8_t type,
block_sector_t start, block_sector_t size,
int part_nr);
static const char *partition_type_name (uint8_t);
/* Scans BLOCK for partitions of interest to Pintos. */
partition_scan (struct block *block)
int part_nr = 0;
read_partition_table (block, 0, 0, &part_nr);
if (part_nr == 0)
printf ("%s: Device contains no partitions\n", block_name (block));
/* Reads the partition table in the given SECTOR of BLOCK and
scans it for partitions of interest to Pintos.
If SECTOR is 0, so that this is the top-level partition table
on BLOCK, then PRIMARY_EXTENDED_SECTOR is not meaningful;
otherwise, it should designate the sector of the top-level
extended partition table that was traversed to arrive at
SECTOR, for use in finding logical partitions (see the large
comment below).
PART_NR points to the number of non-empty primary or logical
partitions already encountered on BLOCK. It is incremented as
partitions are found. */
static void
read_partition_table (struct block *block, block_sector_t sector,
block_sector_t primary_extended_sector,
int *part_nr)
/* Format of a partition table entry. See [Partitions]. */
struct partition_table_entry
uint8_t bootable; /* 0x00=not bootable, 0x80=bootable. */
uint8_t start_chs[3]; /* Encoded starting cylinder, head, sector. */
uint8_t type; /* Partition type (see partition_type_name). */
uint8_t end_chs[3]; /* Encoded ending cylinder, head, sector. */
uint32_t offset; /* Start sector offset from partition table. */
uint32_t size; /* Number of sectors. */
/* Partition table sector. */
struct partition_table
uint8_t loader[446]; /* Loader, in top-level partition table. */
struct partition_table_entry partitions[4]; /* Table entries. */
uint16_t signature; /* Should be 0xaa55. */
struct partition_table *pt;
size_t i;
/* Check SECTOR validity. */
if (sector >= block_size (block))
printf ("%s: Partition table at sector %"PRDSNu" past end of device.\n",
block_name (block), sector);
/* Read sector. */
pt = malloc (sizeof *pt);
if (pt == NULL)
PANIC ("Failed to allocate memory for partition table.");
block_read (block, 0, pt);
/* Check signature. */
if (pt->signature != 0xaa55)
if (primary_extended_sector == 0)
printf ("%s: Invalid partition table signature\n", block_name (block));
printf ("%s: Invalid extended partition table in sector %"PRDSNu"\n",
block_name (block), sector);
free (pt);
/* Parse partitions. */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof pt->partitions / sizeof *pt->partitions; i++)
struct partition_table_entry *e = &pt->partitions[i];
if (e->size == 0 || e->type == 0)
/* Ignore empty partition. */
else if (e->type == 0x05 /* Extended partition. */
|| e->type == 0x0f /* Windows 98 extended partition. */
|| e->type == 0x85 /* Linux extended partition. */
|| e->type == 0xc5) /* DR-DOS extended partition. */
printf ("%s: Extended partition in sector %"PRDSNu"\n",
block_name (block), sector);
/* The interpretation of the offset field for extended
partitions is bizarre. When the extended partition
table entry is in the master boot record, that is,
the device's primary partition table in sector 0, then
the offset is an absolute sector number. Otherwise,
no matter how deep the partition table we're reading
is nested, the offset is relative to the start of
the extended partition that the MBR points to. */
if (sector == 0)
read_partition_table (block, e->offset, e->offset, part_nr);
read_partition_table (block, e->offset + primary_extended_sector,
primary_extended_sector, part_nr);
found_partition (block, e->type, e->offset + sector,
e->size, *part_nr);
free (pt);
/* We have found a primary or logical partition of the given TYPE
on BLOCK, starting at sector START and continuing for SIZE
sectors, which we are giving the partition number PART_NR.
Check whether this is a partition of interest to Pintos, and
if so then add it to the proper element of partitions[]. */
static void
found_partition (struct block *block, uint8_t part_type,
block_sector_t start, block_sector_t size,
int part_nr)
if (start >= block_size (block))
printf ("%s%d: Partition starts past end of device (sector %"PRDSNu")\n",
block_name (block), part_nr, start);
else if (start + size < start || start + size > block_size (block))
printf ("%s%d: Partition end (%"PRDSNu") past end of device (%"PRDSNu")\n",
block_name (block), part_nr, start + size, block_size (block));
enum block_type type = (part_type == 0x20 ? BLOCK_KERNEL
: part_type == 0x21 ? BLOCK_FILESYS
: part_type == 0x22 ? BLOCK_SCRATCH
: part_type == 0x23 ? BLOCK_SWAP
struct partition *p;
char extra_info[128];
char name[16];
p = malloc (sizeof *p);
if (p == NULL)
PANIC ("Failed to allocate memory for partition descriptor");
p->block = block;
p->start = start;
snprintf (name, sizeof name, "%s%d", block_name (block), part_nr);
snprintf (extra_info, sizeof extra_info, "%s (%02x)",
partition_type_name (part_type), part_type);
block_register (name, type, extra_info, size, &partition_operations, p);
/* Returns a human-readable name for the given partition TYPE. */
static const char *
partition_type_name (uint8_t type)
/* Name of each known type of partition.
From util-linux-2.12r/fdisk/i386_sys_types.c.
This initializer makes use of a C99 feature that allows
array elements to be initialized by index. */
static const char *type_names[256] =
[0x00] = "Empty",
[0x01] = "FAT12",
[0x02] = "XENIX root",
[0x03] = "XENIX usr",
[0x04] = "FAT16 <32M",
[0x05] = "Extended",
[0x06] = "FAT16",
[0x07] = "HPFS/NTFS",
[0x08] = "AIX",
[0x09] = "AIX bootable",
[0x0a] = "OS/2 Boot Manager",
[0x0b] = "W95 FAT32",
[0x0c] = "W95 FAT32 (LBA)",
[0x0e] = "W95 FAT16 (LBA)",
[0x0f] = "W95 Ext'd (LBA)",
[0x10] = "OPUS",
[0x11] = "Hidden FAT12",
[0x12] = "Compaq diagnostics",
[0x14] = "Hidden FAT16 <32M",
[0x16] = "Hidden FAT16",
[0x17] = "Hidden HPFS/NTFS",
[0x18] = "AST SmartSleep",
[0x1b] = "Hidden W95 FAT32",
[0x1c] = "Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)",
[0x1e] = "Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)",
[0x20] = "Pintos OS kernel",
[0x21] = "Pintos file system",
[0x22] = "Pintos scratch",
[0x23] = "Pintos swap",
[0x24] = "NEC DOS",
[0x39] = "Plan 9",
[0x3c] = "PartitionMagic recovery",
[0x40] = "Venix 80286",
[0x41] = "PPC PReP Boot",
[0x42] = "SFS",
[0x4d] = "QNX4.x",
[0x4e] = "QNX4.x 2nd part",
[0x4f] = "QNX4.x 3rd part",
[0x50] = "OnTrack DM",
[0x51] = "OnTrack DM6 Aux1",
[0x52] = "CP/M",
[0x53] = "OnTrack DM6 Aux3",
[0x54] = "OnTrackDM6",
[0x55] = "EZ-Drive",
[0x56] = "Golden Bow",
[0x5c] = "Priam Edisk",
[0x61] = "SpeedStor",
[0x63] = "GNU HURD or SysV",
[0x64] = "Novell Netware 286",
[0x65] = "Novell Netware 386",
[0x70] = "DiskSecure Multi-Boot",
[0x75] = "PC/IX",
[0x80] = "Old Minix",
[0x81] = "Minix / old Linux",
[0x82] = "Linux swap / Solaris",
[0x83] = "Linux",
[0x84] = "OS/2 hidden C: drive",
[0x85] = "Linux extended",
[0x86] = "NTFS volume set",
[0x87] = "NTFS volume set",
[0x88] = "Linux plaintext",
[0x8e] = "Linux LVM",
[0x93] = "Amoeba",
[0x94] = "Amoeba BBT",
[0x9f] = "BSD/OS",
[0xa0] = "IBM Thinkpad hibernation",
[0xa5] = "FreeBSD",
[0xa6] = "OpenBSD",
[0xa7] = "NeXTSTEP",
[0xa8] = "Darwin UFS",
[0xa9] = "NetBSD",
[0xab] = "Darwin boot",
[0xb7] = "BSDI fs",
[0xb8] = "BSDI swap",
[0xbb] = "Boot Wizard hidden",
[0xbe] = "Solaris boot",
[0xbf] = "Solaris",
[0xc1] = "DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)",
[0xc4] = "DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)",
[0xc6] = "DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)",
[0xc7] = "Syrinx",
[0xda] = "Non-FS data",
[0xdb] = "CP/M / CTOS / ...",
[0xde] = "Dell Utility",
[0xdf] = "BootIt",
[0xe1] = "DOS access",
[0xe3] = "DOS R/O",
[0xe4] = "SpeedStor",
[0xeb] = "BeOS fs",
[0xee] = "EFI GPT",
[0xef] = "EFI (FAT-12/16/32)",
[0xf0] = "Linux/PA-RISC boot",
[0xf1] = "SpeedStor",
[0xf4] = "SpeedStor",
[0xf2] = "DOS secondary",
[0xfd] = "Linux raid autodetect",
[0xfe] = "LANstep",
[0xff] = "BBT",
return type_names[type] != NULL ? type_names[type] : "Unknown";
/* Reads sector SECTOR from partition P into BUFFER, which must
have room for BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. */
static void
partition_read (void *p_, block_sector_t sector, void *buffer)
struct partition *p = p_;
block_read (p->block, p->start + sector, buffer);
/* Write sector SECTOR to partition P from BUFFER, which must
contain BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes. Returns after the block has
acknowledged receiving the data. */
static void
partition_write (void *p_, block_sector_t sector, const void *buffer)
struct partition *p = p_;
block_write (p->block, p->start + sector, buffer);
static struct block_operations partition_operations =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
struct block;
void partition_scan (struct block *);
#endif /* devices/partition.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/pit.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "devices/pit.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
/* Interface to 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT).
Refer to [8254] for details. */
/* 8254 registers. */
#define PIT_PORT_CONTROL 0x43 /* Control port. */
#define PIT_PORT_COUNTER(CHANNEL) (0x40 + (CHANNEL)) /* Counter port. */
/* PIT cycles per second. */
#define PIT_HZ 1193180
/* Configure the given CHANNEL in the PIT. In a PC, the PIT's
three output channels are hooked up like this:
- Channel 0 is connected to interrupt line 0, so that it can
be used as a periodic timer interrupt, as implemented in
Pintos in devices/timer.c.
- Channel 1 is used for dynamic RAM refresh (in older PCs).
No good can come of messing with this.
- Channel 2 is connected to the PC speaker, so that it can
be used to play a tone, as implemented in Pintos in
MODE specifies the form of output:
- Mode 2 is a periodic pulse: the channel's output is 1 for
most of the period, but drops to 0 briefly toward the end
of the period. This is useful for hooking up to an
interrupt controller to generate a periodic interrupt.
- Mode 3 is a square wave: for the first half of the period
it is 1, for the second half it is 0. This is useful for
generating a tone on a speaker.
- Other modes are less useful.
FREQUENCY is the number of periods per second, in Hz. */
pit_configure_channel (int channel, int mode, int frequency)
uint16_t count;
enum intr_level old_level;
ASSERT (channel == 0 || channel == 2);
ASSERT (mode == 2 || mode == 3);
/* Convert FREQUENCY to a PIT counter value. The PIT has a
clock that runs at PIT_HZ cycles per second. We must
translate FREQUENCY into a number of these cycles. */
if (frequency < 19)
/* Frequency is too low: the quotient would overflow the
16-bit counter. Force it to 0, which the PIT treats as
65536, the highest possible count. This yields a 18.2
Hz timer, approximately. */
count = 0;
else if (frequency > PIT_HZ)
/* Frequency is too high: the quotient would underflow to
0, which the PIT would interpret as 65536. A count of 1
is illegal in mode 2, so we force it to 2, which yields
a 596.590 kHz timer, approximately. (This timer rate is
probably too fast to be useful anyhow.) */
count = 2;
count = (PIT_HZ + frequency / 2) / frequency;
/* Configure the PIT mode and load its counters. */
old_level = intr_disable ();
outb (PIT_PORT_CONTROL, (channel << 6) | 0x30 | (mode << 1));
outb (PIT_PORT_COUNTER (channel), count);
outb (PIT_PORT_COUNTER (channel), count >> 8);
intr_set_level (old_level);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
void pit_configure_channel (int channel, int mode, int frequency);
#endif /* devices/pit.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/rtc.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include "devices/rtc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "threads/io.h"
/* This code is an interface to the MC146818A-compatible real
time clock found on PC motherboards. See [MC146818A] for
hardware details. */
/* I/O register addresses. */
#define CMOS_REG_SET 0x70 /* Selects CMOS register exposed by REG_IO. */
#define CMOS_REG_IO 0x71 /* Contains the selected data byte. */
/* Indexes of CMOS registers with real-time clock functions.
Note that all of these registers are in BCD format,
so that 0x59 means 59, not 89. */
#define RTC_REG_SEC 0 /* Second: 0x00...0x59. */
#define RTC_REG_MIN 2 /* Minute: 0x00...0x59. */
#define RTC_REG_HOUR 4 /* Hour: 0x00...0x23. */
#define RTC_REG_MDAY 7 /* Day of the month: 0x01...0x31. */
#define RTC_REG_MON 8 /* Month: 0x01...0x12. */
#define RTC_REG_YEAR 9 /* Year: 0x00...0x99. */
/* Indexes of CMOS control registers. */
#define RTC_REG_A 0x0a /* Register A: update-in-progress. */
#define RTC_REG_B 0x0b /* Register B: 24/12 hour time, irq enables. */
#define RTC_REG_C 0x0c /* Register C: pending interrupts. */
#define RTC_REG_D 0x0d /* Register D: valid time? */
/* Register A. */
#define RTCSA_UIP 0x80 /* Set while time update in progress. */
/* Register B. */
#define RTCSB_SET 0x80 /* Disables update to let time be set. */
#define RTCSB_DM 0x04 /* 0 = BCD time format, 1 = binary format. */
#define RTCSB_24HR 0x02 /* 0 = 12-hour format, 1 = 24-hour format. */
static int bcd_to_bin (uint8_t);
static uint8_t cmos_read (uint8_t index);
/* Returns number of seconds since Unix epoch of January 1,
1970. */
rtc_get_time (void)
static const int days_per_month[12] =
31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
int sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year;
time_t time;
int i;
/* Get time components.
We repeatedly read the time until it is stable from one read
to another, in case we start our initial read in the middle
of an update. This strategy is not recommended by the
MC146818A datasheet, but it is simpler than any of their
suggestions and, furthermore, it is also used by Linux.
The MC146818A can be configured for BCD or binary format,
but for historical reasons everyone always uses BCD format
except on obscure non-PC platforms, so we don't bother
trying to detect the format in use. */
sec = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_SEC));
min = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_MIN));
hour = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_HOUR));
mday = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_MDAY));
mon = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_MON));
year = bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_YEAR));
while (sec != bcd_to_bin (cmos_read (RTC_REG_SEC)));
/* Translate years-since-1900 into years-since-1970.
If it's before the epoch, assume that it has passed 2000.
This will break at 2070, but that's long after our 31-bit
time_t breaks in 2038. */
if (year < 70)
year += 100;
year -= 70;
/* Break down all components into seconds. */
time = (year * 365 + (year - 1) / 4) * 24 * 60 * 60;
for (i = 1; i <= mon; i++)
time += days_per_month[i - 1] * 24 * 60 * 60;
if (mon > 2 && year % 4 == 0)
time += 24 * 60 * 60;
time += (mday - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60;
time += hour * 60 * 60;
time += min * 60;
time += sec;
return time;
/* Returns the integer value of the given BCD byte. */
static int
bcd_to_bin (uint8_t x)
return (x & 0x0f) + ((x >> 4) * 10);
/* Reads a byte from the CMOS register with the given INDEX and
returns the byte read. */
static uint8_t
cmos_read (uint8_t index)
outb (CMOS_REG_SET, index);
return inb (CMOS_REG_IO);

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#ifndef RTC_H
#define RTC_H
typedef unsigned long time_t;
time_t rtc_get_time (void);

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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
#include "devices/serial.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include "devices/input.h"
#include "devices/intq.h"
#include "devices/timer.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/synch.h"
#include "threads/thread.h"
/* Register definitions for the 16550A UART used in PCs.
The 16550A has a lot more going on than shown here, but this
is all we need.
Refer to [PC16650D] for hardware information. */
/* I/O port base address for the first serial port. */
#define IO_BASE 0x3f8
/* DLAB=0 registers. */
#define RBR_REG (IO_BASE + 0) /* Receiver Buffer Reg. (read-only). */
#define THR_REG (IO_BASE + 0) /* Transmitter Holding Reg. (write-only). */
#define IER_REG (IO_BASE + 1) /* Interrupt Enable Reg.. */
/* DLAB=1 registers. */
#define LS_REG (IO_BASE + 0) /* Divisor Latch (LSB). */
#define MS_REG (IO_BASE + 1) /* Divisor Latch (MSB). */
/* DLAB-insensitive registers. */
#define IIR_REG (IO_BASE + 2) /* Interrupt Identification Reg. (read-only) */
#define FCR_REG (IO_BASE + 2) /* FIFO Control Reg. (write-only). */
#define LCR_REG (IO_BASE + 3) /* Line Control Register. */
#define MCR_REG (IO_BASE + 4) /* MODEM Control Register. */
#define LSR_REG (IO_BASE + 5) /* Line Status Register (read-only). */
/* Interrupt Enable Register bits. */
#define IER_RECV 0x01 /* Interrupt when data received. */
#define IER_XMIT 0x02 /* Interrupt when transmit finishes. */
/* Line Control Register bits. */
#define LCR_N81 0x03 /* No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. */
#define LCR_DLAB 0x80 /* Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB). */
/* MODEM Control Register. */
#define MCR_OUT2 0x08 /* Output line 2. */
/* Line Status Register. */
#define LSR_DR 0x01 /* Data Ready: received data byte is in RBR. */
#define LSR_THRE 0x20 /* THR Empty. */
/* Transmission mode. */
static enum { UNINIT, POLL, QUEUE } mode;
/* Data to be transmitted. */
static struct intq txq;
static void set_serial (int bps);
static void putc_poll (uint8_t);
static void write_ier (void);
static intr_handler_func serial_interrupt;
/* Initializes the serial port device for polling mode.
Polling mode busy-waits for the serial port to become free
before writing to it. It's slow, but until interrupts have
been initialized it's all we can do. */
static void
init_poll (void)
ASSERT (mode == UNINIT);
outb (IER_REG, 0); /* Turn off all interrupts. */
outb (FCR_REG, 0); /* Disable FIFO. */
set_serial (9600); /* 9.6 kbps, N-8-1. */
outb (MCR_REG, MCR_OUT2); /* Required to enable interrupts. */
intq_init (&txq);
mode = POLL;
/* Initializes the serial port device for queued interrupt-driven
I/O. With interrupt-driven I/O we don't waste CPU time
waiting for the serial device to become ready. */
serial_init_queue (void)
enum intr_level old_level;
if (mode == UNINIT)
init_poll ();
ASSERT (mode == POLL);
intr_register_ext (0x20 + 4, serial_interrupt, "serial");
mode = QUEUE;
old_level = intr_disable ();
write_ier ();
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* Sends BYTE to the serial port. */
serial_putc (uint8_t byte)
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
if (mode != QUEUE)
/* If we're not set up for interrupt-driven I/O yet,
use dumb polling to transmit a byte. */
if (mode == UNINIT)
init_poll ();
putc_poll (byte);
/* Otherwise, queue a byte and update the interrupt enable
register. */
if (old_level == INTR_OFF && intq_full (&txq))
/* Interrupts are off and the transmit queue is full.
If we wanted to wait for the queue to empty,
we'd have to reenable interrupts.
That's impolite, so we'll send a character via
polling instead. */
putc_poll (intq_getc (&txq));
intq_putc (&txq, byte);
write_ier ();
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* Flushes anything in the serial buffer out the port in polling
mode. */
serial_flush (void)
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
while (!intq_empty (&txq))
putc_poll (intq_getc (&txq));
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* The fullness of the input buffer may have changed. Reassess
whether we should block receive interrupts.
Called by the input buffer routines when characters are added
to or removed from the buffer. */
serial_notify (void)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
if (mode == QUEUE)
write_ier ();
/* Configures the serial port for BPS bits per second. */
static void
set_serial (int bps)
int base_rate = 1843200 / 16; /* Base rate of 16550A, in Hz. */
uint16_t divisor = base_rate / bps; /* Clock rate divisor. */
ASSERT (bps >= 300 && bps <= 115200);
/* Enable DLAB. */
outb (LCR_REG, LCR_N81 | LCR_DLAB);
/* Set data rate. */
outb (LS_REG, divisor & 0xff);
outb (MS_REG, divisor >> 8);
/* Reset DLAB. */
outb (LCR_REG, LCR_N81);
/* Update interrupt enable register. */
static void
write_ier (void)
uint8_t ier = 0;
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
/* Enable transmit interrupt if we have any characters to
transmit. */
if (!intq_empty (&txq))
ier |= IER_XMIT;
/* Enable receive interrupt if we have room to store any
characters we receive. */
if (!input_full ())
ier |= IER_RECV;
outb (IER_REG, ier);
/* Polls the serial port until it's ready,
and then transmits BYTE. */
static void
putc_poll (uint8_t byte)
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
while ((inb (LSR_REG) & LSR_THRE) == 0)
outb (THR_REG, byte);
/* Serial interrupt handler. */
static void
serial_interrupt (struct intr_frame *f UNUSED)
/* Inquire about interrupt in UART. Without this, we can
occasionally miss an interrupt running under QEMU. */
inb (IIR_REG);
/* As long as we have room to receive a byte, and the hardware
has a byte for us, receive a byte. */
while (!input_full () && (inb (LSR_REG) & LSR_DR) != 0)
input_putc (inb (RBR_REG));
/* As long as we have a byte to transmit, and the hardware is
ready to accept a byte for transmission, transmit a byte. */
while (!intq_empty (&txq) && (inb (LSR_REG) & LSR_THRE) != 0)
outb (THR_REG, intq_getc (&txq));
/* Update interrupt enable register based on queue status. */
write_ier ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <stdint.h>
void serial_init_queue (void);
void serial_putc (uint8_t);
void serial_flush (void);
void serial_notify (void);
#endif /* devices/serial.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#include "devices/shutdown.h"
#include <console.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/kbd.h"
#include "devices/serial.h"
#include "devices/timer.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
#include "threads/thread.h"
#include "userprog/exception.h"
#ifdef FILESYS
#include "devices/block.h"
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
/* Keyboard control register port. */
#define CONTROL_REG 0x64
/* How to shut down when shutdown() is called. */
static enum shutdown_type how = SHUTDOWN_NONE;
static void print_stats (void);
/* Shuts down the machine in the way configured by
shutdown_configure(). If the shutdown type is SHUTDOWN_NONE
(which is the default), returns without doing anything. */
shutdown (void)
switch (how)
shutdown_power_off ();
shutdown_reboot ();
/* Nothing to do. */
/* Sets TYPE as the way that machine will shut down when Pintos
execution is complete. */
shutdown_configure (enum shutdown_type type)
how = type;
/* Reboots the machine via the keyboard controller. */
shutdown_reboot (void)
printf ("Rebooting...\n");
/* See [kbd] for details on how to program the keyboard
* controller. */
for (;;)
int i;
/* Poll keyboard controller's status byte until
* 'input buffer empty' is reported. */
for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
if ((inb (CONTROL_REG) & 0x02) == 0)
timer_udelay (2);
timer_udelay (50);
/* Pulse bit 0 of the output port P2 of the keyboard controller.
* This will reset the CPU. */
outb (CONTROL_REG, 0xfe);
timer_udelay (50);
/* Powers down the machine we're running on,
as long as we're running on Bochs or QEMU. */
shutdown_power_off (void)
const char s[] = "Shutdown";
const char *p;
#ifdef FILESYS
filesys_done ();
print_stats ();
printf ("Powering off...\n");
serial_flush ();
/* This is a special power-off sequence supported by Bochs and
QEMU, but not by physical hardware. */
for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
outb (0x8900, *p);
/* This will power off a VMware VM if "gui.exitOnCLIHLT = TRUE"
is set in its configuration file. (The "pintos" script does
that automatically.) */
asm volatile ("cli; hlt" : : : "memory");
/* None of those worked. */
printf ("still running...\n");
for (;;);
/* Print statistics about Pintos execution. */
static void
print_stats (void)
timer_print_stats ();
thread_print_stats ();
#ifdef FILESYS
block_print_stats ();
console_print_stats ();
kbd_print_stats ();
exception_print_stats ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <debug.h>
/* How to shut down when Pintos has nothing left to do. */
enum shutdown_type
SHUTDOWN_NONE, /* Loop forever. */
SHUTDOWN_POWER_OFF, /* Power off the machine (if possible). */
SHUTDOWN_REBOOT, /* Reboot the machine (if possible). */
void shutdown (void);
void shutdown_configure (enum shutdown_type);
void shutdown_reboot (void) NO_RETURN;
void shutdown_power_off (void) NO_RETURN;
#endif /* devices/shutdown.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#include "devices/speaker.h"
#include "devices/pit.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "devices/timer.h"
/* Speaker port enable I/O register. */
#define SPEAKER_PORT_GATE 0x61
/* Speaker port enable bits. */
/* Sets the PC speaker to emit a tone at the given FREQUENCY, in
Hz. */
speaker_on (int frequency)
if (frequency >= 20 && frequency <= 20000)
/* Set the timer channel that's connected to the speaker to
output a square wave at the given FREQUENCY, then
connect the timer channel output to the speaker. */
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
pit_configure_channel (2, 3, frequency);
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* FREQUENCY is outside the range of normal human hearing.
Just turn off the speaker. */
speaker_off ();
/* Turn off the PC speaker, by disconnecting the timer channel's
output from the speaker. */
speaker_off (void)
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* Briefly beep the PC speaker. */
speaker_beep (void)
/* Only attempt to beep the speaker if interrupts are enabled,
because we don't want to freeze the machine during the beep.
We could add a hook to the timer interrupt to avoid that
problem, but then we'd risk failing to ever stop the beep if
Pintos crashes for some unrelated reason. There's nothing
more annoying than a machine whose beeping you can't stop
without a power cycle.
We can't just enable interrupts while we sleep. For one
thing, we get called (indirectly) from printf, which should
always work, even during boot before we're ready to enable
interrupts. */
if (intr_get_level () == INTR_ON)
speaker_on (440);
timer_msleep (250);
speaker_off ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
void speaker_on (int frequency);
void speaker_off (void);
void speaker_beep (void);
#endif /* devices/speaker.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/timer.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#include "devices/timer.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <round.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/pit.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/synch.h"
#include "threads/thread.h"
/* See [8254] for hardware details of the 8254 timer chip. */
#if TIMER_FREQ < 19
#error 8254 timer requires TIMER_FREQ >= 19
#if TIMER_FREQ > 1000
#error TIMER_FREQ <= 1000 recommended
/* Number of timer ticks since OS booted. */
static int64_t ticks;
/* Number of loops per timer tick.
Initialized by timer_calibrate(). */
static unsigned loops_per_tick;
static intr_handler_func timer_interrupt;
static bool too_many_loops (unsigned loops);
static void busy_wait (int64_t loops);
static void real_time_sleep (int64_t num, int32_t denom);
static void real_time_delay (int64_t num, int32_t denom);
/* Sets up the timer to interrupt TIMER_FREQ times per second,
and registers the corresponding interrupt. */
timer_init (void)
pit_configure_channel (0, 2, TIMER_FREQ);
intr_register_ext (0x20, timer_interrupt, "8254 Timer");
/* Calibrates loops_per_tick, used to implement brief delays. */
timer_calibrate (void)
unsigned high_bit, test_bit;
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_ON);
printf ("Calibrating timer... ");
/* Approximate loops_per_tick as the largest power-of-two
still less than one timer tick. */
loops_per_tick = 1u << 10;
while (!too_many_loops (loops_per_tick << 1))
loops_per_tick <<= 1;
ASSERT (loops_per_tick != 0);
/* Refine the next 8 bits of loops_per_tick. */
high_bit = loops_per_tick;
for (test_bit = high_bit >> 1; test_bit != high_bit >> 10; test_bit >>= 1)
if (!too_many_loops (high_bit | test_bit))
loops_per_tick |= test_bit;
printf ("%'"PRIu64" loops/s.\n", (uint64_t) loops_per_tick * TIMER_FREQ);
/* Returns the number of timer ticks since the OS booted. */
timer_ticks (void)
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
int64_t t = ticks;
intr_set_level (old_level);
return t;
/* Returns the number of timer ticks elapsed since THEN, which
should be a value once returned by timer_ticks(). */
timer_elapsed (int64_t then)
return timer_ticks () - then;
/* Sleeps for approximately TICKS timer ticks. Interrupts must
be turned on. */
timer_sleep (int64_t ticks)
int64_t start = timer_ticks ();
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_ON);
while (timer_elapsed (start) < ticks)
thread_yield ();
/* Sleeps for approximately MS milliseconds. Interrupts must be
turned on. */
timer_msleep (int64_t ms)
real_time_sleep (ms, 1000);
/* Sleeps for approximately US microseconds. Interrupts must be
turned on. */
timer_usleep (int64_t us)
real_time_sleep (us, 1000 * 1000);
/* Sleeps for approximately NS nanoseconds. Interrupts must be
turned on. */
timer_nsleep (int64_t ns)
real_time_sleep (ns, 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
/* Busy-waits for approximately MS milliseconds. Interrupts need
not be turned on.
Busy waiting wastes CPU cycles, and busy waiting with
interrupts off for the interval between timer ticks or longer
will cause timer ticks to be lost. Thus, use timer_msleep()
instead if interrupts are enabled. */
timer_mdelay (int64_t ms)
real_time_delay (ms, 1000);
/* Sleeps for approximately US microseconds. Interrupts need not
be turned on.
Busy waiting wastes CPU cycles, and busy waiting with
interrupts off for the interval between timer ticks or longer
will cause timer ticks to be lost. Thus, use timer_usleep()
instead if interrupts are enabled. */
timer_udelay (int64_t us)
real_time_delay (us, 1000 * 1000);
/* Sleeps execution for approximately NS nanoseconds. Interrupts
need not be turned on.
Busy waiting wastes CPU cycles, and busy waiting with
interrupts off for the interval between timer ticks or longer
will cause timer ticks to be lost. Thus, use timer_nsleep()
instead if interrupts are enabled.*/
timer_ndelay (int64_t ns)
real_time_delay (ns, 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
/* Prints timer statistics. */
timer_print_stats (void)
printf ("Timer: %"PRId64" ticks\n", timer_ticks ());
/* Timer interrupt handler. */
static void
timer_interrupt (struct intr_frame *args UNUSED)
thread_tick ();
/* Returns true if LOOPS iterations waits for more than one timer
tick, otherwise false. */
static bool
too_many_loops (unsigned loops)
/* Wait for a timer tick. */
int64_t start = ticks;
while (ticks == start)
barrier ();
/* Run LOOPS loops. */
start = ticks;
busy_wait (loops);
/* If the tick count changed, we iterated too long. */
barrier ();
return start != ticks;
/* Iterates through a simple loop LOOPS times, for implementing
brief delays.
Marked NO_INLINE because code alignment can significantly
affect timings, so that if this function was inlined
differently in different places the results would be difficult
to predict. */
static void NO_INLINE
busy_wait (int64_t loops)
while (loops-- > 0)
barrier ();
/* Sleep for approximately NUM/DENOM seconds. */
static void
real_time_sleep (int64_t num, int32_t denom)
/* Convert NUM/DENOM seconds into timer ticks, rounding down.
---------------------- = NUM * TIMER_FREQ / DENOM ticks.
1 s / TIMER_FREQ ticks
int64_t ticks = num * TIMER_FREQ / denom;
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_ON);
if (ticks > 0)
/* We're waiting for at least one full timer tick. Use
timer_sleep() because it will yield the CPU to other
processes. */
timer_sleep (ticks);
/* Otherwise, use a busy-wait loop for more accurate
sub-tick timing. */
real_time_delay (num, denom);
/* Busy-wait for approximately NUM/DENOM seconds. */
static void
real_time_delay (int64_t num, int32_t denom)
/* Scale the numerator and denominator down by 1000 to avoid
the possibility of overflow. */
ASSERT (denom % 1000 == 0);
busy_wait (loops_per_tick * num / 1000 * TIMER_FREQ / (denom / 1000));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include <round.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* Number of timer interrupts per second. */
#define TIMER_FREQ 100
void timer_init (void);
void timer_calibrate (void);
int64_t timer_ticks (void);
int64_t timer_elapsed (int64_t);
/* Sleep and yield the CPU to other threads. */
void timer_sleep (int64_t ticks);
void timer_msleep (int64_t milliseconds);
void timer_usleep (int64_t microseconds);
void timer_nsleep (int64_t nanoseconds);
/* Busy waits. */
void timer_mdelay (int64_t milliseconds);
void timer_udelay (int64_t microseconds);
void timer_ndelay (int64_t nanoseconds);
void timer_print_stats (void);
#endif /* devices/timer.h */

pintos-env/pintos/devices/vga.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#include "devices/vga.h"
#include <round.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "devices/speaker.h"
#include "threads/io.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/vaddr.h"
/* VGA text screen support. See [FREEVGA] for more information. */
/* Number of columns and rows on the text display. */
#define COL_CNT 80
#define ROW_CNT 25
/* Current cursor position. (0,0) is in the upper left corner of
the display. */
static size_t cx, cy;
/* Attribute value for gray text on a black background. */
#define GRAY_ON_BLACK 0x07
/* Framebuffer. See [FREEVGA] under "VGA Text Mode Operation".
The character at (x,y) is fb[y][x][0].
The attribute at (x,y) is fb[y][x][1]. */
static uint8_t (*fb)[COL_CNT][2];
static void clear_row (size_t y);
static void cls (void);
static void newline (void);
static void move_cursor (void);
static void find_cursor (size_t *x, size_t *y);
/* Initializes the VGA text display. */
static void
init (void)
/* Already initialized? */
static bool inited;
if (!inited)
fb = ptov (0xb8000);
find_cursor (&cx, &cy);
inited = true;
/* Writes C to the VGA text display, interpreting control
characters in the conventional ways. */
vga_putc (int c)
/* Disable interrupts to lock out interrupt handlers
that might write to the console. */
enum intr_level old_level = intr_disable ();
init ();
switch (c)
case '\n':
newline ();
case '\f':
cls ();
case '\b':
if (cx > 0)
case '\r':
cx = 0;
case '\t':
cx = ROUND_UP (cx + 1, 8);
if (cx >= COL_CNT)
newline ();
case '\a':
intr_set_level (old_level);
speaker_beep ();
intr_disable ();
fb[cy][cx][0] = c;
fb[cy][cx][1] = GRAY_ON_BLACK;
if (++cx >= COL_CNT)
newline ();
/* Update cursor position. */
move_cursor ();
intr_set_level (old_level);
/* Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the upper left. */
static void
cls (void)
size_t y;
for (y = 0; y < ROW_CNT; y++)
clear_row (y);
cx = cy = 0;
move_cursor ();
/* Clears row Y to spaces. */
static void
clear_row (size_t y)
size_t x;
for (x = 0; x < COL_CNT; x++)
fb[y][x][0] = ' ';
fb[y][x][1] = GRAY_ON_BLACK;
/* Advances the cursor to the first column in the next line on
the screen. If the cursor is already on the last line on the
screen, scrolls the screen upward one line. */
static void
newline (void)
cx = 0;
if (cy >= ROW_CNT)
cy = ROW_CNT - 1;
memmove (&fb[0], &fb[1], sizeof fb[0] * (ROW_CNT - 1));
clear_row (ROW_CNT - 1);
/* Moves the hardware cursor to (cx,cy). */
static void
move_cursor (void)
/* See [FREEVGA] under "Manipulating the Text-mode Cursor". */
uint16_t cp = cx + COL_CNT * cy;
outw (0x3d4, 0x0e | (cp & 0xff00));
outw (0x3d4, 0x0f | (cp << 8));
/* Reads the current hardware cursor position into (*X,*Y). */
static void
find_cursor (size_t *x, size_t *y)
/* See [FREEVGA] under "Manipulating the Text-mode Cursor". */
uint16_t cp;
outb (0x3d4, 0x0e);
cp = inb (0x3d5) << 8;
outb (0x3d4, 0x0f);
cp |= inb (0x3d5);
*x = cp % COL_CNT;
*y = cp / COL_CNT;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
void vga_putc (int);
#endif /* devices/vga.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Test programs to compile, and a list of sources for each.
# To add a new test, put its name on the PROGS list
# and then add a name_SRC line that lists its source files.
PROGS = cat cmp cp echo halt hex-dump ls mcat mcp mkdir pwd rm shell \
bubsort insult lineup matmult recursor
# Should work from project 2 onward.
cat_SRC = cat.c
cmp_SRC = cmp.c
cp_SRC = cp.c
echo_SRC = echo.c
halt_SRC = halt.c
hex-dump_SRC = hex-dump.c
insult_SRC = insult.c
lineup_SRC = lineup.c
ls_SRC = ls.c
recursor_SRC = recursor.c
rm_SRC = rm.c
# Should work in project 3; also in project 4 if VM is included.
bubsort_SRC = bubsort.c
matmult_SRC = matmult.c
mcat_SRC = mcat.c
mcp_SRC = mcp.c
# Should work in project 4.
mkdir_SRC = mkdir.c
pwd_SRC = pwd.c
shell_SRC = shell.c
include $(SRCDIR)/Make.config
include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.userprog

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/* sort.c
Test program to sort a large number of integers.
Intention is to stress virtual memory system.
Ideally, we could read the unsorted array off of the file
system, and store the result back to the file system! */
#include <stdio.h>
/* Size of array to sort. */
#define SORT_SIZE 128
main (void)
/* Array to sort. Static to reduce stack usage. */
static int array[SORT_SIZE];
int i, j, tmp;
/* First initialize the array in descending order. */
for (i = 0; i < SORT_SIZE; i++)
array[i] = SORT_SIZE - i - 1;
/* Then sort in ascending order. */
for (i = 0; i < SORT_SIZE - 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < SORT_SIZE - 1 - i; j++)
if (array[j] > array[j + 1])
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[j + 1];
array[j + 1] = tmp;
printf ("sort exiting with code %d\n", array[0]);
return array[0];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* cat.c
Prints files specified on command line to the console. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool success = true;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
int fd = open (argv[i]);
if (fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[i]);
success = false;
for (;;)
char buffer[1024];
int bytes_read = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (bytes_read == 0)
write (STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, bytes_read);
close (fd);
return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* cat.c
Compares two files. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int fd[2];
if (argc != 3)
printf ("usage: cmp A B\n");
/* Open files. */
fd[0] = open (argv[1]);
if (fd[0] < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[1]);
fd[1] = open (argv[2]);
if (fd[1] < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[1]);
/* Compare data. */
for (;;)
int pos;
char buffer[2][1024];
int bytes_read[2];
int min_read;
int i;
pos = tell (fd[0]);
bytes_read[0] = read (fd[0], buffer[0], sizeof buffer[0]);
bytes_read[1] = read (fd[1], buffer[1], sizeof buffer[1]);
min_read = bytes_read[0] < bytes_read[1] ? bytes_read[0] : bytes_read[1];
if (min_read == 0)
for (i = 0; i < min_read; i++)
if (buffer[0][i] != buffer[1][i])
printf ("Byte %d is %02hhx ('%c') in %s but %02hhx ('%c') in %s\n",
pos + i,
buffer[0][i], buffer[0][i], argv[1],
buffer[1][i], buffer[1][i], argv[2]);
if (min_read < bytes_read[1])
printf ("%s is shorter than %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
else if (min_read < bytes_read[0])
printf ("%s is shorter than %s\n", argv[2], argv[1]);
printf ("%s and %s are identical\n", argv[1], argv[2]);

pintos-env/pintos/examples/cp.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* cat.c
Copies one file to another. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int in_fd, out_fd;
if (argc != 3)
printf ("usage: cp OLD NEW\n");
/* Open input file. */
in_fd = open (argv[1]);
if (in_fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[1]);
/* Create and open output file. */
if (!create (argv[2], filesize (in_fd)))
printf ("%s: create failed\n", argv[2]);
out_fd = open (argv[2]);
if (out_fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[2]);
/* Copy data. */
for (;;)
char buffer[1024];
int bytes_read = read (in_fd, buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (bytes_read == 0)
if (write (out_fd, buffer, bytes_read) != bytes_read)
printf ("%s: write failed\n", argv[2]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char **argv)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
printf ("%s ", argv[i]);
printf ("\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/* halt.c
Simple program to test whether running a user program works.
Just invokes a system call that shuts down the OS. */
#include <syscall.h>
main (void)
halt ();
/* not reached */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* hex-dump.c
Prints files specified on command line to the console in hex. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool success = true;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
int fd = open (argv[i]);
if (fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[i]);
success = false;
for (;;)
char buffer[1024];
int pos = tell (fd);
int bytes_read = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (bytes_read == 0)
hex_dump (pos, buffer, bytes_read, true);
close (fd);
return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
/* Insult.c
This is a version of the famous CS 107 random sentence
generator. I wrote a program that reads a grammar definition
file and writes a C file containing that grammar as hard code
static C strings. Thus the majority of the code below in
machine generated and totally unreadable. The arrays created
are specially designed to make generating the sentences as
easy as possible.
Originally by Greg Hutchins, March 1998.
Modified by Ben Pfaff for Pintos, Sept 2004. */
char *start[] =
{ "You", "1", "5", ".", "May", "13", ".", "With", "the", "19", "of", "18",
",", "may", "13", "."
char startLoc[] = { 3, 0, 4, 7, 16 };
char *adj[] = { "3", "4", "2", ",", "1" };
char adjLoc[] = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 5 };
char *adj3[] = { "3", "4" };
char adj3Loc[] = { 2, 0, 1, 2 };
char *adj1[] =
{ "lame", "dried", "up", "par-broiled", "bloated", "half-baked", "spiteful",
"egotistical", "ungrateful", "stupid", "moronic", "fat", "ugly", "puny", "pitiful",
"insignificant", "blithering", "repulsive", "worthless", "blundering", "retarded",
"useless", "obnoxious", "low-budget", "assinine", "neurotic", "subhuman", "crochety",
"indescribable", "contemptible", "unspeakable", "sick", "lazy", "good-for-nothing",
"slutty", "mentally-deficient", "creepy", "sloppy", "dismal", "pompous", "pathetic",
"friendless", "revolting", "slovenly", "cantankerous", "uncultured", "insufferable",
"gross", "unkempt", "defective", "crumby"
char adj1Loc[] =
{ 50, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 };
char *adj2[] =
{ "putrefied", "festering", "funky", "moldy", "leprous", "curdled", "fetid",
"slimy", "crusty", "sweaty", "damp", "deranged", "smelly", "stenchy", "malignant",
"noxious", "grimy", "reeky", "nasty", "mutilated", "sloppy", "gruesome", "grisly",
"sloshy", "wormy", "mealy", "spoiled", "contaminated", "rancid", "musty",
"fly-covered", "moth-eaten", "decaying", "decomposed", "freeze-dried", "defective",
"petrified", "rotting", "scabrous", "hirsute"
char adj2Loc[] =
{ 40, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 };
char *name[] =
{ "10", ",", "bad", "excuse", "for", "6", ",", "6", "for", "brains", ",",
"4", "11", "8", "for", "brains", "offspring", "of", "a", "motherless", "10", "7", "6",
"7", "4", "11", "8"
char nameLoc[] = { 7, 0, 1, 6, 10, 16, 21, 23, 27 };
char *stuff[] =
{ "shit", "toe", "jam", "filth", "puss", "earwax", "leaf", "clippings",
"bat", "guano", "mucus", "fungus", "mung", "refuse", "earwax", "spittoon", "spittle",
char stuffLoc[] = { 14, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 };
char *noun_and_prep[] =
{ "bit", "of", "piece", "of", "vat", "of", "lump", "of", "crock", "of",
"ball", "of", "tub", "of", "load", "of", "bucket", "of", "mound", "of", "glob", "of", "bag",
"of", "heap", "of", "mountain", "of", "load", "of", "barrel", "of", "sack", "of", "blob", "of",
"pile", "of", "truckload", "of", "vat", "of"
char noun_and_prepLoc[] =
{ 21, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36,
38, 40, 42 };
char *organics[] =
{ "droppings", "mung", "zits", "puckies", "tumors", "cysts", "tumors",
"livers", "froth", "parts", "scabs", "guts", "entrails", "blubber", "carcuses", "gizards",
char organicsLoc[] =
{ 17, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 };
char *body_parts[] =
{ "kidneys", "genitals", "buttocks", "earlobes", "innards", "feet"
char body_partsLoc[] = { 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
char *noun[] =
{ "pop", "tart", "warthog", "twinkie", "barnacle", "fondue", "pot",
"cretin", "fuckwad", "moron", "ass", "neanderthal", "nincompoop", "simpleton", "11"
char nounLoc[] = { 13, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
char *animal[] =
{ "donkey", "llama", "dingo", "lizard", "gekko", "lemur", "moose", "camel",
"goat", "eel"
char animalLoc[] = { 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
char *good_verb[] =
{ "love", "cuddle", "fondle", "adore", "smooch", "hug", "caress", "worship",
"look", "at", "touch"
char good_verbLoc[] = { 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 };
char *curse[] =
{ "14", "20", "23", "14", "17", "20", "23", "14", "find", "your", "9",
"suddenly", "delectable", "14", "and", "14", "seek", "a", "battleground", "23"
char curseLoc[] = { 4, 0, 3, 7, 13, 20 };
char *afflictors[] =
{ "15", "21", "15", "21", "15", "21", "15", "21", "a", "22", "Rush",
"Limbaugh", "the", "hosts", "of", "Hades"
char afflictorsLoc[] = { 6, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 };
char *quantity[] =
{ "a", "4", "hoard", "of", "a", "4", "pack", "of", "a", "truckload", "of",
"a", "swarm", "of", "many", "an", "army", "of", "a", "4", "heard", "of", "a", "4",
"platoon", "of", "a", "4", "and", "4", "group", "of", "16"
char quantityLoc[] = { 10, 0, 4, 8, 11, 14, 15, 18, 22, 26, 32, 33 };
char *numbers[] =
{ "a", "thousand", "three", "million", "ninty-nine", "nine-hundred,",
"ninty-nine", "forty-two", "a", "gazillion", "sixty-eight", "times", "thirty-three"
char numbersLoc[] = { 7, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13 };
char *adv[] =
{ "viciously", "manicly", "merrily", "happily", ",", "with", "the", "19",
"of", "18", ",", "gleefully", ",", "with", "much", "ritualistic", "celebration", ",",
char advLoc[] = { 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 18, 19 };
char *metaphor[] =
{ "an", "irate", "manticore", "Thor's", "belch", "Alah's", "fist", "16",
"titans", "a", "particularly", "vicious", "she-bear", "in", "the", "midst", "of", "her",
"menstrual", "cycle", "a", "pissed-off", "Jabberwock"
char metaphorLoc[] = { 6, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 20, 23 };
char *force[] = { "force", "fury", "power", "rage" };
char forceLoc[] = { 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
char *bad_action[] =
{ "spit", "shimmy", "slobber", "find", "refuge", "find", "shelter", "dance",
"retch", "vomit", "defecate", "erect", "a", "strip", "mall", "build", "a", "26", "have", "a",
"religious", "experience", "discharge", "bodily", "waste", "fart", "dance", "drool",
"lambada", "spill", "16", "rusty", "tacks", "bite", "you", "sneeze", "sing", "16",
"campfire", "songs", "smite", "you", "16", "times", "construct", "a", "new", "home", "throw",
"a", "party", "procreate"
char bad_actionLoc[] =
{ 25, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33,
35, 36, 40, 44, 48, 51, 52 };
char *beasties[] =
{ "yaks", "22", "maggots", "22", "cockroaches", "stinging", "scorpions",
"fleas", "22", "weasels", "22", "gnats", "South", "American", "killer", "bees", "spiders",
"4", "monkeys", "22", "wiener-dogs", "22", "rats", "22", "wolverines", "4", ",", "22",
char beastiesLoc[] =
{ 14, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29 };
char *condition[] =
{ "frothing", "manic", "crazed", "plague-ridden", "disease-carrying",
"biting", "rabid", "blood-thirsty", "ravaging", "slavering"
char conditionLoc[] = { 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
char *place[] =
{ "in", "24", "25", "upon", "your", "mother's", "grave", "on", "24", "best",
"rug", "in", "the", "26", "you", "call", "home", "upon", "your", "heinie"
char placeLoc[] = { 5, 0, 3, 7, 11, 17, 20 };
char *relation[] =
{ "your", "your", "your", "your", "father's", "your", "mother's", "your",
char relationLoc[] = { 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
char *in_something[] =
{ "entrails", "anal", "cavity", "shoes", "house", "pantry", "general",
"direction", "pants", "bed"
char in_somethingLoc[] = { 8, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 };
char *bad_place[] =
{ "rat", "hole", "sewer", "toxic", "dump", "oil", "refinery", "landfill",
char bad_placeLoc[] = { 6, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 };
char **daGrammar[27];
char *daGLoc[27];
static void
init_grammar (void)
daGrammar[0] = start;
daGLoc[0] = startLoc;
daGrammar[1] = adj;
daGLoc[1] = adjLoc;
daGrammar[2] = adj3;
daGLoc[2] = adj3Loc;
daGrammar[3] = adj1;
daGLoc[3] = adj1Loc;
daGrammar[4] = adj2;
daGLoc[4] = adj2Loc;
daGrammar[5] = name;
daGLoc[5] = nameLoc;
daGrammar[6] = stuff;
daGLoc[6] = stuffLoc;
daGrammar[7] = noun_and_prep;
daGLoc[7] = noun_and_prepLoc;
daGrammar[8] = organics;
daGLoc[8] = organicsLoc;
daGrammar[9] = body_parts;
daGLoc[9] = body_partsLoc;
daGrammar[10] = noun;
daGLoc[10] = nounLoc;
daGrammar[11] = animal;
daGLoc[11] = animalLoc;
daGrammar[12] = good_verb;
daGLoc[12] = good_verbLoc;
daGrammar[13] = curse;
daGLoc[13] = curseLoc;
daGrammar[14] = afflictors;
daGLoc[14] = afflictorsLoc;
daGrammar[15] = quantity;
daGLoc[15] = quantityLoc;
daGrammar[16] = numbers;
daGLoc[16] = numbersLoc;
daGrammar[17] = adv;
daGLoc[17] = advLoc;
daGrammar[18] = metaphor;
daGLoc[18] = metaphorLoc;
daGrammar[19] = force;
daGLoc[19] = forceLoc;
daGrammar[20] = bad_action;
daGLoc[20] = bad_actionLoc;
daGrammar[21] = beasties;
daGLoc[21] = beastiesLoc;
daGrammar[22] = condition;
daGLoc[22] = conditionLoc;
daGrammar[23] = place;
daGLoc[23] = placeLoc;
daGrammar[24] = relation;
daGLoc[24] = relationLoc;
daGrammar[25] = in_something;
daGLoc[25] = in_somethingLoc;
daGrammar[26] = bad_place;
daGLoc[26] = bad_placeLoc;
#include <ctype.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syscall.h>
void expand (int num, char **grammar[], char *location[], int handle);
static void
usage (int ret_code, const char *message, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT (2, 3);
static void
usage (int ret_code, const char *message, ...)
va_list args;
if (message != NULL)
va_start (args, message);
vprintf (message, args);
va_end (args);
printf ("\n"
"Usage: insult [OPTION]...\n"
"Prints random insults to screen.\n\n"
" -h: this help message\n"
" -s <integer>: set the random seed (default 4951)\n"
" -n <integer>: choose number of insults (default 4)\n"
" -f <file>: redirect output to <file>\n");
exit (ret_code);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int sentence_cnt, new_seed, i, file_flag, sent_flag, seed_flag;
int handle;
new_seed = 4951;
sentence_cnt = 4;
file_flag = 0;
seed_flag = 0;
sent_flag = 0;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp (argv[1], "-h") == 0)
usage (0, NULL);
else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-s") == 0)
if (seed_flag++)
usage (-1, "Can't have more than one seed");
if (++i >= argc)
usage (-1, "Missing value for -s");
new_seed = atoi (argv[i]);
else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-n") == 0)
if (sent_flag++)
usage (-1, "Can't have more than one sentence option");
if (++i >= argc)
usage (-1, "Missing value for -n");
sentence_cnt = atoi (argv[i]);
if (sentence_cnt < 1)
usage (-1, "Must have at least one sentence");
else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-f") == 0)
if (file_flag++)
usage (-1, "Can't have more than one output file");
if (++i >= argc)
usage (-1, "Missing value for -f");
/* Because files have fixed length in the basic Pintos
file system, the 0 argument means that this option
will not be useful until project 4 is
implemented. */
create (argv[i], 0);
handle = open (argv[i]);
if (handle < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[i]);
usage (-1, "Unrecognized flag");
init_grammar ();
random_init (new_seed);
hprintf (handle, "\n");
for (i = 0; i < sentence_cnt; i++)
hprintf (handle, "\n");
expand (0, daGrammar, daGLoc, handle);
hprintf (handle, "\n\n");
if (file_flag)
close (handle);
expand (int num, char **grammar[], char *location[], int handle)
char *word;
int i, which, listStart, listEnd;
which = random_ulong () % location[num][0] + 1;
listStart = location[num][which];
listEnd = location[num][which + 1];
for (i = listStart; i < listEnd; i++)
word = grammar[num][i];
if (!isdigit (*word))
if (!ispunct (*word))
hprintf (handle, " ");
hprintf (handle, "%s", word);
expand (atoi (word), grammar, location, handle);

pintos-env/pintos/examples/lib/.gitignore vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* lineup.c
Converts a file to uppercase in-place.
Incidentally, another way to do this while avoiding the seeks
would be to open the input file, then remove() it and reopen
it under another handle. Because of Unix deletion semantics
this works fine. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[1024];
int handle;
if (argc != 2)
exit (1);
handle = open (argv[1]);
if (handle < 0)
exit (2);
for (;;)
int n, i;
n = read (handle, buf, sizeof buf);
if (n <= 0)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
buf[i] = toupper ((unsigned char) buf[i]);
seek (handle, tell (handle) - n);
if (write (handle, buf, n) != n)
printf ("write failed\n");
close (handle);

pintos-env/pintos/examples/ls.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* ls.c
Lists the contents of the directory or directories named on
the command line, or of the current directory if none are
By default, only the name of each file is printed. If "-l" is
given as the first argument, the type, size, and inumber of
each file is also printed. This won't work until project 4. */
#include <syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static bool
list_dir (const char *dir, bool verbose)
int dir_fd = open (dir);
if (dir_fd == -1)
printf ("%s: not found\n", dir);
return false;
if (isdir (dir_fd))
char name[READDIR_MAX_LEN];
printf ("%s", dir);
if (verbose)
printf (" (inumber %d)", inumber (dir_fd));
printf (":\n");
while (readdir (dir_fd, name))
printf ("%s", name);
if (verbose)
char full_name[128];
int entry_fd;
snprintf (full_name, sizeof full_name, "%s/%s", dir, name);
entry_fd = open (full_name);
printf (": ");
if (entry_fd != -1)
if (isdir (entry_fd))
printf ("directory");
printf ("%d-byte file", filesize (entry_fd));
printf (", inumber %d", inumber (entry_fd));
printf ("open failed");
close (entry_fd);
printf ("\n");
printf ("%s: not a directory\n", dir);
close (dir_fd);
return true;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool success = true;
bool verbose = false;
if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "-l"))
verbose = true;
if (argc <= 1)
success = list_dir (".", verbose);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!list_dir (argv[i], verbose))
success = false;
return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* matmult.c
Test program to do matrix multiplication on large arrays.
Intended to stress virtual memory system.
Ideally, we could read the matrices off of the file system,
and store the result back to the file system!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
/* You should define DIM to be large enough that the arrays
don't fit in physical memory.
Dim Memory
------ --------
16 3 kB
64 48 kB
128 192 kB
256 768 kB
512 3,072 kB
1,024 12,288 kB
2,048 49,152 kB
4,096 196,608 kB
8,192 786,432 kB
16,384 3,145,728 kB */
#define DIM 128
int A[DIM][DIM];
int B[DIM][DIM];
int C[DIM][DIM];
main (void)
int i, j, k;
/* Initialize the matrices. */
for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
A[i][j] = i;
B[i][j] = j;
C[i][j] = 0;
/* Multiply matrices. */
for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
for (k = 0; k < DIM; k++)
C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
/* Done. */
exit (C[DIM - 1][DIM - 1]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/* mcat.c
Prints files specified on command line to the console, using
mmap. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
int fd;
mapid_t map;
void *data = (void *) 0x10000000;
int size;
/* Open input file. */
fd = open (argv[i]);
if (fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[i]);
size = filesize (fd);
/* Map files. */
map = mmap (fd, data);
if (map == MAP_FAILED)
printf ("%s: mmap failed\n", argv[i]);
/* Write file to console. */
write (STDOUT_FILENO, data, size);
/* Unmap files (optional). */
munmap (map);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* mcp.c
Copies one file to another, using mmap. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int in_fd, out_fd;
mapid_t in_map, out_map;
void *in_data = (void *) 0x10000000;
void *out_data = (void *) 0x20000000;
int size;
if (argc != 3)
printf ("usage: cp OLD NEW\n");
/* Open input file. */
in_fd = open (argv[1]);
if (in_fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[1]);
size = filesize (in_fd);
/* Create and open output file. */
if (!create (argv[2], size))
printf ("%s: create failed\n", argv[2]);
out_fd = open (argv[2]);
if (out_fd < 0)
printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[2]);
/* Map files. */
in_map = mmap (in_fd, in_data);
if (in_map == MAP_FAILED)
printf ("%s: mmap failed\n", argv[1]);
out_map = mmap (out_fd, out_data);
if (out_map == MAP_FAILED)
printf ("%s: mmap failed\n", argv[2]);
/* Copy files. */
memcpy (out_data, in_data, size);
/* Unmap files (optional). */
munmap (in_map);
munmap (out_map);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* mkdir.c
Creates a directory. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
printf ("usage: %s DIRECTORY\n", argv[0]);
if (!mkdir (argv[1]))
printf ("%s: mkdir failed\n", argv[1]);

pintos-env/pintos/examples/pwd.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/* pwd.c
Prints the absolute name of the present working directory. */
#include <syscall.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static bool getcwd (char *cwd, size_t cwd_size);
main (void)
char cwd[128];
if (getcwd (cwd, sizeof cwd))
printf ("%s\n", cwd);
printf ("error\n");
/* Stores the inode number for FILE_NAME in *INUM.
Returns true if successful, false if the file could not be
opened. */
static bool
get_inumber (const char *file_name, int *inum)
int fd = open (file_name);
if (fd >= 0)
*inum = inumber (fd);
close (fd);
return true;
return false;
/* Prepends PREFIX to the characters stored in the final *DST_LEN
bytes of the DST_SIZE-byte buffer that starts at DST.
Returns true if successful, false if adding that many
characters, plus a null terminator, would overflow the buffer.
(No null terminator is actually added or depended upon, but
its space is accounted for.) */
static bool
prepend (const char *prefix,
char *dst, size_t *dst_len, size_t dst_size)
size_t prefix_len = strlen (prefix);
if (prefix_len + *dst_len + 1 <= dst_size)
*dst_len += prefix_len;
memcpy ((dst + dst_size) - *dst_len, prefix, prefix_len);
return true;
return false;
/* Stores the current working directory, as a null-terminated
string, in the CWD_SIZE bytes in CWD.
Returns true if successful, false on error. Errors include
system errors, directory trees deeper than MAX_LEVEL levels,
and insufficient space in CWD. */
static bool
getcwd (char *cwd, size_t cwd_size)
size_t cwd_len = 0;
#define MAX_LEVEL 20
char name[MAX_LEVEL * 3 + 1 + READDIR_MAX_LEN + 1];
char *namep;
int child_inum;
/* Make sure there's enough space for at least "/". */
if (cwd_size < 2)
return false;
/* Get inumber for current directory. */
if (!get_inumber (".", &child_inum))
return false;
namep = name;
for (;;)
int parent_inum, parent_fd;
/* Compose "../../../..", etc., in NAME. */
if ((namep - name) > MAX_LEVEL * 3)
return false;
*namep++ = '.';
*namep++ = '.';
*namep = '\0';
/* Open directory. */
parent_fd = open (name);
if (parent_fd < 0)
return false;
*namep++ = '/';
/* If parent and child have the same inumber,
then we've arrived at the root. */
parent_inum = inumber (parent_fd);
if (parent_inum == child_inum)
/* Find name of file in parent directory with the child's
inumber. */
for (;;)
int test_inum;
if (!readdir (parent_fd, namep) || !get_inumber (name, &test_inum))
close (parent_fd);
return false;
if (test_inum == child_inum)
close (parent_fd);
/* Prepend "/name" to CWD. */
if (!prepend (namep - 1, cwd, &cwd_len, cwd_size))
return false;
/* Move up. */
child_inum = parent_inum;
/* Finalize CWD. */
if (cwd_len > 0)
/* Move the string to the beginning of CWD,
and null-terminate it. */
memmove (cwd, (cwd + cwd_size) - cwd_len, cwd_len);
cwd[cwd_len] = '\0';
/* Special case for the root. */
strlcpy (cwd, "/", cwd_size);
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
char buffer[128];
pid_t pid;
int retval = 0;
if (argc != 4)
printf ("usage: recursor <string> <depth> <waitp>\n");
exit (1);
/* Print args. */
printf ("%s %s %s %s\n", argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
/* Execute child and wait for it to finish if requested. */
if (atoi (argv[2]) != 0)
snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer,
"recursor %s %d %s", argv[1], atoi (argv[2]) - 1, argv[3]);
pid = exec (buffer);
if (atoi (argv[3]))
retval = wait (pid);
/* Done. */
printf ("%s %s: dying, retval=%d\n", argv[1], argv[2], retval);
exit (retval);

pintos-env/pintos/examples/rm.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* rm.c
Removes files specified on command line. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syscall.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool success = true;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!remove (argv[i]))
printf ("%s: remove failed\n", argv[i]);
success = false;
return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syscall.h>
static void read_line (char line[], size_t);
static bool backspace (char **pos, char line[]);
main (void)
printf ("Shell starting...\n");
for (;;)
char command[80];
/* Read command. */
printf ("--");
read_line (command, sizeof command);
/* Execute command. */
if (!strcmp (command, "exit"))
else if (!memcmp (command, "cd ", 3))
if (!chdir (command + 3))
printf ("\"%s\": chdir failed\n", command + 3);
else if (command[0] == '\0')
/* Empty command. */
pid_t pid = exec (command);
if (pid != PID_ERROR)
printf ("\"%s\": exit code %d\n", command, wait (pid));
printf ("exec failed\n");
printf ("Shell exiting.");
/* Reads a line of input from the user into LINE, which has room
for SIZE bytes. Handles backspace and Ctrl+U in the ways
expected by Unix users. On return, LINE will always be
null-terminated and will not end in a new-line character. */
static void
read_line (char line[], size_t size)
char *pos = line;
for (;;)
char c;
read (STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1);
switch (c)
case '\r':
*pos = '\0';
putchar ('\n');
case '\b':
backspace (&pos, line);
case ('U' - 'A') + 1: /* Ctrl+U. */
while (backspace (&pos, line))
/* Add character to line. */
if (pos < line + size - 1)
putchar (c);
*pos++ = c;
/* If *POS is past the beginning of LINE, backs up one character
position. Returns true if successful, false if nothing was
done. */
static bool
backspace (char **pos, char line[])
if (*pos > line)
/* Back up cursor, overwrite character, back up
again. */
printf ("\b \b");
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
KERNEL_SUBDIRS = threads devices lib lib/kernel userprog filesys
TEST_SUBDIRS = tests/userprog tests/filesys/base tests/filesys/extended
GRADING_FILE = $(SRCDIR)/tests/filesys/
SIMULATOR = --qemu
# Uncomment the lines below to enable VM.
#kernel.bin: DEFINES += -DVM
#TEST_SUBDIRS += tests/vm
#GRADING_FILE = $(SRCDIR)/tests/filesys/Grading.with-vm

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
include ../Makefile.kernel

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#include "filesys/directory.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <list.h>
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include "filesys/inode.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
/* A directory. */
struct dir
struct inode *inode; /* Backing store. */
off_t pos; /* Current position. */
/* A single directory entry. */
struct dir_entry
block_sector_t inode_sector; /* Sector number of header. */
char name[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* Null terminated file name. */
bool in_use; /* In use or free? */
/* Creates a directory with space for ENTRY_CNT entries in the
given SECTOR. Returns true if successful, false on failure. */
dir_create (block_sector_t sector, size_t entry_cnt)
return inode_create (sector, entry_cnt * sizeof (struct dir_entry));
/* Opens and returns the directory for the given INODE, of which
it takes ownership. Returns a null pointer on failure. */
struct dir *
dir_open (struct inode *inode)
struct dir *dir = calloc (1, sizeof *dir);
if (inode != NULL && dir != NULL)
dir->inode = inode;
dir->pos = 0;
return dir;
inode_close (inode);
free (dir);
return NULL;
/* Opens the root directory and returns a directory for it.
Return true if successful, false on failure. */
struct dir *
dir_open_root (void)
return dir_open (inode_open (ROOT_DIR_SECTOR));
/* Opens and returns a new directory for the same inode as DIR.
Returns a null pointer on failure. */
struct dir *
dir_reopen (struct dir *dir)
return dir_open (inode_reopen (dir->inode));
/* Destroys DIR and frees associated resources. */
dir_close (struct dir *dir)
if (dir != NULL)
inode_close (dir->inode);
free (dir);
/* Returns the inode encapsulated by DIR. */
struct inode *
dir_get_inode (struct dir *dir)
return dir->inode;
/* Searches DIR for a file with the given NAME.
If successful, returns true, sets *EP to the directory entry
if EP is non-null, and sets *OFSP to the byte offset of the
directory entry if OFSP is non-null.
otherwise, returns false and ignores EP and OFSP. */
static bool
lookup (const struct dir *dir, const char *name,
struct dir_entry *ep, off_t *ofsp)
struct dir_entry e;
size_t ofs;
ASSERT (dir != NULL);
ASSERT (name != NULL);
for (ofs = 0; inode_read_at (dir->inode, &e, sizeof e, ofs) == sizeof e;
ofs += sizeof e)
if (e.in_use && !strcmp (name,
if (ep != NULL)
*ep = e;
if (ofsp != NULL)
*ofsp = ofs;
return true;
return false;
/* Searches DIR for a file with the given NAME
and returns true if one exists, false otherwise.
On success, sets *INODE to an inode for the file, otherwise to
a null pointer. The caller must close *INODE. */
dir_lookup (const struct dir *dir, const char *name,
struct inode **inode)
struct dir_entry e;
ASSERT (dir != NULL);
ASSERT (name != NULL);
if (lookup (dir, name, &e, NULL))
*inode = inode_open (e.inode_sector);
*inode = NULL;
return *inode != NULL;
/* Adds a file named NAME to DIR, which must not already contain a
file by that name. The file's inode is in sector
Returns true if successful, false on failure.
Fails if NAME is invalid (i.e. too long) or a disk or memory
error occurs. */
dir_add (struct dir *dir, const char *name, block_sector_t inode_sector)
struct dir_entry e;
off_t ofs;
bool success = false;
ASSERT (dir != NULL);
ASSERT (name != NULL);
/* Check NAME for validity. */
if (*name == '\0' || strlen (name) > NAME_MAX)
return false;
/* Check that NAME is not in use. */
if (lookup (dir, name, NULL, NULL))
goto done;
/* Set OFS to offset of free slot.
If there are no free slots, then it will be set to the
current end-of-file.
inode_read_at() will only return a short read at end of file.
Otherwise, we'd need to verify that we didn't get a short
read due to something intermittent such as low memory. */
for (ofs = 0; inode_read_at (dir->inode, &e, sizeof e, ofs) == sizeof e;
ofs += sizeof e)
if (!e.in_use)
/* Write slot. */
e.in_use = true;
strlcpy (, name, sizeof;
e.inode_sector = inode_sector;
success = inode_write_at (dir->inode, &e, sizeof e, ofs) == sizeof e;
return success;
/* Removes any entry for NAME in DIR.
Returns true if successful, false on failure,
which occurs only if there is no file with the given NAME. */
dir_remove (struct dir *dir, const char *name)
struct dir_entry e;
struct inode *inode = NULL;
bool success = false;
off_t ofs;
ASSERT (dir != NULL);
ASSERT (name != NULL);
/* Find directory entry. */
if (!lookup (dir, name, &e, &ofs))
goto done;
/* Open inode. */
inode = inode_open (e.inode_sector);
if (inode == NULL)
goto done;
/* Erase directory entry. */
e.in_use = false;
if (inode_write_at (dir->inode, &e, sizeof e, ofs) != sizeof e)
goto done;
/* Remove inode. */
inode_remove (inode);
success = true;
inode_close (inode);
return success;
/* Reads the next directory entry in DIR and stores the name in
NAME. Returns true if successful, false if the directory
contains no more entries. */
dir_readdir (struct dir *dir, char name[NAME_MAX + 1])
struct dir_entry e;
while (inode_read_at (dir->inode, &e, sizeof e, dir->pos) == sizeof e)
dir->pos += sizeof e;
if (e.in_use)
strlcpy (name,, NAME_MAX + 1);
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "devices/block.h"
/* Maximum length of a file name component.
This is the traditional UNIX maximum length.
After directories are implemented, this maximum length may be
retained, but much longer full path names must be allowed. */
#define NAME_MAX 14
struct inode;
/* Opening and closing directories. */
bool dir_create (block_sector_t sector, size_t entry_cnt);
struct dir *dir_open (struct inode *);
struct dir *dir_open_root (void);
struct dir *dir_reopen (struct dir *);
void dir_close (struct dir *);
struct inode *dir_get_inode (struct dir *);
/* Reading and writing. */
bool dir_lookup (const struct dir *, const char *name, struct inode **);
bool dir_add (struct dir *, const char *name, block_sector_t);
bool dir_remove (struct dir *, const char *name);
bool dir_readdir (struct dir *, char name[NAME_MAX + 1]);
#endif /* filesys/directory.h */

pintos-env/pintos/filesys/file.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include "filesys/inode.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
/* An open file. */
struct file
struct inode *inode; /* File's inode. */
off_t pos; /* Current position. */
bool deny_write; /* Has file_deny_write() been called? */
/* Opens a file for the given INODE, of which it takes ownership,
and returns the new file. Returns a null pointer if an
allocation fails or if INODE is null. */
struct file *
file_open (struct inode *inode)
struct file *file = calloc (1, sizeof *file);
if (inode != NULL && file != NULL)
file->inode = inode;
file->pos = 0;
file->deny_write = false;
return file;
inode_close (inode);
free (file);
return NULL;
/* Opens and returns a new file for the same inode as FILE.
Returns a null pointer if unsuccessful. */
struct file *
file_reopen (struct file *file)
return file_open (inode_reopen (file->inode));
/* Closes FILE. */
file_close (struct file *file)
if (file != NULL)
file_allow_write (file);
inode_close (file->inode);
free (file);
/* Returns the inode encapsulated by FILE. */
struct inode *
file_get_inode (struct file *file)
return file->inode;
/* Reads SIZE bytes from FILE into BUFFER,
starting at the file's current position.
Returns the number of bytes actually read,
which may be less than SIZE if end of file is reached.
Advances FILE's position by the number of bytes read. */
file_read (struct file *file, void *buffer, off_t size)
off_t bytes_read = inode_read_at (file->inode, buffer, size, file->pos);
file->pos += bytes_read;
return bytes_read;
/* Reads SIZE bytes from FILE into BUFFER,
starting at offset FILE_OFS in the file.
Returns the number of bytes actually read,
which may be less than SIZE if end of file is reached.
The file's current position is unaffected. */
file_read_at (struct file *file, void *buffer, off_t size, off_t file_ofs)
return inode_read_at (file->inode, buffer, size, file_ofs);
/* Writes SIZE bytes from BUFFER into FILE,
starting at the file's current position.
Returns the number of bytes actually written,
which may be less than SIZE if end of file is reached.
(Normally we'd grow the file in that case, but file growth is
not yet implemented.)
Advances FILE's position by the number of bytes read. */
file_write (struct file *file, const void *buffer, off_t size)
off_t bytes_written = inode_write_at (file->inode, buffer, size, file->pos);
file->pos += bytes_written;
return bytes_written;
/* Writes SIZE bytes from BUFFER into FILE,
starting at offset FILE_OFS in the file.
Returns the number of bytes actually written,
which may be less than SIZE if end of file is reached.
(Normally we'd grow the file in that case, but file growth is
not yet implemented.)
The file's current position is unaffected. */
file_write_at (struct file *file, const void *buffer, off_t size,
off_t file_ofs)
return inode_write_at (file->inode, buffer, size, file_ofs);
/* Prevents write operations on FILE's underlying inode
until file_allow_write() is called or FILE is closed. */
file_deny_write (struct file *file)
ASSERT (file != NULL);
if (!file->deny_write)
file->deny_write = true;
inode_deny_write (file->inode);
/* Re-enables write operations on FILE's underlying inode.
(Writes might still be denied by some other file that has the
same inode open.) */
file_allow_write (struct file *file)
ASSERT (file != NULL);
if (file->deny_write)
file->deny_write = false;
inode_allow_write (file->inode);
/* Returns the size of FILE in bytes. */
file_length (struct file *file)
ASSERT (file != NULL);
return inode_length (file->inode);
/* Sets the current position in FILE to NEW_POS bytes from the
start of the file. */
file_seek (struct file *file, off_t new_pos)
ASSERT (file != NULL);
ASSERT (new_pos >= 0);
file->pos = new_pos;
/* Returns the current position in FILE as a byte offset from the
start of the file. */
file_tell (struct file *file)
ASSERT (file != NULL);
return file->pos;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include "filesys/off_t.h"
struct inode;
/* Opening and closing files. */
struct file *file_open (struct inode *);
struct file *file_reopen (struct file *);
void file_close (struct file *);
struct inode *file_get_inode (struct file *);
/* Reading and writing. */
off_t file_read (struct file *, void *, off_t);
off_t file_read_at (struct file *, void *, off_t size, off_t start);
off_t file_write (struct file *, const void *, off_t);
off_t file_write_at (struct file *, const void *, off_t size, off_t start);
/* Preventing writes. */
void file_deny_write (struct file *);
void file_allow_write (struct file *);
/* File position. */
void file_seek (struct file *, off_t);
off_t file_tell (struct file *);
off_t file_length (struct file *);
#endif /* filesys/file.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include "filesys/free-map.h"
#include "filesys/inode.h"
#include "filesys/directory.h"
/* Partition that contains the file system. */
struct block *fs_device;
static void do_format (void);
/* Initializes the file system module.
If FORMAT is true, reformats the file system. */
filesys_init (bool format)
fs_device = block_get_role (BLOCK_FILESYS);
if (fs_device == NULL)
PANIC ("No file system device found, can't initialize file system.");
inode_init ();
free_map_init ();
if (format)
do_format ();
free_map_open ();
/* Shuts down the file system module, writing any unwritten data
to disk. */
filesys_done (void)
free_map_close ();
/* Creates a file named NAME with the given INITIAL_SIZE.
Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
Fails if a file named NAME already exists,
or if internal memory allocation fails. */
filesys_create (const char *name, off_t initial_size)
block_sector_t inode_sector = 0;
struct dir *dir = dir_open_root ();
bool success = (dir != NULL
&& free_map_allocate (1, &inode_sector)
&& inode_create (inode_sector, initial_size)
&& dir_add (dir, name, inode_sector));
if (!success && inode_sector != 0)
free_map_release (inode_sector, 1);
dir_close (dir);
return success;
/* Opens the file with the given NAME.
Returns the new file if successful or a null pointer
Fails if no file named NAME exists,
or if an internal memory allocation fails. */
struct file *
filesys_open (const char *name)
struct dir *dir = dir_open_root ();
struct inode *inode = NULL;
if (dir != NULL)
dir_lookup (dir, name, &inode);
dir_close (dir);
return file_open (inode);
/* Deletes the file named NAME.
Returns true if successful, false on failure.
Fails if no file named NAME exists,
or if an internal memory allocation fails. */
filesys_remove (const char *name)
struct dir *dir = dir_open_root ();
bool success = dir != NULL && dir_remove (dir, name);
dir_close (dir);
return success;
/* Formats the file system. */
static void
do_format (void)
printf ("Formatting file system...");
free_map_create ();
if (!dir_create (ROOT_DIR_SECTOR, 16))
PANIC ("root directory creation failed");
free_map_close ();
printf ("done.\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "filesys/off_t.h"
/* Sectors of system file inodes. */
#define FREE_MAP_SECTOR 0 /* Free map file inode sector. */
#define ROOT_DIR_SECTOR 1 /* Root directory file inode sector. */
/* Block device that contains the file system. */
struct block *fs_device;
void filesys_init (bool format);
void filesys_done (void);
bool filesys_create (const char *name, off_t initial_size);
struct file *filesys_open (const char *name);
bool filesys_remove (const char *name);
#endif /* filesys/filesys.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#include "filesys/free-map.h"
#include <bitmap.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include "filesys/inode.h"
static struct file *free_map_file; /* Free map file. */
static struct bitmap *free_map; /* Free map, one bit per sector. */
/* Initializes the free map. */
free_map_init (void)
free_map = bitmap_create (block_size (fs_device));
if (free_map == NULL)
PANIC ("bitmap creation failed--file system device is too large");
bitmap_mark (free_map, FREE_MAP_SECTOR);
bitmap_mark (free_map, ROOT_DIR_SECTOR);
/* Allocates CNT consecutive sectors from the free map and stores
the first into *SECTORP.
Returns true if successful, false if not enough consecutive
   sectors were available or if the free_map file could not be
   written. */
free_map_allocate (size_t cnt, block_sector_t *sectorp)
block_sector_t sector = bitmap_scan_and_flip (free_map, 0, cnt, false);
if (sector != BITMAP_ERROR
&& free_map_file != NULL
&& !bitmap_write (free_map, free_map_file))
bitmap_set_multiple (free_map, sector, cnt, false);
sector = BITMAP_ERROR;
if (sector != BITMAP_ERROR)
*sectorp = sector;
return sector != BITMAP_ERROR;
/* Makes CNT sectors starting at SECTOR available for use. */
free_map_release (block_sector_t sector, size_t cnt)
ASSERT (bitmap_all (free_map, sector, cnt));
bitmap_set_multiple (free_map, sector, cnt, false);
bitmap_write (free_map, free_map_file);
/* Opens the free map file and reads it from disk. */
free_map_open (void)
free_map_file = file_open (inode_open (FREE_MAP_SECTOR));
if (free_map_file == NULL)
PANIC ("can't open free map");
if (!bitmap_read (free_map, free_map_file))
PANIC ("can't read free map");
/* Writes the free map to disk and closes the free map file. */
free_map_close (void)
file_close (free_map_file);
/* Creates a new free map file on disk and writes the free map to
it. */
free_map_create (void)
/* Create inode. */
if (!inode_create (FREE_MAP_SECTOR, bitmap_file_size (free_map)))
PANIC ("free map creation failed");
/* Write bitmap to file. */
free_map_file = file_open (inode_open (FREE_MAP_SECTOR));
if (free_map_file == NULL)
PANIC ("can't open free map");
if (!bitmap_write (free_map, free_map_file))
PANIC ("can't write free map");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "devices/block.h"
void free_map_init (void);
void free_map_read (void);
void free_map_create (void);
void free_map_open (void);
void free_map_close (void);
bool free_map_allocate (size_t, block_sector_t *);
void free_map_release (block_sector_t, size_t);
#endif /* filesys/free-map.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#include "filesys/fsutil.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ustar.h>
#include "filesys/directory.h"
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
#include "threads/palloc.h"
#include "threads/vaddr.h"
/* List files in the root directory. */
fsutil_ls (char **argv UNUSED)
struct dir *dir;
char name[NAME_MAX + 1];
printf ("Files in the root directory:\n");
dir = dir_open_root ();
if (dir == NULL)
PANIC ("root dir open failed");
while (dir_readdir (dir, name))
printf ("%s\n", name);
printf ("End of listing.\n");
/* Prints the contents of file ARGV[1] to the system console as
hex and ASCII. */
fsutil_cat (char **argv)
const char *file_name = argv[1];
struct file *file;
char *buffer;
printf ("Printing '%s' to the console...\n", file_name);
file = filesys_open (file_name);
if (file == NULL)
PANIC ("%s: open failed", file_name);
buffer = palloc_get_page (PAL_ASSERT);
for (;;)
off_t pos = file_tell (file);
off_t n = file_read (file, buffer, PGSIZE);
if (n == 0)
hex_dump (pos, buffer, n, true);
palloc_free_page (buffer);
file_close (file);
/* Deletes file ARGV[1]. */
fsutil_rm (char **argv)
const char *file_name = argv[1];
printf ("Deleting '%s'...\n", file_name);
if (!filesys_remove (file_name))
PANIC ("%s: delete failed\n", file_name);
/* Extracts a ustar-format tar archive from the scratch block
device into the Pintos file system. */
fsutil_extract (char **argv UNUSED)
static block_sector_t sector = 0;
struct block *src;
void *header, *data;
/* Allocate buffers. */
header = malloc (BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
data = malloc (BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
if (header == NULL || data == NULL)
PANIC ("couldn't allocate buffers");
/* Open source block device. */
src = block_get_role (BLOCK_SCRATCH);
if (src == NULL)
PANIC ("couldn't open scratch device");
printf ("Extracting ustar archive from scratch device "
"into file system...\n");
for (;;)
const char *file_name;
const char *error;
enum ustar_type type;
int size;
/* Read and parse ustar header. */
block_read (src, sector++, header);
error = ustar_parse_header (header, &file_name, &type, &size);
if (error != NULL)
PANIC ("bad ustar header in sector %"PRDSNu" (%s)", sector - 1, error);
if (type == USTAR_EOF)
/* End of archive. */
else if (type == USTAR_DIRECTORY)
printf ("ignoring directory %s\n", file_name);
else if (type == USTAR_REGULAR)
struct file *dst;
printf ("Putting '%s' into the file system...\n", file_name);
/* Create destination file. */
if (!filesys_create (file_name, size))
PANIC ("%s: create failed", file_name);
dst = filesys_open (file_name);
if (dst == NULL)
PANIC ("%s: open failed", file_name);
/* Do copy. */
while (size > 0)
int chunk_size = (size > BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE
: size);
block_read (src, sector++, data);
if (file_write (dst, data, chunk_size) != chunk_size)
PANIC ("%s: write failed with %d bytes unwritten",
file_name, size);
size -= chunk_size;
/* Finish up. */
file_close (dst);
/* Erase the ustar header from the start of the block device,
so that the extraction operation is idempotent. We erase
two blocks because two blocks of zeros are the ustar
end-of-archive marker. */
printf ("Erasing ustar archive...\n");
memset (header, 0, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
block_write (src, 0, header);
block_write (src, 1, header);
free (data);
free (header);
/* Copies file FILE_NAME from the file system to the scratch
device, in ustar format.
The first call to this function will write starting at the
beginning of the scratch device. Later calls advance across
the device. This position is independent of that used for
fsutil_extract(), so `extract' should precede all
`append's. */
fsutil_append (char **argv)
static block_sector_t sector = 0;
const char *file_name = argv[1];
void *buffer;
struct file *src;
struct block *dst;
off_t size;
printf ("Appending '%s' to ustar archive on scratch device...\n", file_name);
/* Allocate buffer. */
buffer = malloc (BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
if (buffer == NULL)
PANIC ("couldn't allocate buffer");
/* Open source file. */
src = filesys_open (file_name);
if (src == NULL)
PANIC ("%s: open failed", file_name);
size = file_length (src);
/* Open target block device. */
dst = block_get_role (BLOCK_SCRATCH);
if (dst == NULL)
PANIC ("couldn't open scratch device");
/* Write ustar header to first sector. */
if (!ustar_make_header (file_name, USTAR_REGULAR, size, buffer))
PANIC ("%s: name too long for ustar format", file_name);
block_write (dst, sector++, buffer);
/* Do copy. */
while (size > 0)
int chunk_size = size > BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE ? BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE : size;
if (sector >= block_size (dst))
PANIC ("%s: out of space on scratch device", file_name);
if (file_read (src, buffer, chunk_size) != chunk_size)
PANIC ("%s: read failed with %"PROTd" bytes unread", file_name, size);
memset (buffer + chunk_size, 0, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE - chunk_size);
block_write (dst, sector++, buffer);
size -= chunk_size;
/* Write ustar end-of-archive marker, which is two consecutive
sectors full of zeros. Don't advance our position past
them, though, in case we have more files to append. */
memset (buffer, 0, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
block_write (dst, sector, buffer);
block_write (dst, sector, buffer + 1);
/* Finish up. */
file_close (src);
free (buffer);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
void fsutil_ls (char **argv);
void fsutil_cat (char **argv);
void fsutil_rm (char **argv);
void fsutil_extract (char **argv);
void fsutil_append (char **argv);
#endif /* filesys/fsutil.h */

pintos-env/pintos/filesys/inode.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
#include "filesys/inode.h"
#include <list.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <round.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include "filesys/free-map.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
/* Identifies an inode. */
#define INODE_MAGIC 0x494e4f44
/* On-disk inode.
Must be exactly BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes long. */
struct inode_disk
block_sector_t start; /* First data sector. */
off_t length; /* File size in bytes. */
unsigned magic; /* Magic number. */
uint32_t unused[125]; /* Not used. */
/* Returns the number of sectors to allocate for an inode SIZE
bytes long. */
static inline size_t
bytes_to_sectors (off_t size)
/* In-memory inode. */
struct inode
struct list_elem elem; /* Element in inode list. */
block_sector_t sector; /* Sector number of disk location. */
int open_cnt; /* Number of openers. */
bool removed; /* True if deleted, false otherwise. */
int deny_write_cnt; /* 0: writes ok, >0: deny writes. */
struct inode_disk data; /* Inode content. */
/* Returns the block device sector that contains byte offset POS
within INODE.
Returns -1 if INODE does not contain data for a byte at offset
POS. */
static block_sector_t
byte_to_sector (const struct inode *inode, off_t pos)
ASSERT (inode != NULL);
if (pos < inode->data.length)
return inode->data.start + pos / BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;
return -1;
/* List of open inodes, so that opening a single inode twice
returns the same `struct inode'. */
static struct list open_inodes;
/* Initializes the inode module. */
inode_init (void)
list_init (&open_inodes);
/* Initializes an inode with LENGTH bytes of data and
writes the new inode to sector SECTOR on the file system
Returns true if successful.
Returns false if memory or disk allocation fails. */
inode_create (block_sector_t sector, off_t length)
struct inode_disk *disk_inode = NULL;
bool success = false;
ASSERT (length >= 0);
/* If this assertion fails, the inode structure is not exactly
one sector in size, and you should fix that. */
ASSERT (sizeof *disk_inode == BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
disk_inode = calloc (1, sizeof *disk_inode);
if (disk_inode != NULL)
size_t sectors = bytes_to_sectors (length);
disk_inode->length = length;
disk_inode->magic = INODE_MAGIC;
if (free_map_allocate (sectors, &disk_inode->start))
block_write (fs_device, sector, disk_inode);
if (sectors > 0)
static char zeros[BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE];
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < sectors; i++)
block_write (fs_device, disk_inode->start + i, zeros);
success = true;
free (disk_inode);
return success;
/* Reads an inode from SECTOR
and returns a `struct inode' that contains it.
Returns a null pointer if memory allocation fails. */
struct inode *
inode_open (block_sector_t sector)
struct list_elem *e;
struct inode *inode;
/* Check whether this inode is already open. */
for (e = list_begin (&open_inodes); e != list_end (&open_inodes);
e = list_next (e))
inode = list_entry (e, struct inode, elem);
if (inode->sector == sector)
inode_reopen (inode);
return inode;
/* Allocate memory. */
inode = malloc (sizeof *inode);
if (inode == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Initialize. */
list_push_front (&open_inodes, &inode->elem);
inode->sector = sector;
inode->open_cnt = 1;
inode->deny_write_cnt = 0;
inode->removed = false;
block_read (fs_device, inode->sector, &inode->data);
return inode;
/* Reopens and returns INODE. */
struct inode *
inode_reopen (struct inode *inode)
if (inode != NULL)
return inode;
/* Returns INODE's inode number. */
inode_get_inumber (const struct inode *inode)
return inode->sector;
/* Closes INODE and writes it to disk.
If this was the last reference to INODE, frees its memory.
If INODE was also a removed inode, frees its blocks. */
inode_close (struct inode *inode)
/* Ignore null pointer. */
if (inode == NULL)
/* Release resources if this was the last opener. */
if (--inode->open_cnt == 0)
/* Remove from inode list and release lock. */
list_remove (&inode->elem);
/* Deallocate blocks if removed. */
if (inode->removed)
free_map_release (inode->sector, 1);
free_map_release (inode->data.start,
bytes_to_sectors (inode->data.length));
free (inode);
/* Marks INODE to be deleted when it is closed by the last caller who
has it open. */
inode_remove (struct inode *inode)
ASSERT (inode != NULL);
inode->removed = true;
/* Reads SIZE bytes from INODE into BUFFER, starting at position OFFSET.
Returns the number of bytes actually read, which may be less
than SIZE if an error occurs or end of file is reached. */
inode_read_at (struct inode *inode, void *buffer_, off_t size, off_t offset)
uint8_t *buffer = buffer_;
off_t bytes_read = 0;
uint8_t *bounce = NULL;
while (size > 0)
/* Disk sector to read, starting byte offset within sector. */
block_sector_t sector_idx = byte_to_sector (inode, offset);
int sector_ofs = offset % BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;
/* Bytes left in inode, bytes left in sector, lesser of the two. */
off_t inode_left = inode_length (inode) - offset;
int sector_left = BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE - sector_ofs;
int min_left = inode_left < sector_left ? inode_left : sector_left;
/* Number of bytes to actually copy out of this sector. */
int chunk_size = size < min_left ? size : min_left;
if (chunk_size <= 0)
if (sector_ofs == 0 && chunk_size == BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE)
/* Read full sector directly into caller's buffer. */
block_read (fs_device, sector_idx, buffer + bytes_read);
/* Read sector into bounce buffer, then partially copy
into caller's buffer. */
if (bounce == NULL)
bounce = malloc (BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
if (bounce == NULL)
block_read (fs_device, sector_idx, bounce);
memcpy (buffer + bytes_read, bounce + sector_ofs, chunk_size);
/* Advance. */
size -= chunk_size;
offset += chunk_size;
bytes_read += chunk_size;
free (bounce);
return bytes_read;
/* Writes SIZE bytes from BUFFER into INODE, starting at OFFSET.
Returns the number of bytes actually written, which may be
less than SIZE if end of file is reached or an error occurs.
(Normally a write at end of file would extend the inode, but
growth is not yet implemented.) */
inode_write_at (struct inode *inode, const void *buffer_, off_t size,
off_t offset)
const uint8_t *buffer = buffer_;
off_t bytes_written = 0;
uint8_t *bounce = NULL;
if (inode->deny_write_cnt)
return 0;
while (size > 0)
/* Sector to write, starting byte offset within sector. */
block_sector_t sector_idx = byte_to_sector (inode, offset);
int sector_ofs = offset % BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;
/* Bytes left in inode, bytes left in sector, lesser of the two. */
off_t inode_left = inode_length (inode) - offset;
int sector_left = BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE - sector_ofs;
int min_left = inode_left < sector_left ? inode_left : sector_left;
/* Number of bytes to actually write into this sector. */
int chunk_size = size < min_left ? size : min_left;
if (chunk_size <= 0)
if (sector_ofs == 0 && chunk_size == BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE)
/* Write full sector directly to disk. */
block_write (fs_device, sector_idx, buffer + bytes_written);
/* We need a bounce buffer. */
if (bounce == NULL)
bounce = malloc (BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
if (bounce == NULL)
/* If the sector contains data before or after the chunk
we're writing, then we need to read in the sector
first. Otherwise we start with a sector of all zeros. */
if (sector_ofs > 0 || chunk_size < sector_left)
block_read (fs_device, sector_idx, bounce);
memset (bounce, 0, BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);
memcpy (bounce + sector_ofs, buffer + bytes_written, chunk_size);
block_write (fs_device, sector_idx, bounce);
/* Advance. */
size -= chunk_size;
offset += chunk_size;
bytes_written += chunk_size;
free (bounce);
return bytes_written;
/* Disables writes to INODE.
May be called at most once per inode opener. */
inode_deny_write (struct inode *inode)
ASSERT (inode->deny_write_cnt <= inode->open_cnt);
/* Re-enables writes to INODE.
Must be called once by each inode opener who has called
inode_deny_write() on the inode, before closing the inode. */
inode_allow_write (struct inode *inode)
ASSERT (inode->deny_write_cnt > 0);
ASSERT (inode->deny_write_cnt <= inode->open_cnt);
/* Returns the length, in bytes, of INODE's data. */
inode_length (const struct inode *inode)
return inode->data.length;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "filesys/off_t.h"
#include "devices/block.h"
struct bitmap;
void inode_init (void);
bool inode_create (block_sector_t, off_t);
struct inode *inode_open (block_sector_t);
struct inode *inode_reopen (struct inode *);
block_sector_t inode_get_inumber (const struct inode *);
void inode_close (struct inode *);
void inode_remove (struct inode *);
off_t inode_read_at (struct inode *, void *, off_t size, off_t offset);
off_t inode_write_at (struct inode *, const void *, off_t size, off_t offset);
void inode_deny_write (struct inode *);
void inode_allow_write (struct inode *);
off_t inode_length (const struct inode *);
#endif /* filesys/inode.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include <stdint.h>
/* An offset within a file.
This is a separate header because multiple headers want this
definition but not any others. */
typedef int32_t off_t;
/* Format specifier for printf(), e.g.:
printf ("offset=%"PROTd"\n", offset); */
#define PROTd PRId32
#endif /* filesys/off_t.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
#include <stdint.h>
/* On x86, division of one 64-bit integer by another cannot be
done with a single instruction or a short sequence. Thus, GCC
implements 64-bit division and remainder operations through
function calls. These functions are normally obtained from
libgcc, which is automatically included by GCC in any link
that it does.
Some x86-64 machines, however, have a compiler and utilities
that can generate 32-bit x86 code without having any of the
necessary libraries, including libgcc. Thus, we can make
Pintos work on these machines by simply implementing our own
64-bit division routines, which are the only routines from
libgcc that Pintos requires.
Completeness is another reason to include these routines. If
Pintos is completely self-contained, then that makes it that
much less mysterious. */
/* Uses x86 DIVL instruction to divide 64-bit N by 32-bit D to
yield a 32-bit quotient. Returns the quotient.
Traps with a divide error (#DE) if the quotient does not fit
in 32 bits. */
static inline uint32_t
divl (uint64_t n, uint32_t d)
uint32_t n1 = n >> 32;
uint32_t n0 = n;
uint32_t q, r;
asm ("divl %4"
: "=d" (r), "=a" (q)
: "0" (n1), "1" (n0), "rm" (d));
return q;
/* Returns the number of leading zero bits in X,
which must be nonzero. */
static int
nlz (uint32_t x)
/* This technique is portable, but there are better ways to do
it on particular systems. With sufficiently new enough GCC,
you can use __builtin_clz() to take advantage of GCC's
knowledge of how to do it. Or you can use the x86 BSR
instruction directly. */
int n = 0;
if (x <= 0x0000FFFF)
n += 16;
x <<= 16;
if (x <= 0x00FFFFFF)
n += 8;
x <<= 8;
if (x <= 0x0FFFFFFF)
n += 4;
x <<= 4;
if (x <= 0x3FFFFFFF)
n += 2;
x <<= 2;
if (x <= 0x7FFFFFFF)
return n;
/* Divides unsigned 64-bit N by unsigned 64-bit D and returns the
quotient. */
static uint64_t
udiv64 (uint64_t n, uint64_t d)
if ((d >> 32) == 0)
/* Proof of correctness:
Let n, d, b, n1, and n0 be defined as in this function.
Let [x] be the "floor" of x. Let T = b[n1/d]. Assume d
nonzero. Then:
[n/d] = [n/d] - T + T
= [n/d - T] + T by (1) below
= [(b*n1 + n0)/d - T] + T by definition of n
= [(b*n1 + n0)/d - dT/d] + T
= [(b(n1 - d[n1/d]) + n0)/d] + T
= [(b[n1 % d] + n0)/d] + T, by definition of %
which is the expression calculated below.
(1) Note that for any real x, integer i: [x] + i = [x + i].
To prevent divl() from trapping, [(b[n1 % d] + n0)/d] must
be less than b. Assume that [n1 % d] and n0 take their
respective maximum values of d - 1 and b - 1:
[(b(d - 1) + (b - 1))/d] < b
<=> [(bd - 1)/d] < b
<=> [b - 1/d] < b
which is a tautology.
Therefore, this code is correct and will not trap. */
uint64_t b = 1ULL << 32;
uint32_t n1 = n >> 32;
uint32_t n0 = n;
uint32_t d0 = d;
return divl (b * (n1 % d0) + n0, d0) + b * (n1 / d0);
/* Based on the algorithm and proof available from */
if (n < d)
return 0;
uint32_t d1 = d >> 32;
int s = nlz (d1);
uint64_t q = divl (n >> 1, (d << s) >> 32) >> (31 - s);
return n - (q - 1) * d < d ? q - 1 : q;
/* Divides unsigned 64-bit N by unsigned 64-bit D and returns the
remainder. */
static uint32_t
umod64 (uint64_t n, uint64_t d)
return n - d * udiv64 (n, d);
/* Divides signed 64-bit N by signed 64-bit D and returns the
quotient. */
static int64_t
sdiv64 (int64_t n, int64_t d)
uint64_t n_abs = n >= 0 ? (uint64_t) n : -(uint64_t) n;
uint64_t d_abs = d >= 0 ? (uint64_t) d : -(uint64_t) d;
uint64_t q_abs = udiv64 (n_abs, d_abs);
return (n < 0) == (d < 0) ? (int64_t) q_abs : -(int64_t) q_abs;
/* Divides signed 64-bit N by signed 64-bit D and returns the
remainder. */
static int32_t
smod64 (int64_t n, int64_t d)
return n - d * sdiv64 (n, d);
/* These are the routines that GCC calls. */
long long __divdi3 (long long n, long long d);
long long __moddi3 (long long n, long long d);
unsigned long long __udivdi3 (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long d);
unsigned long long __umoddi3 (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long d);
/* Signed 64-bit division. */
long long
__divdi3 (long long n, long long d)
return sdiv64 (n, d);
/* Signed 64-bit remainder. */
long long
__moddi3 (long long n, long long d)
return smod64 (n, d);
/* Unsigned 64-bit division. */
unsigned long long
__udivdi3 (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long d)
return udiv64 (n, d);
/* Unsigned 64-bit remainder. */
unsigned long long
__umoddi3 (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long d)
return umod64 (n, d);

pintos-env/pintos/lib/ctype.h Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef __LIB_CTYPE_H
#define __LIB_CTYPE_H
static inline int islower (int c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; }
static inline int isupper (int c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; }
static inline int isalpha (int c) { return islower (c) || isupper (c); }
static inline int isdigit (int c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
static inline int isalnum (int c) { return isalpha (c) || isdigit (c); }
static inline int isxdigit (int c) {
return isdigit (c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F');
static inline int isspace (int c) {
return (c == ' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\n'
|| c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '\v');
static inline int isblank (int c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; }
static inline int isgraph (int c) { return c > 32 && c < 127; }
static inline int isprint (int c) { return c >= 32 && c < 127; }
static inline int iscntrl (int c) { return (c >= 0 && c < 32) || c == 127; }
static inline int isascii (int c) { return c >= 0 && c < 128; }
static inline int ispunct (int c) {
return isprint (c) && !isalnum (c) && !isspace (c);
static inline int tolower (int c) { return isupper (c) ? c - 'A' + 'a' : c; }
static inline int toupper (int c) { return islower (c) ? c - 'a' + 'A' : c; }
#endif /* lib/ctype.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/debug.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Prints the call stack, that is, a list of addresses, one in
each of the functions we are nested within. gdb or addr2line
may be applied to kernel.o to translate these into file names,
line numbers, and function names. */
debug_backtrace (void)
static bool explained;
void **frame;
printf ("Call stack: %p", __builtin_return_address (0));
for (frame = __builtin_frame_address (1);
(uintptr_t) frame >= 0x1000 && frame[0] != NULL;
frame = frame[0])
printf (" %p", frame[1]);
printf (".\n");
if (!explained)
explained = true;
printf ("The `backtrace' program can make call stacks useful.\n"
"Read \"Backtraces\" in the \"Debugging Tools\" chapter\n"
"of the Pintos documentation for more information.\n");

pintos-env/pintos/lib/debug.h Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#ifndef __LIB_DEBUG_H
#define __LIB_DEBUG_H
/* GCC lets us add "attributes" to functions, function
parameters, etc. to indicate their properties.
See the GCC manual for details. */
#define UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
#define NO_RETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#define NO_INLINE __attribute__ ((noinline))
#define PRINTF_FORMAT(FMT, FIRST) __attribute__ ((format (printf, FMT, FIRST)))
/* Halts the OS, printing the source file name, line number, and
function name, plus a user-specific message. */
#define PANIC(...) debug_panic (__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, __VA_ARGS__)
void debug_panic (const char *file, int line, const char *function,
const char *message, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT (4, 5) NO_RETURN;
void debug_backtrace (void);
void debug_backtrace_all (void);
/* This is outside the header guard so that debug.h may be
included multiple times with different settings of NDEBUG. */
#undef ASSERT
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (CONDITION) { } else { \
PANIC ("assertion `%s' failed.", #CONDITION); \
#define NOT_REACHED() PANIC ("executed an unreachable statement");
#define ASSERT(CONDITION) ((void) 0)
#define NOT_REACHED() for (;;)
#endif /* lib/debug.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#ifndef __LIB_INTTYPES_H
#define __LIB_INTTYPES_H
#include <stdint.h>
#define PRId8 "hhd"
#define PRIi8 "hhi"
#define PRIo8 "hho"
#define PRIu8 "hhu"
#define PRIx8 "hhx"
#define PRIX8 "hhX"
#define PRId16 "hd"
#define PRIi16 "hi"
#define PRIo16 "ho"
#define PRIu16 "hu"
#define PRIx16 "hx"
#define PRIX16 "hX"
#define PRId32 "d"
#define PRIi32 "i"
#define PRIo32 "o"
#define PRIu32 "u"
#define PRIx32 "x"
#define PRIX32 "X"
#define PRId64 "lld"
#define PRIi64 "lli"
#define PRIo64 "llo"
#define PRIu64 "llu"
#define PRIx64 "llx"
#define PRIX64 "llX"
#define PRIdMAX "jd"
#define PRIiMAX "ji"
#define PRIoMAX "jo"
#define PRIuMAX "ju"
#define PRIxMAX "jx"
#define PRIXMAX "jX"
#define PRIdPTR "td"
#define PRIiPTR "ti"
#define PRIoPTR "to"
#define PRIuPTR "tu"
#define PRIxPTR "tx"
#define PRIXPTR "tX"
#endif /* lib/inttypes.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
#include "bitmap.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <round.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "threads/malloc.h"
#ifdef FILESYS
#include "filesys/file.h"
/* Element type.
This must be an unsigned integer type at least as wide as int.
Each bit represents one bit in the bitmap.
If bit 0 in an element represents bit K in the bitmap,
then bit 1 in the element represents bit K+1 in the bitmap,
and so on. */
typedef unsigned long elem_type;
/* Number of bits in an element. */
#define ELEM_BITS (sizeof (elem_type) * CHAR_BIT)
/* From the outside, a bitmap is an array of bits. From the
inside, it's an array of elem_type (defined above) that
simulates an array of bits. */
struct bitmap
size_t bit_cnt; /* Number of bits. */
elem_type *bits; /* Elements that represent bits. */
/* Returns the index of the element that contains the bit
numbered BIT_IDX. */
static inline size_t
elem_idx (size_t bit_idx)
return bit_idx / ELEM_BITS;
/* Returns an elem_type where only the bit corresponding to
BIT_IDX is turned on. */
static inline elem_type
bit_mask (size_t bit_idx)
return (elem_type) 1 << (bit_idx % ELEM_BITS);
/* Returns the number of elements required for BIT_CNT bits. */
static inline size_t
elem_cnt (size_t bit_cnt)
return DIV_ROUND_UP (bit_cnt, ELEM_BITS);
/* Returns the number of bytes required for BIT_CNT bits. */
static inline size_t
byte_cnt (size_t bit_cnt)
return sizeof (elem_type) * elem_cnt (bit_cnt);
/* Returns a bit mask in which the bits actually used in the last
element of B's bits are set to 1 and the rest are set to 0. */
static inline elem_type
last_mask (const struct bitmap *b)
int last_bits = b->bit_cnt % ELEM_BITS;
return last_bits ? ((elem_type) 1 << last_bits) - 1 : (elem_type) -1;
/* Creation and destruction. */
/* Initializes B to be a bitmap of BIT_CNT bits
and sets all of its bits to false.
Returns true if success, false if memory allocation
failed. */
struct bitmap *
bitmap_create (size_t bit_cnt)
struct bitmap *b = malloc (sizeof *b);
if (b != NULL)
b->bit_cnt = bit_cnt;
b->bits = malloc (byte_cnt (bit_cnt));
if (b->bits != NULL || bit_cnt == 0)
bitmap_set_all (b, false);
return b;
free (b);
return NULL;
/* Creates and returns a bitmap with BIT_CNT bits in the
BLOCK_SIZE bytes of storage preallocated at BLOCK.
BLOCK_SIZE must be at least bitmap_needed_bytes(BIT_CNT). */
struct bitmap *
bitmap_create_in_buf (size_t bit_cnt, void *block, size_t block_size UNUSED)
struct bitmap *b = block;
ASSERT (block_size >= bitmap_buf_size (bit_cnt));
b->bit_cnt = bit_cnt;
b->bits = (elem_type *) (b + 1);
bitmap_set_all (b, false);
return b;
/* Returns the number of bytes required to accomodate a bitmap
with BIT_CNT bits (for use with bitmap_create_in_buf()). */
bitmap_buf_size (size_t bit_cnt)
return sizeof (struct bitmap) + byte_cnt (bit_cnt);
/* Destroys bitmap B, freeing its storage.
Not for use on bitmaps created by
bitmap_create_preallocated(). */
bitmap_destroy (struct bitmap *b)
if (b != NULL)
free (b->bits);
free (b);
/* Bitmap size. */
/* Returns the number of bits in B. */
bitmap_size (const struct bitmap *b)
return b->bit_cnt;
/* Setting and testing single bits. */
/* Atomically sets the bit numbered IDX in B to VALUE. */
bitmap_set (struct bitmap *b, size_t idx, bool value)
ASSERT (idx < b->bit_cnt);
if (value)
bitmap_mark (b, idx);
bitmap_reset (b, idx);
/* Atomically sets the bit numbered BIT_IDX in B to true. */
bitmap_mark (struct bitmap *b, size_t bit_idx)
size_t idx = elem_idx (bit_idx);
elem_type mask = bit_mask (bit_idx);
/* This is equivalent to `b->bits[idx] |= mask' except that it
is guaranteed to be atomic on a uniprocessor machine. See
the description of the OR instruction in [IA32-v2b]. */
asm ("orl %1, %0" : "=m" (b->bits[idx]) : "r" (mask) : "cc");
/* Atomically sets the bit numbered BIT_IDX in B to false. */
bitmap_reset (struct bitmap *b, size_t bit_idx)
size_t idx = elem_idx (bit_idx);
elem_type mask = bit_mask (bit_idx);
/* This is equivalent to `b->bits[idx] &= ~mask' except that it
is guaranteed to be atomic on a uniprocessor machine. See
the description of the AND instruction in [IA32-v2a]. */
asm ("andl %1, %0" : "=m" (b->bits[idx]) : "r" (~mask) : "cc");
/* Atomically toggles the bit numbered IDX in B;
that is, if it is true, makes it false,
and if it is false, makes it true. */
bitmap_flip (struct bitmap *b, size_t bit_idx)
size_t idx = elem_idx (bit_idx);
elem_type mask = bit_mask (bit_idx);
/* This is equivalent to `b->bits[idx] ^= mask' except that it
is guaranteed to be atomic on a uniprocessor machine. See
the description of the XOR instruction in [IA32-v2b]. */
asm ("xorl %1, %0" : "=m" (b->bits[idx]) : "r" (mask) : "cc");
/* Returns the value of the bit numbered IDX in B. */
bitmap_test (const struct bitmap *b, size_t idx)
ASSERT (idx < b->bit_cnt);
return (b->bits[elem_idx (idx)] & bit_mask (idx)) != 0;
/* Setting and testing multiple bits. */
/* Sets all bits in B to VALUE. */
bitmap_set_all (struct bitmap *b, bool value)
bitmap_set_multiple (b, 0, bitmap_size (b), value);
/* Sets the CNT bits starting at START in B to VALUE. */
bitmap_set_multiple (struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool value)
size_t i;
ASSERT (start <= b->bit_cnt);
ASSERT (start + cnt <= b->bit_cnt);
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
bitmap_set (b, start + i, value);
/* Returns the number of bits in B between START and START + CNT,
exclusive, that are set to VALUE. */
bitmap_count (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool value)
size_t i, value_cnt;
ASSERT (start <= b->bit_cnt);
ASSERT (start + cnt <= b->bit_cnt);
value_cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (bitmap_test (b, start + i) == value)
return value_cnt;
/* Returns true if any bits in B between START and START + CNT,
exclusive, are set to VALUE, and false otherwise. */
bitmap_contains (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool value)
size_t i;
ASSERT (start <= b->bit_cnt);
ASSERT (start + cnt <= b->bit_cnt);
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (bitmap_test (b, start + i) == value)
return true;
return false;
/* Returns true if any bits in B between START and START + CNT,
exclusive, are set to true, and false otherwise.*/
bitmap_any (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt)
return bitmap_contains (b, start, cnt, true);
/* Returns true if no bits in B between START and START + CNT,
exclusive, are set to true, and false otherwise.*/
bitmap_none (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt)
return !bitmap_contains (b, start, cnt, true);
/* Returns true if every bit in B between START and START + CNT,
exclusive, is set to true, and false otherwise. */
bitmap_all (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt)
return !bitmap_contains (b, start, cnt, false);
/* Finding set or unset bits. */
/* Finds and returns the starting index of the first group of CNT
consecutive bits in B at or after START that are all set to
If there is no such group, returns BITMAP_ERROR. */
bitmap_scan (const struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool value)
ASSERT (start <= b->bit_cnt);
if (cnt <= b->bit_cnt)
size_t last = b->bit_cnt - cnt;
size_t i;
for (i = start; i <= last; i++)
if (!bitmap_contains (b, i, cnt, !value))
return i;
/* Finds the first group of CNT consecutive bits in B at or after
START that are all set to VALUE, flips them all to !VALUE,
and returns the index of the first bit in the group.
If there is no such group, returns BITMAP_ERROR.
If CNT is zero, returns 0.
Bits are set atomically, but testing bits is not atomic with
setting them. */
bitmap_scan_and_flip (struct bitmap *b, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool value)
size_t idx = bitmap_scan (b, start, cnt, value);
if (idx != BITMAP_ERROR)
bitmap_set_multiple (b, idx, cnt, !value);
return idx;
/* File input and output. */
#ifdef FILESYS
/* Returns the number of bytes needed to store B in a file. */
bitmap_file_size (const struct bitmap *b)
return byte_cnt (b->bit_cnt);
/* Reads B from FILE. Returns true if successful, false
otherwise. */
bitmap_read (struct bitmap *b, struct file *file)
bool success = true;
if (b->bit_cnt > 0)
off_t size = byte_cnt (b->bit_cnt);
success = file_read_at (file, b->bits, size, 0) == size;
b->bits[elem_cnt (b->bit_cnt) - 1] &= last_mask (b);
return success;
/* Writes B to FILE. Return true if successful, false
otherwise. */
bitmap_write (const struct bitmap *b, struct file *file)
off_t size = byte_cnt (b->bit_cnt);
return file_write_at (file, b->bits, size, 0) == size;
#endif /* FILESYS */
/* Debugging. */
/* Dumps the contents of B to the console as hexadecimal. */
bitmap_dump (const struct bitmap *b)
hex_dump (0, b->bits, byte_cnt (b->bit_cnt), false);

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
/* Bitmap abstract data type. */
/* Creation and destruction. */
struct bitmap *bitmap_create (size_t bit_cnt);
struct bitmap *bitmap_create_in_buf (size_t bit_cnt, void *, size_t byte_cnt);
size_t bitmap_buf_size (size_t bit_cnt);
void bitmap_destroy (struct bitmap *);
/* Bitmap size. */
size_t bitmap_size (const struct bitmap *);
/* Setting and testing single bits. */
void bitmap_set (struct bitmap *, size_t idx, bool);
void bitmap_mark (struct bitmap *, size_t idx);
void bitmap_reset (struct bitmap *, size_t idx);
void bitmap_flip (struct bitmap *, size_t idx);
bool bitmap_test (const struct bitmap *, size_t idx);
/* Setting and testing multiple bits. */
void bitmap_set_all (struct bitmap *, bool);
void bitmap_set_multiple (struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool);
size_t bitmap_count (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool);
bool bitmap_contains (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool);
bool bitmap_any (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt);
bool bitmap_none (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt);
bool bitmap_all (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt);
/* Finding set or unset bits. */
size_t bitmap_scan (const struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool);
size_t bitmap_scan_and_flip (struct bitmap *, size_t start, size_t cnt, bool);
/* File input and output. */
#ifdef FILESYS
struct file;
size_t bitmap_file_size (const struct bitmap *);
bool bitmap_read (struct bitmap *, struct file *);
bool bitmap_write (const struct bitmap *, struct file *);
/* Debugging. */
void bitmap_dump (const struct bitmap *);
#endif /* lib/kernel/bitmap.h */

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
#include <console.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "devices/serial.h"
#include "devices/vga.h"
#include "threads/init.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/synch.h"
static void vprintf_helper (char, void *);
static void putchar_have_lock (uint8_t c);
/* The console lock.
Both the vga and serial layers do their own locking, so it's
safe to call them at any time.
But this lock is useful to prevent simultaneous printf() calls
from mixing their output, which looks confusing. */
static struct lock console_lock;
/* True in ordinary circumstances: we want to use the console
lock to avoid mixing output between threads, as explained
False in early boot before the point that locks are functional
or the console lock has been initialized, or after a kernel
panics. In the former case, taking the lock would cause an
assertion failure, which in turn would cause a panic, turning
it into the latter case. In the latter case, if it is a buggy
lock_acquire() implementation that caused the panic, we'll
likely just recurse. */
static bool use_console_lock;
/* It's possible, if you add enough debug output to Pintos, to
try to recursively grab console_lock from a single thread. As
a real example, I added a printf() call to palloc_free().
Here's a real backtrace that resulted:
printf() - palloc() tries to grab the lock again
thread_schedule_tail() - another thread dying as we switch threads
intr_handler() - timer interrupt
sys_write() - one process writing to the console
This kind of thing is very difficult to debug, so we avoid the
problem by simulating a recursive lock with a depth
counter. */
static int console_lock_depth;
/* Number of characters written to console. */
static int64_t write_cnt;
/* Enable console locking. */
console_init (void)
lock_init (&console_lock);
use_console_lock = true;
/* Notifies the console that a kernel panic is underway,
which warns it to avoid trying to take the console lock from
now on. */
console_panic (void)
use_console_lock = false;
/* Prints console statistics. */
console_print_stats (void)
printf ("Console: %lld characters output\n", write_cnt);
/* Acquires the console lock. */
static void
acquire_console (void)
if (!intr_context () && use_console_lock)
if (lock_held_by_current_thread (&console_lock))
lock_acquire (&console_lock);
/* Releases the console lock. */
static void
release_console (void)
if (!intr_context () && use_console_lock)
if (console_lock_depth > 0)
lock_release (&console_lock);
/* Returns true if the current thread has the console lock,
false otherwise. */
static bool
console_locked_by_current_thread (void)
return (intr_context ()
|| !use_console_lock
|| lock_held_by_current_thread (&console_lock));
/* The standard vprintf() function,
which is like printf() but uses a va_list.
Writes its output to both vga display and serial port. */
vprintf (const char *format, va_list args)
int char_cnt = 0;
acquire_console ();
__vprintf (format, args, vprintf_helper, &char_cnt);
release_console ();
return char_cnt;
/* Writes string S to the console, followed by a new-line
character. */
puts (const char *s)
acquire_console ();
while (*s != '\0')
putchar_have_lock (*s++);
putchar_have_lock ('\n');
release_console ();
return 0;
/* Writes the N characters in BUFFER to the console. */
putbuf (const char *buffer, size_t n)
acquire_console ();
while (n-- > 0)
putchar_have_lock (*buffer++);
release_console ();
/* Writes C to the vga display and serial port. */
putchar (int c)
acquire_console ();
putchar_have_lock (c);
release_console ();
return c;
/* Helper function for vprintf(). */
static void
vprintf_helper (char c, void *char_cnt_)
int *char_cnt = char_cnt_;
putchar_have_lock (c);
/* Writes C to the vga display and serial port.
The caller has already acquired the console lock if
appropriate. */
static void
putchar_have_lock (uint8_t c)
ASSERT (console_locked_by_current_thread ());
serial_putc (c);
vga_putc (c);

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
void console_init (void);
void console_panic (void);
void console_print_stats (void);
#endif /* lib/kernel/console.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#include <debug.h>
#include <console.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "threads/init.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/thread.h"
#include "threads/switch.h"
#include "threads/vaddr.h"
#include "devices/serial.h"
#include "devices/shutdown.h"
/* Halts the OS, printing the source file name, line number, and
function name, plus a user-specific message. */
debug_panic (const char *file, int line, const char *function,
const char *message, ...)
static int level;
va_list args;
intr_disable ();
console_panic ();
if (level == 1)
printf ("Kernel PANIC at %s:%d in %s(): ", file, line, function);
va_start (args, message);
vprintf (message, args);
printf ("\n");
va_end (args);
debug_backtrace ();
else if (level == 2)
printf ("Kernel PANIC recursion at %s:%d in %s().\n",
file, line, function);
/* Don't print anything: that's probably why we recursed. */
serial_flush ();
shutdown ();
for (;;);
/* Print call stack of a thread.
The thread may be running, ready, or blocked. */
static void
print_stacktrace(struct thread *t, void *aux UNUSED)
void *retaddr = NULL, **frame = NULL;
const char *status = "UNKNOWN";
switch (t->status) {
status = "RUNNING";
status = "READY";
status = "BLOCKED";
printf ("Call stack of thread `%s' (status %s):", t->name, status);
if (t == thread_current())
frame = __builtin_frame_address (1);
retaddr = __builtin_return_address (0);
/* Retrieve the values of the base and instruction pointers
as they were saved when this thread called switch_threads. */
struct switch_threads_frame * saved_frame;
saved_frame = (struct switch_threads_frame *)t->stack;
/* Skip threads if they have been added to the all threads
list, but have never been scheduled.
We can identify because their `stack' member either points
at the top of their kernel stack page, or the
switch_threads_frame's 'eip' member points at switch_entry.
See also threads.c. */
if (t->stack == (uint8_t *)t + PGSIZE || saved_frame->eip == switch_entry)
printf (" thread was never scheduled.\n");
frame = (void **) saved_frame->ebp;
retaddr = (void *) saved_frame->eip;
printf (" %p", retaddr);
for (; (uintptr_t) frame >= 0x1000 && frame[0] != NULL; frame = frame[0])
printf (" %p", frame[1]);
printf (".\n");
/* Prints call stack of all threads. */
debug_backtrace_all (void)
enum intr_level oldlevel = intr_disable ();
thread_foreach (print_stacktrace, 0);
intr_set_level (oldlevel);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
/* Hash table.
This data structure is thoroughly documented in the Tour of
Pintos for Project 3.
See hash.h for basic information. */
#include "hash.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "threads/malloc.h"
#define list_elem_to_hash_elem(LIST_ELEM) \
list_entry(LIST_ELEM, struct hash_elem, list_elem)
static struct list *find_bucket (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
static struct hash_elem *find_elem (struct hash *, struct list *,
struct hash_elem *);
static void insert_elem (struct hash *, struct list *, struct hash_elem *);
static void remove_elem (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
static void rehash (struct hash *);
/* Initializes hash table H to compute hash values using HASH and
compare hash elements using LESS, given auxiliary data AUX. */
hash_init (struct hash *h,
hash_hash_func *hash, hash_less_func *less, void *aux)
h->elem_cnt = 0;
h->bucket_cnt = 4;
h->buckets = malloc (sizeof *h->buckets * h->bucket_cnt);
h->hash = hash;
h->less = less;
h->aux = aux;
if (h->buckets != NULL)
hash_clear (h, NULL);
return true;
return false;
/* Removes all the elements from H.
If DESTRUCTOR is non-null, then it is called for each element
in the hash. DESTRUCTOR may, if appropriate, deallocate the
memory used by the hash element. However, modifying hash
table H while hash_clear() is running, using any of the
functions hash_clear(), hash_destroy(), hash_insert(),
hash_replace(), or hash_delete(), yields undefined behavior,
whether done in DESTRUCTOR or elsewhere. */
hash_clear (struct hash *h, hash_action_func *destructor)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < h->bucket_cnt; i++)
struct list *bucket = &h->buckets[i];
if (destructor != NULL)
while (!list_empty (bucket))
struct list_elem *list_elem = list_pop_front (bucket);
struct hash_elem *hash_elem = list_elem_to_hash_elem (list_elem);
destructor (hash_elem, h->aux);
list_init (bucket);
h->elem_cnt = 0;
/* Destroys hash table H.
If DESTRUCTOR is non-null, then it is first called for each
element in the hash. DESTRUCTOR may, if appropriate,
deallocate the memory used by the hash element. However,
modifying hash table H while hash_clear() is running, using
any of the functions hash_clear(), hash_destroy(),
hash_insert(), hash_replace(), or hash_delete(), yields
undefined behavior, whether done in DESTRUCTOR or
elsewhere. */
hash_destroy (struct hash *h, hash_action_func *destructor)
if (destructor != NULL)
hash_clear (h, destructor);
free (h->buckets);
/* Inserts NEW into hash table H and returns a null pointer, if
no equal element is already in the table.
If an equal element is already in the table, returns it
without inserting NEW. */
struct hash_elem *
hash_insert (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *new)
struct list *bucket = find_bucket (h, new);
struct hash_elem *old = find_elem (h, bucket, new);
if (old == NULL)
insert_elem (h, bucket, new);
rehash (h);
return old;
/* Inserts NEW into hash table H, replacing any equal element
already in the table, which is returned. */
struct hash_elem *
hash_replace (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *new)
struct list *bucket = find_bucket (h, new);
struct hash_elem *old = find_elem (h, bucket, new);
if (old != NULL)
remove_elem (h, old);
insert_elem (h, bucket, new);
rehash (h);
return old;
/* Finds and returns an element equal to E in hash table H, or a
null pointer if no equal element exists in the table. */
struct hash_elem *
hash_find (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *e)
return find_elem (h, find_bucket (h, e), e);
/* Finds, removes, and returns an element equal to E in hash
table H. Returns a null pointer if no equal element existed
in the table.
If the elements of the hash table are dynamically allocated,
or own resources that are, then it is the caller's
responsibility to deallocate them. */
struct hash_elem *
hash_delete (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *e)
struct hash_elem *found = find_elem (h, find_bucket (h, e), e);
if (found != NULL)
remove_elem (h, found);
rehash (h);
return found;
/* Calls ACTION for each element in hash table H in arbitrary
Modifying hash table H while hash_apply() is running, using
any of the functions hash_clear(), hash_destroy(),
hash_insert(), hash_replace(), or hash_delete(), yields
undefined behavior, whether done from ACTION or elsewhere. */
hash_apply (struct hash *h, hash_action_func *action)
size_t i;
ASSERT (action != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < h->bucket_cnt; i++)
struct list *bucket = &h->buckets[i];
struct list_elem *elem, *next;
for (elem = list_begin (bucket); elem != list_end (bucket); elem = next)
next = list_next (elem);
action (list_elem_to_hash_elem (elem), h->aux);
/* Initializes I for iterating hash table H.
Iteration idiom:
struct hash_iterator i;
hash_first (&i, h);
while (hash_next (&i))
struct foo *f = hash_entry (hash_cur (&i), struct foo, elem); something with f...
Modifying hash table H during iteration, using any of the
functions hash_clear(), hash_destroy(), hash_insert(),
hash_replace(), or hash_delete(), invalidates all
iterators. */
hash_first (struct hash_iterator *i, struct hash *h)
i->hash = h;
i->bucket = i->hash->buckets;
i->elem = list_elem_to_hash_elem (list_head (i->bucket));
/* Advances I to the next element in the hash table and returns
it. Returns a null pointer if no elements are left. Elements
are returned in arbitrary order.
Modifying a hash table H during iteration, using any of the
functions hash_clear(), hash_destroy(), hash_insert(),
hash_replace(), or hash_delete(), invalidates all
iterators. */
struct hash_elem *
hash_next (struct hash_iterator *i)
i->elem = list_elem_to_hash_elem (list_next (&i->elem->list_elem));
while (i->elem == list_elem_to_hash_elem (list_end (i->bucket)))
if (++i->bucket >= i->hash->buckets + i->hash->bucket_cnt)
i->elem = NULL;
i->elem = list_elem_to_hash_elem (list_begin (i->bucket));
return i->elem;
/* Returns the current element in the hash table iteration, or a
null pointer at the end of the table. Undefined behavior
after calling hash_first() but before hash_next(). */
struct hash_elem *
hash_cur (struct hash_iterator *i)
return i->elem;
/* Returns the number of elements in H. */
hash_size (struct hash *h)
return h->elem_cnt;
/* Returns true if H contains no elements, false otherwise. */
hash_empty (struct hash *h)
return h->elem_cnt == 0;
/* Fowler-Noll-Vo hash constants, for 32-bit word sizes. */
#define FNV_32_PRIME 16777619u
#define FNV_32_BASIS 2166136261u
/* Returns a hash of the SIZE bytes in BUF. */
hash_bytes (const void *buf_, size_t size)
/* Fowler-Noll-Vo 32-bit hash, for bytes. */
const unsigned char *buf = buf_;
unsigned hash;
ASSERT (buf != NULL);
hash = FNV_32_BASIS;
while (size-- > 0)
hash = (hash * FNV_32_PRIME) ^ *buf++;
return hash;
/* Returns a hash of string S. */
hash_string (const char *s_)
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *) s_;
unsigned hash;
hash = FNV_32_BASIS;
while (*s != '\0')
hash = (hash * FNV_32_PRIME) ^ *s++;
return hash;
/* Returns a hash of integer I. */
hash_int (int i)
return hash_bytes (&i, sizeof i);
/* Returns the bucket in H that E belongs in. */
static struct list *
find_bucket (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *e)
size_t bucket_idx = h->hash (e, h->aux) & (h->bucket_cnt - 1);
return &h->buckets[bucket_idx];
/* Searches BUCKET in H for a hash element equal to E. Returns
it if found or a null pointer otherwise. */
static struct hash_elem *
find_elem (struct hash *h, struct list *bucket, struct hash_elem *e)
struct list_elem *i;
for (i = list_begin (bucket); i != list_end (bucket); i = list_next (i))
struct hash_elem *hi = list_elem_to_hash_elem (i);
if (!h->less (hi, e, h->aux) && !h->less (e, hi, h->aux))
return hi;
return NULL;
/* Returns X with its lowest-order bit set to 1 turned off. */
static inline size_t
turn_off_least_1bit (size_t x)
return x & (x - 1);
/* Returns true if X is a power of 2, otherwise false. */
static inline size_t
is_power_of_2 (size_t x)
return x != 0 && turn_off_least_1bit (x) == 0;
/* Element per bucket ratios. */
#define MIN_ELEMS_PER_BUCKET 1 /* Elems/bucket < 1: reduce # of buckets. */
#define BEST_ELEMS_PER_BUCKET 2 /* Ideal elems/bucket. */
#define MAX_ELEMS_PER_BUCKET 4 /* Elems/bucket > 4: increase # of buckets. */
/* Changes the number of buckets in hash table H to match the
ideal. This function can fail because of an out-of-memory
condition, but that'll just make hash accesses less efficient;
we can still continue. */
static void
rehash (struct hash *h)
size_t old_bucket_cnt, new_bucket_cnt;
struct list *new_buckets, *old_buckets;
size_t i;
/* Save old bucket info for later use. */
old_buckets = h->buckets;
old_bucket_cnt = h->bucket_cnt;
/* Calculate the number of buckets to use now.
We want one bucket for about every BEST_ELEMS_PER_BUCKET.
We must have at least four buckets, and the number of
buckets must be a power of 2. */
new_bucket_cnt = h->elem_cnt / BEST_ELEMS_PER_BUCKET;
if (new_bucket_cnt < 4)
new_bucket_cnt = 4;
while (!is_power_of_2 (new_bucket_cnt))
new_bucket_cnt = turn_off_least_1bit (new_bucket_cnt);
/* Don't do anything if the bucket count wouldn't change. */
if (new_bucket_cnt == old_bucket_cnt)
/* Allocate new buckets and initialize them as empty. */
new_buckets = malloc (sizeof *new_buckets * new_bucket_cnt);
if (new_buckets == NULL)
/* Allocation failed. This means that use of the hash table will
be less efficient. However, it is still usable, so
there's no reason for it to be an error. */
for (i = 0; i < new_bucket_cnt; i++)
list_init (&new_buckets[i]);
/* Install new bucket info. */
h->buckets = new_buckets;
h->bucket_cnt = new_bucket_cnt;
/* Move each old element into the appropriate new bucket. */
for (i = 0; i < old_bucket_cnt; i++)
struct list *old_bucket;
struct list_elem *elem, *next;
old_bucket = &old_buckets[i];
for (elem = list_begin (old_bucket);
elem != list_end (old_bucket); elem = next)
struct list *new_bucket
= find_bucket (h, list_elem_to_hash_elem (elem));
next = list_next (elem);
list_remove (elem);
list_push_front (new_bucket, elem);
free (old_buckets);
/* Inserts E into BUCKET (in hash table H). */
static void
insert_elem (struct hash *h, struct list *bucket, struct hash_elem *e)
list_push_front (bucket, &e->list_elem);
/* Removes E from hash table H. */
static void
remove_elem (struct hash *h, struct hash_elem *e)
list_remove (&e->list_elem);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
/* Hash table.
This data structure is thoroughly documented in the Tour of
Pintos for Project 3.
This is a standard hash table with chaining. To locate an
element in the table, we compute a hash function over the
element's data and use that as an index into an array of
doubly linked lists, then linearly search the list.
The chain lists do not use dynamic allocation. Instead, each
structure that can potentially be in a hash must embed a
struct hash_elem member. All of the hash functions operate on
these `struct hash_elem's. The hash_entry macro allows
conversion from a struct hash_elem back to a structure object
that contains it. This is the same technique used in the
linked list implementation. Refer to lib/kernel/list.h for a
detailed explanation. */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "list.h"
/* Hash element. */
struct hash_elem
struct list_elem list_elem;
/* Converts pointer to hash element HASH_ELEM into a pointer to
the structure that HASH_ELEM is embedded inside. Supply the
name of the outer structure STRUCT and the member name MEMBER
of the hash element. See the big comment at the top of the
file for an example. */
#define hash_entry(HASH_ELEM, STRUCT, MEMBER) \
((STRUCT *) ((uint8_t *) &(HASH_ELEM)->list_elem \
- offsetof (STRUCT, MEMBER.list_elem)))
/* Computes and returns the hash value for hash element E, given
auxiliary data AUX. */
typedef unsigned hash_hash_func (const struct hash_elem *e, void *aux);
/* Compares the value of two hash elements A and B, given
auxiliary data AUX. Returns true if A is less than B, or
false if A is greater than or equal to B. */
typedef bool hash_less_func (const struct hash_elem *a,
const struct hash_elem *b,
void *aux);
/* Performs some operation on hash element E, given auxiliary
data AUX. */
typedef void hash_action_func (struct hash_elem *e, void *aux);
/* Hash table. */
struct hash
size_t elem_cnt; /* Number of elements in table. */
size_t bucket_cnt; /* Number of buckets, a power of 2. */
struct list *buckets; /* Array of `bucket_cnt' lists. */
hash_hash_func *hash; /* Hash function. */
hash_less_func *less; /* Comparison function. */
void *aux; /* Auxiliary data for `hash' and `less'. */
/* A hash table iterator. */
struct hash_iterator
struct hash *hash; /* The hash table. */
struct list *bucket; /* Current bucket. */
struct hash_elem *elem; /* Current hash element in current bucket. */
/* Basic life cycle. */
bool hash_init (struct hash *, hash_hash_func *, hash_less_func *, void *aux);
void hash_clear (struct hash *, hash_action_func *);
void hash_destroy (struct hash *, hash_action_func *);
/* Search, insertion, deletion. */
struct hash_elem *hash_insert (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
struct hash_elem *hash_replace (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
struct hash_elem *hash_find (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
struct hash_elem *hash_delete (struct hash *, struct hash_elem *);
/* Iteration. */
void hash_apply (struct hash *, hash_action_func *);
void hash_first (struct hash_iterator *, struct hash *);
struct hash_elem *hash_next (struct hash_iterator *);
struct hash_elem *hash_cur (struct hash_iterator *);
/* Information. */
size_t hash_size (struct hash *);
bool hash_empty (struct hash *);
/* Sample hash functions. */
unsigned hash_bytes (const void *, size_t);
unsigned hash_string (const char *);
unsigned hash_int (int);
#endif /* lib/kernel/hash.h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
#include "list.h"
#include "../debug.h"
/* Our doubly linked lists have two header elements: the "head"
just before the first element and the "tail" just after the
last element. The `prev' link of the front header is null, as
is the `next' link of the back header. Their other two links
point toward each other via the interior elements of the list.
An empty list looks like this:
+------+ +------+
<---| head |<--->| tail |--->
+------+ +------+
A list with two elements in it looks like this:
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
<---| head |<--->| 1 |<--->| 2 |<--->| tail |<--->
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
The symmetry of this arrangement eliminates lots of special
cases in list processing. For example, take a look at
list_remove(): it takes only two pointer assignments and no
conditionals. That's a lot simpler than the code would be
without header elements.
(Because only one of the pointers in each header element is used,
we could in fact combine them into a single header element
without sacrificing this simplicity. But using two separate
elements allows us to do a little bit of checking on some
operations, which can be valuable.) */
static bool is_sorted (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux) UNUSED;
/* Returns true if ELEM is a head, false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_head (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev == NULL && elem->next != NULL;
/* Returns true if ELEM is an interior element,
false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_interior (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev != NULL && elem->next != NULL;
/* Returns true if ELEM is a tail, false otherwise. */
static inline bool
is_tail (struct list_elem *elem)
return elem != NULL && elem->prev != NULL && elem->next == NULL;
/* Initializes LIST as an empty list. */
list_init (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
list->head.prev = NULL;
list-> = &list->tail;
list->tail.prev = &list->head;
list-> = NULL;
/* Returns the beginning of LIST. */
struct list_elem *
list_begin (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return list->;
/* Returns the element after ELEM in its list. If ELEM is the
last element in its list, returns the list tail. Results are
undefined if ELEM is itself a list tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_next (struct list_elem *elem)
ASSERT (is_head (elem) || is_interior (elem));
return elem->next;
/* Returns LIST's tail.
list_end() is often used in iterating through a list from
front to back. See the big comment at the top of list.h for
an example. */
struct list_elem *
list_end (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return &list->tail;
/* Returns the LIST's reverse beginning, for iterating through
LIST in reverse order, from back to front. */
struct list_elem *
list_rbegin (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return list->tail.prev;
/* Returns the element before ELEM in its list. If ELEM is the
first element in its list, returns the list head. Results are
undefined if ELEM is itself a list head. */
struct list_elem *
list_prev (struct list_elem *elem)
ASSERT (is_interior (elem) || is_tail (elem));
return elem->prev;
/* Returns LIST's head.
list_rend() is often used in iterating through a list in
reverse order, from back to front. Here's typical usage,
following the example from the top of list.h:
for (e = list_rbegin (&foo_list); e != list_rend (&foo_list);
e = list_prev (e))
struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem); something with f...
struct list_elem *
list_rend (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return &list->head;
/* Return's LIST's head.
list_head() can be used for an alternate style of iterating
through a list, e.g.:
e = list_head (&list);
while ((e = list_next (e)) != list_end (&list))
struct list_elem *
list_head (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return &list->head;
/* Return's LIST's tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_tail (struct list *list)
ASSERT (list != NULL);
return &list->tail;
/* Inserts ELEM just before BEFORE, which may be either an
interior element or a tail. The latter case is equivalent to
list_push_back(). */
list_insert (struct list_elem *before, struct list_elem *elem)
ASSERT (is_interior (before) || is_tail (before));
ASSERT (elem != NULL);
elem->prev = before->prev;
elem->next = before;
before->prev->next = elem;
before->prev = elem;
/* Removes elements FIRST though LAST (exclusive) from their
current list, then inserts them just before BEFORE, which may
be either an interior element or a tail. */
list_splice (struct list_elem *before,
struct list_elem *first, struct list_elem *last)
ASSERT (is_interior (before) || is_tail (before));
if (first == last)
last = list_prev (last);
ASSERT (is_interior (first));
ASSERT (is_interior (last));
/* Cleanly remove FIRST...LAST from its current list. */
first->prev->next = last->next;
last->next->prev = first->prev;
/* Splice FIRST...LAST into new list. */
first->prev = before->prev;
last->next = before;
before->prev->next = first;
before->prev = last;
/* Inserts ELEM at the beginning of LIST, so that it becomes the
front in LIST. */
list_push_front (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem)
list_insert (list_begin (list), elem);
/* Inserts ELEM at the end of LIST, so that it becomes the
back in LIST. */
list_push_back (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem)
list_insert (list_end (list), elem);
/* Removes ELEM from its list and returns the element that
followed it. Undefined behavior if ELEM is not in a list.
A list element must be treated very carefully after removing
it from its list. Calling list_next() or list_prev() on ELEM
will return the item that was previously before or after ELEM,
but, e.g., list_prev(list_next(ELEM)) is no longer ELEM!
The list_remove() return value provides a convenient way to
iterate and remove elements from a list:
for (e = list_begin (&list); e != list_end (&list); e = list_remove (e))
{ something with e...
If you need to free() elements of the list then you need to be
more conservative. Here's an alternate strategy that works
even in that case:
while (!list_empty (&list))
struct list_elem *e = list_pop_front (&list); something with e...
struct list_elem *
list_remove (struct list_elem *elem)
ASSERT (is_interior (elem));
elem->prev->next = elem->next;
elem->next->prev = elem->prev;
return elem->next;
/* Removes the front element from LIST and returns it.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty before removal. */
struct list_elem *
list_pop_front (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *front = list_front (list);
list_remove (front);
return front;
/* Removes the back element from LIST and returns it.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty before removal. */
struct list_elem *
list_pop_back (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *back = list_back (list);
list_remove (back);
return back;
/* Returns the front element in LIST.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty. */
struct list_elem *
list_front (struct list *list)
ASSERT (!list_empty (list));
return list->;
/* Returns the back element in LIST.
Undefined behavior if LIST is empty. */
struct list_elem *
list_back (struct list *list)
ASSERT (!list_empty (list));
return list->tail.prev;
/* Returns the number of elements in LIST.
Runs in O(n) in the number of elements. */
list_size (struct list *list)
struct list_elem *e;
size_t cnt = 0;
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
return cnt;
/* Returns true if LIST is empty, false otherwise. */
list_empty (struct list *list)
return list_begin (list) == list_end (list);
/* Swaps the `struct list_elem *'s that A and B point to. */
static void
swap (struct list_elem **a, struct list_elem **b)
struct list_elem *t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
/* Reverses the order of LIST. */
list_reverse (struct list *list)
if (!list_empty (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = e->prev)
swap (&e->prev, &e->next);
swap (&list->, &list->tail.prev);
swap (&list->>prev, &list->tail.prev->next);
/* Returns true only if the list elements A through B (exclusive)
are in order according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. */
static bool
is_sorted (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
if (a != b)
while ((a = list_next (a)) != b)
if (less (a, list_prev (a), aux))
return false;
return true;
/* Finds a run, starting at A and ending not after B, of list
elements that are in nondecreasing order according to LESS
given auxiliary data AUX. Returns the (exclusive) end of the
A through B (exclusive) must form a non-empty range. */
static struct list_elem *
find_end_of_run (struct list_elem *a, struct list_elem *b,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
ASSERT (less != NULL);
ASSERT (a != b);
a = list_next (a);
while (a != b && !less (a, list_prev (a), aux));
return a;
/* Merges A0 through A1B0 (exclusive) with A1B0 through B1
(exclusive) to form a combined range also ending at B1
(exclusive). Both input ranges must be nonempty and sorted in
nondecreasing order according to LESS given auxiliary data
AUX. The output range will be sorted the same way. */
static void
inplace_merge (struct list_elem *a0, struct list_elem *a1b0,
struct list_elem *b1,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
ASSERT (a0 != NULL);
ASSERT (a1b0 != NULL);
ASSERT (b1 != NULL);
ASSERT (less != NULL);
ASSERT (is_sorted (a0, a1b0, less, aux));
ASSERT (is_sorted (a1b0, b1, less, aux));
while (a0 != a1b0 && a1b0 != b1)
if (!less (a1b0, a0, aux))
a0 = list_next (a0);
a1b0 = list_next (a1b0);
list_splice (a0, list_prev (a1b0), a1b0);
/* Sorts LIST according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX, using a
natural iterative merge sort that runs in O(n lg n) time and
O(1) space in the number of elements in LIST. */
list_sort (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
size_t output_run_cnt; /* Number of runs output in current pass. */
ASSERT (list != NULL);
ASSERT (less != NULL);
/* Pass over the list repeatedly, merging adjacent runs of
nondecreasing elements, until only one run is left. */
struct list_elem *a0; /* Start of first run. */
struct list_elem *a1b0; /* End of first run, start of second. */
struct list_elem *b1; /* End of second run. */
output_run_cnt = 0;
for (a0 = list_begin (list); a0 != list_end (list); a0 = b1)
/* Each iteration produces one output run. */
/* Locate two adjacent runs of nondecreasing elements
A0...A1B0 and A1B0...B1. */
a1b0 = find_end_of_run (a0, list_end (list), less, aux);
if (a1b0 == list_end (list))
b1 = find_end_of_run (a1b0, list_end (list), less, aux);
/* Merge the runs. */
inplace_merge (a0, a1b0, b1, less, aux);
while (output_run_cnt > 1);
ASSERT (is_sorted (list_begin (list), list_end (list), less, aux));
/* Inserts ELEM in the proper position in LIST, which must be
sorted according to LESS given auxiliary data AUX.
Runs in O(n) average case in the number of elements in LIST. */
list_insert_ordered (struct list *list, struct list_elem *elem,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *e;
ASSERT (list != NULL);
ASSERT (elem != NULL);
ASSERT (less != NULL);
for (e = list_begin (list); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (elem, e, aux))
return list_insert (e, elem);
/* Iterates through LIST and removes all but the first in each
set of adjacent elements that are equal according to LESS
given auxiliary data AUX. If DUPLICATES is non-null, then the
elements from LIST are appended to DUPLICATES. */
list_unique (struct list *list, struct list *duplicates,
list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *elem, *next;
ASSERT (list != NULL);
ASSERT (less != NULL);
if (list_empty (list))
elem = list_begin (list);
while ((next = list_next (elem)) != list_end (list))
if (!less (elem, next, aux) && !less (next, elem, aux))
list_remove (next);
if (duplicates != NULL)
list_push_back (duplicates, next);
elem = next;
/* Returns the element in LIST with the largest value according
to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. If there is more than one
maximum, returns the one that appears earlier in the list. If
the list is empty, returns its tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_max (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *max = list_begin (list);
if (max != list_end (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_next (max); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (max, e, aux))
max = e;
return max;
/* Returns the element in LIST with the smallest value according
to LESS given auxiliary data AUX. If there is more than one
minimum, returns the one that appears earlier in the list. If
the list is empty, returns its tail. */
struct list_elem *
list_min (struct list *list, list_less_func *less, void *aux)
struct list_elem *min = list_begin (list);
if (min != list_end (list))
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_next (min); e != list_end (list); e = list_next (e))
if (less (e, min, aux))
min = e;
return min;

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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
/* Doubly linked list.
This implementation of a doubly linked list does not require
use of dynamically allocated memory. Instead, each structure
that is a potential list element must embed a struct list_elem
member. All of the list functions operate on these `struct
list_elem's. The list_entry macro allows conversion from a
struct list_elem back to a structure object that contains it.
For example, suppose there is a needed for a list of `struct
foo'. `struct foo' should contain a `struct list_elem'
member, like so:
struct foo
struct list_elem elem;
int bar;
...other members...
Then a list of `struct foo' can be be declared and initialized
like so:
struct list foo_list;
list_init (&foo_list);
Iteration is a typical situation where it is necessary to
convert from a struct list_elem back to its enclosing
structure. Here's an example using foo_list:
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (&foo_list); e != list_end (&foo_list);
e = list_next (e))
struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem); something with f...
You can find real examples of list usage throughout the
source; for example, malloc.c, palloc.c, and thread.c in the
threads directory all use lists.
The interface for this list is inspired by the list<> template
in the C++ STL. If you're familiar with list<>, you should
find this easy to use. However, it should be emphasized that
these lists do *no* type checking and can't do much other
correctness checking. If you screw up, it will bite you.
Glossary of list terms:
- "front": The first element in a list. Undefined in an
empty list. Returned by list_front().
- "back": The last element in a list. Undefined in an empty
list. Returned by list_back().
- "tail": The element figuratively just after the last
element of a list. Well defined even in an empty list.
Returned by list_end(). Used as the end sentinel for an
iteration from front to back.
- "beginning": In a non-empty list, the front. In an empty
list, the tail. Returned by list_begin(). Used as the
starting point for an iteration from front to back.
- "head": The element figuratively just before the first
element of a list. Well defined even in an empty list.
Returned by list_rend(). Used as the end sentinel for an
iteration from back to front.
- "reverse beginning": In a non-empty list, the back. In an
empty list, the head. Returned by list_rbegin(). Used as
the starting point for an iteration from back to front.
- "interior element": An element that is not the head or
tail, that is, a real list element. An empty list does
not have any interior elements.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* List element. */
struct list_elem
struct list_elem *prev; /* Previous list element. */
struct list_elem *next; /* Next list element. */
/* List. */
struct list
struct list_elem head; /* List head. */
struct list_elem tail; /* List tail. */
/* Converts pointer to list element LIST_ELEM into a pointer to
the structure that LIST_ELEM is embedded inside. Supply the
name of the outer structure STRUCT and the member name MEMBER
of the list element. See the big comment at the top of the
file for an example. */
#define list_entry(LIST_ELEM, STRUCT, MEMBER) \
((STRUCT *) ((uint8_t *) &(LIST_ELEM)->next \
- offsetof (STRUCT,
/* List initialization.
A list may be initialized by calling list_init():
struct list my_list;
list_init (&my_list);
or with an initializer using LIST_INITIALIZER:
struct list my_list = LIST_INITIALIZER (my_list); */
#define LIST_INITIALIZER(NAME) { { NULL, &(NAME).tail }, \
{ &(NAME).head, NULL } }
void list_init (struct list *);
/* List traversal. */
struct list_elem *list_begin (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_next (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_end (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_rbegin (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_prev (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_rend (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_head (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_tail (struct list *);
/* List insertion. */
void list_insert (struct list_elem *, struct list_elem *);
void list_splice (struct list_elem *before,
struct list_elem *first, struct list_elem *last);
void list_push_front (struct list *, struct list_elem *);
void list_push_back (struct list *, struct list_elem *);
/* List removal. */
struct list_elem *list_remove (struct list_elem *);
struct list_elem *list_pop_front (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_pop_back (struct list *);
/* List elements. */
struct list_elem *list_front (struct list *);
struct list_elem *list_back (struct list *);
/* List properties. */
size_t list_size (struct list *);
bool list_empty (struct list *);
/* Miscellaneous. */
void list_reverse (struct list *);
/* Compares the value of two list elements A and B, given
auxiliary data AUX. Returns true if A is less than B, or
false if A is greater than or equal to B. */
typedef bool list_less_func (const struct list_elem *a,
const struct list_elem *b,
void *aux);
/* Operations on lists with ordered elements. */
void list_sort (struct list *,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
void list_insert_ordered (struct list *, struct list_elem *,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
void list_unique (struct list *, struct list *duplicates,
list_less_func *, void *aux);
/* Max and min. */
struct list_elem *list_max (struct list *, list_less_func *, void *aux);
struct list_elem *list_min (struct list *, list_less_func *, void *aux);
#endif /* lib/kernel/list.h */

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
void putbuf (const char *, size_t);
#endif /* lib/kernel/stdio.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/limits.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#ifndef __LIB_LIMITS_H
#define __LIB_LIMITS_H
#define CHAR_BIT 8
#define SCHAR_MAX 127
#define SCHAR_MIN (-SCHAR_MAX - 1)
#define UCHAR_MAX 255
#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
#define CHAR_MIN 0
#define SHRT_MAX 32767
#define SHRT_MIN (-SHRT_MAX - 1)
#define USHRT_MAX 65535
#define INT_MAX 2147483647
#define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
#define UINT_MAX 4294967295U
#define LONG_MAX 2147483647L
#define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1)
#define ULONG_MAX 4294967295UL
#define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807LL
#define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1)
#define ULLONG_MAX 18446744073709551615ULL
#endif /* lib/limits.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/packed.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef __LIB_PACKED_H
#define __LIB_PACKED_H
/* The "packed" attribute, when applied to a structure, prevents
GCC from inserting padding bytes between or after structure
members. It must be specified at the time of the structure's
definition, normally just after the closing brace. */
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
#endif /* lib/packed.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/random.c Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "random.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "debug.h"
/* RC4-based pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).
RC4 is a stream cipher. We're not using it here for its
cryptographic properties, but because it is easy to implement
and its output is plenty random for non-cryptographic
See for information
on RC4.*/
/* RC4 state. */
static uint8_t s[256]; /* S[]. */
static uint8_t s_i, s_j; /* i, j. */
/* Already initialized? */
static bool inited;
/* Swaps the bytes pointed to by A and B. */
static inline void
swap_byte (uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b)
uint8_t t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
/* Initializes or reinitializes the PRNG with the given SEED. */
random_init (unsigned seed)
uint8_t *seedp = (uint8_t *) &seed;
int i;
uint8_t j;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
s[i] = i;
for (i = j = 0; i < 256; i++)
j += s[i] + seedp[i % sizeof seed];
swap_byte (s + i, s + j);
s_i = s_j = 0;
inited = true;
/* Writes SIZE random bytes into BUF. */
random_bytes (void *buf_, size_t size)
uint8_t *buf;
if (!inited)
random_init (0);
for (buf = buf_; size-- > 0; buf++)
uint8_t s_k;
s_j += s[s_i];
swap_byte (s + s_i, s + s_j);
s_k = s[s_i] + s[s_j];
*buf = s[s_k];
/* Returns a pseudo-random unsigned long.
Use random_ulong() % n to obtain a random number in the range
0...n (exclusive). */
unsigned long
random_ulong (void)
unsigned long ul;
random_bytes (&ul, sizeof ul);
return ul;

pintos-env/pintos/lib/random.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef __LIB_RANDOM_H
#define __LIB_RANDOM_H
#include <stddef.h>
void random_init (unsigned seed);
void random_bytes (void *, size_t);
unsigned long random_ulong (void);
#endif /* lib/random.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/round.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef __LIB_ROUND_H
#define __LIB_ROUND_H
/* Yields X rounded up to the nearest multiple of STEP.
For X >= 0, STEP >= 1 only. */
#define ROUND_UP(X, STEP) (((X) + (STEP) - 1) / (STEP) * (STEP))
/* Yields X divided by STEP, rounded up.
For X >= 0, STEP >= 1 only. */
#define DIV_ROUND_UP(X, STEP) (((X) + (STEP) - 1) / (STEP))
/* Yields X rounded down to the nearest multiple of STEP.
For X >= 0, STEP >= 1 only. */
#define ROUND_DOWN(X, STEP) ((X) / (STEP) * (STEP))
/* There is no DIV_ROUND_DOWN. It would be simply X / STEP. */
#endif /* lib/round.h */

pintos-env/pintos/lib/stdarg.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#ifndef __LIB_STDARG_H
#define __LIB_STDARG_H
/* GCC has <stdarg.h> functionality as built-ins,
so all we need is to use it. */
typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
#define va_start(LIST, ARG) __builtin_va_start (LIST, ARG)
#define va_end(LIST) __builtin_va_end (LIST)
#define va_arg(LIST, TYPE) __builtin_va_arg (LIST, TYPE)
#define va_copy(DST, SRC) __builtin_va_copy (DST, SRC)
#endif /* lib/stdarg.h */

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef __LIB_STDBOOL_H
#define __LIB_STDBOOL_H
#define bool _Bool
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1
#endif /* lib/stdbool.h */

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