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2019-03-27 23:01:13 +01:00

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General way to describe efficiency algorithms (linear vs exponential) indipendent from the computer architecture/speed.

The RAM - random-access machine

Model of computer used in this course.

Has random-access memory.

Basic types and basic operations

Has basic types (like int, float, 64bit words). A basic step is an operation on a basic type (load, store, add, sub, ...). A branch is a basic step. Invoking a function and returning is a basic step as well, but the entire execution takes longer.

Complexity is not measured by the input value but by the input size in bits. Fibonacci(10) in linear in n (size of the value) but exponential in l (number of bits in n, or size of the input).

By default, WORST complexity is considered.

Donald Knuth's A-notation

A(c) indicates a quantity that is absolutely at most c

Antonio's weight = (pronounced "is") A(100)

(big-) O-notation

f(n) = O(g(n))

Definition: if f(n) is such that f(n) = k * A(g(n)) for all n sufficiently large and for some constant k > 0, then we say that

Complexity notations (lecture 2019-02-26)

Characterizing unknown functions

pi(n) = number of primes less than n

First approximation

Upper bound: linear function

pi(n) = O(n)

Lower bound: constant function

pi(n) = omega(1)

Non-trivial tight bound:

pi(n) = theta(n/log n)

Theta notation

Given a functio ng(n), we define the family of functions theta(g(n)) such that given a c_1, c_2 and an n_0, for all n >= n_0 g(n) is sandwiched between c_1g(n) and c_2g(n)

Big omega notation

Omega(g(n)) is a family of functions such that there exists a c and an n_0 such that for all n>= n_0 g(n) dominates c*g(n)

Big "oh" notation

O(g(n)) is a family of functions such that there exists a c and an n_0 such that for all n>= n_0 g(n) is dominated by c*g(n)

Small "oh" notation

o(g(n)) is the family of functions O(g(n)) excluding all the functions in theta(g(n))

Small omega notation

omega(g(n)) is the family of functions Omega(g(n)) excluding all the functions in theta(g(n))


asymptotically = <=> theta(g(n)) asymptotically < <=> o(g(n)) asymptotically > <=> omega(g(n)) asymptotically <= <=> O(g(n)) asymptotically >= <=> Omega(g(n))

Insertion sort


  • Best case: Linear (theta(n))
  • Worst case: Number of swaps = 1 + 2 + ... + n-1 = (n-1)n/2 = theta(n^2)
  • Average case: Number of swaps half of worst case = n(n-1)/4 = theta(n^2)


Proof sort of by induction.

An algorithm is correct if given an input the output satisfies the conditions stated. The algorithm must terminate.

The loop invariant

Invariant condition able to make a loop equivalent to a straight path in an execution graph.

Heaps and Heapsort

A data structure is a way to structure data. A binary heap is like an array and can be of two types: max heap and min heap.

Interface of an heap

  • Build_max_heap(A) and rearranges a into a max-heap;
  • Heap_insert(H, key) inserts key in the heap;
  • Heap_extract_max(H) extracts the maximum key;
  • H.heap_size returns the size of the heap.

A binary heap is like a binary tree mapped on an array:

   / \
  /   \
 2     3
/ \   / \
4 5   6 7

=> [1234567]

The parent position of n is the integer division of n by 2:

def parent(x):
  return x // 2

The left of n is n times 2, and the right is n times 2 plus 1:

def left(x):
  return x * 2

def right(x):
  return x * 2 + 1

Max heap property: for all i > 1 A[parent(i)] >= A[i]

Data structures

Way to organize information

A data structure has an interface (functions to work with the DS)

A data structure has data and meta-data (like size, length).

Stack (LIFO)


  • push(S, x) (put one element, move TOS)
  • pop(S) (remove element in TOS, move TOS)
  • stack-empty(S) (returns TRUE if stack is empty)

Queue (FIFO)


  • Based on array
  • length
  • head
  • tail

Queue has always 1 cell free to avoid confusion with full/empty


Data structure for fast search

Direct-access table

Implementation of dictionary