This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2020-04-04 12:08:45 +02:00
parent 2f61f2f63f
commit 09c95f472b
2 changed files with 196 additions and 72 deletions

a.out Executable file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -36,12 +36,28 @@ static void sigint(int signo) {
enum orientation {
LEFT = 0, FLIP = 1, RIGHT = 2
enum orientation alteration;
bool parse_alteration(const char*, enum orientation*);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
signal(SIGPIPE, broken_pipe);
if(argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Give port and image_rotation\n");
cerr << "Give port as first arg and image_rotation as second arg" << endl;
if (!parse_alteration(argv[2], &alteration)) {
cerr << "image_rotation can only be 'flip', 'clockwise', 'counterclockwise'"
"or 'random'" << endl;
@ -100,6 +116,32 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
* Parses argv[2] in order to set alteration using the constraints given in the
* assignment. 'random' sets a random alteration fixed for the entire execution
* of the program. Returns true when argv[2] is valid, false if not
bool parse_alteration(const char* arg, enum orientation* p) {
if (!strcmp(arg, "counterclockwise")) {
*p = LEFT;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "flip")) {
*p = FLIP;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "clockwise")) {
*p = RIGHT;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "random")) {
*p = (enum orientation) (rand() % 3);
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if from the given file the first two chars that are read from
* the current seeking point are '\r' and '\n'. Removes those two chars from the
* stream if present, otherwise no character will apprar read
bool empty_line(FILE* in) {
char a = fgetc(in), b = fgetc(in);
if (a == '\r' && b == '\n') {
@ -111,6 +153,12 @@ bool empty_line(FILE* in) {
* Reads from the given file HTTP header formats, and writes them to the given
* std::map. Halts when the header section is terminated (first occurrence of
* '\r\n\r\n'). Returns false at the first malformed headers found, true if no
* are found
bool parse_headers(FILE* in, map<string, string>& headers) {
while(true) {
// probe first two chars to see if body will start
@ -144,18 +192,24 @@ bool parse_headers(FILE* in, map<string, string>& headers) {
fgetc(in); // \n
headers[header_name] = value;
cout << header_name << ": " << value << endl;
return true;
bool has_body(char* method) {
* Returns true if it is customary for the given HTTP method to have a body
bool has_body(const char* method) {
return !strcmp(method, "POST") || !strcmp(method, "PUT");
bool is_chunk_start(char* buf) {
char* i;
* Returns true if the given string contains a valid HTTP 1.1 chunk start
* delimiter, false otherwise.
bool is_chunk_start(const char* buf) {
const char* i;
for (i = buf; isdigit(*i); i++);
if (*i != '\r') return false;
@ -164,11 +218,32 @@ bool is_chunk_start(char* buf) {
return *i == '\0';
* Returns true if the given buffer contains a valid HTTP 1.1 chunk end
* delimiter at its very end, false otherwise.
bool is_chunk_end(vector<uint8_t>& body) {
const char b = body.back();
const char a = body.back();
return a == '\r' && b == '\n';
* Fetch and parse HTTP body from given file, assuming the header has already
* been parsed. Parses bodies either delimited by Content-Length or endoded
* using HTTP 1.1 chunds. If the body appears to not meet this criteria (by
* inspecting the HTTP headers), false is returned, otherwise returns true.
bool fetch_body(FILE* in, vector<uint8_t>& body,
const map<string, string> headers) {
bool chunked;
size_t length, r = 0;
size_t length;
auto p = headers.find("Content-Length");
chunked = p == headers.end();
@ -180,49 +255,47 @@ bool fetch_body(FILE* in, vector<uint8_t>& body,
return false;
if (!chunked) {
// read Content-Length bytes
uint8_t buf[8192];
const size_t n = atol(p->second.c_str());
for(size_t w = 0; w < n;) {
ssize_t r = fread(buf, 1, (n - w) > 8192 ? 8192 : (n - w), in);
uint8_t buf[BUFFER];
size_t r;
for(size_t w = 0; w < length; w += r) {
r = fread(buf, 1, (length - w) > BUFFER ? BUFFER : (length - w), in);
if (r == -1) return false;
body.insert(end(body), begin(buf), end(buf));
w += r;
} else {
// This was implemented before Prof. Carzaniga said chunked encoding is not
// required. I am leaving this just because it is already done.
// Read chunks and search for final chunk 0\r\n\r\n
char buf[8193];
bool chunk_start = true;
char buf[BUFFER + 1];
buf[BUFFER] = '\0';
bool will_chunk_start = true;
while (true) {
fgets(buf, 8193, in);
size_t len;
for (len = 0; len < BUFFER; len++) {
if ((buf[len] = fgetc(in)) == '\n') {
buf[len + 1] = '\0';
if (!strcmp(buf, "0\r\n") && chunk_start) {
if (!strcmp(buf, "0\r\n") && will_chunk_start) {
if (chunk_start && is_chunk_start(buf)) {
if (will_chunk_start && is_chunk_start(buf)) {
body.insert(end(body), begin(buf), end(buf));
char b = body.back();
char a = body.back();
if (a != '\r' || b != '\n') {
size_t len = strlen(buf);
chunk_start = len > 2 && buf[len-2] == '\r' && buf[len-1] == '\n';
will_chunk_start = is_chunk_end(body);
body.insert(end(body), begin(buf), end(buf));
@ -233,6 +306,10 @@ bool fetch_body(FILE* in, vector<uint8_t>& body,
return true;
* Sends an HTTP response with status code and message given. Then proceeds to
* close the given input and output files and terminates the current thread.
void send_error(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, const int status,
const string message) {
const char* msg = message.c_str();
@ -265,6 +342,11 @@ void send_error(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, const int status,
* Parses the HTTP method name given as string and sets cURL options
* accordingly. Returns false if method is not supported on unknown, true
* otherwise
bool set_curl_method(CURL* c, const char* method) {
if (!strcmp(method, "GET")) {
curl_easy_setopt(c, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
@ -278,7 +360,6 @@ bool set_curl_method(CURL* c, const char* method) {
} else if (!strcmp(method, "DELETE")) {
curl_easy_setopt(c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
} else {
//TODO: implement CONNECT method
return false;
@ -319,13 +400,13 @@ size_t write_buffer(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
memcpy((rbody->data + index), ptr, n);
rbody->data[rbody->size] = '\0';
cout << "copy " << n << " size " << rbody->size << endl;
return size * nmemb;
// Converts url in a zero-terminated string for the host name. Port is retured
// as integer, -1 on error
* Converts url in a zero-terminated string for the host name. Port is retured
* as integer, -1 on error
int find_host_port(char* url) {
char* i = url;
size_t c = 0;
@ -388,10 +469,12 @@ void* forwarder_thread(void* data) {
return NULL;
void handle_connect(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, char* url,
const int fd) {
* Returns a socket file descriptof of a newly opened socket to the given host.
int open_client_socket(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, char* host) {
int port;
if ((port = find_host_port(url)) == -1) {
if ((port = find_host_port(host)) == -1) {
send_error(in, out, protocol, 500, "Hostname parse error");
@ -400,7 +483,7 @@ void handle_connect(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, char* url,
send_error(in, out, protocol, 500, "TCP socket connection error");
struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(url);
struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(host);
if (!he) {
send_error(in, out, protocol, 404, "Unknown host");
@ -427,10 +510,23 @@ void handle_connect(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, char* url,
send_error(in, out, protocol, 500, "TCP socket connection error");
return socketfd;
* Handle HTTP connect method. Opens a client socket to the host in *url (by
* doing a dns query first). Then forks in another threads and starts relaying
* data both from the HTTP client socket to the newly opened socket and
* videversa.
void handle_connect(FILE* in, FILE* out, const char* protocol, char* url,
const int fd) {
int socketfd = open_client_socket(in, out, protocol, url);
struct forward from = { .in = fd, .out = socketfd },
to = { .in = socketfd, .out = fd };
fprintf(out, "%s %d %s\r\n\r\n", protocol, 200, "Connection established");
@ -481,7 +577,9 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {
map<string, string> headers;
vector<uint8_t> body;
if (fscanf(in, "%10s %8000s %10s\r\n", method, url, protocol) < 3) {
int i;
if ((i = fscanf(in, "%10s %8000s %10s\r\n", method, url, protocol)) < 3) {
if (i < 0) break;
send_error(in, out, protocol, 400, "Bad request line");
@ -516,7 +614,30 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {
handle_connect(in, out, protocol, url, fd);
} else {
struct buffer rhead;
// Delete Proxy-Connection header
auto i = headers.find("Proxy-Connection");
if (i != headers.end()) headers.erase(i);
if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) {
send_error(in. out, protocol, 400, "Protocol in URL not supported");
char* host = url + 7;
int serverfd = open_client_socket(in, out, protocol, host);
FILE* in = fdopen(dup(serverfd), "r");
FILE* out = fdopen(dup(serverfd), "w");
fprintf("%s %s %s\r\n", method, url, protocol);
for (auto i = headers.begin(); i != headers.end(); i++) {
fprintf("%s: %s\r\n", i->first.c_str(), i->second.c_str());
/*struct buffer rhead;
struct buffer rbody;
@ -538,14 +659,6 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
// Delete Proxy-Connection header
auto i = headers.find("Proxy-Connection");
if (i != headers.end()) {
struct curl_slist *chunk = NULL;
for (auto i = headers.begin(); i != headers.end(); i++) {
string header = i->first + ": " + i->second;
@ -571,7 +684,7 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {
fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n",
send_error(in, out, protocol, 502, "Request to server failed");
} else {
} else*/ {
char protocol_r[10];
char message[8000];
unsigned code;
@ -606,35 +719,44 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {
Magick::Blob my_blob(, rbody.size);
Magick::Blob output;
Magick::Image to_rotate(my_blob);
Magick::Image to_rotate;
cout << "IN" << endl << my_blob.length() << endl;
cout << "OUT" << endl << output.length() << endl;
try {
to_rotate = Magick::Image(my_blob);
} catch(Magick::Warning& ignored) {}
try {
} catch(Magick::Warning& ignored) {}
try {
switch (alteration) {
case FLIP: to_rotate.flip(); break;
case LEFT: to_rotate.rotate(-90); break;
case RIGHT: to_rotate.rotate(90); break;
} catch(Magick::Warning& ignored) {}
try {
} catch(Magick::Warning& ignored) {}
fprintf(out, "%s %u %s\n", protocol_r, code, message);
cout << protocol_r << ' ' << code << ' ' << message << endl;
headers["Content-Length"] = to_string(output.length());
headers["Connection"] = "keep-alive";
for (auto i = headers.begin(); i != headers.end(); i++) {
string header = i->first + ": " + i->second + "\r\n";
fprintf(out, "%s\n", header.c_str());
cout << header << endl;
fprintf(out, "%s", header.c_str());
fprintf(out, "\r\n");
total_write((uint8_t*), output.length(), fd);
} catch (Magick::Exception &error) {
cout << "Magick++ image conversion failed: " << error.what()
<< endl;
send_error(in, out, protocol, 500, "Image conversion failed");
fprintf(stderr, "I exit %s\n", error.what());
} catch (std::exception &error) {
send_error(in, out, protocol, 500, "Image conversion failed");
fprintf(stderr, "I exit %s\n", error.what());
} else {
total_write(, rhead.size, fd);
@ -666,3 +788,5 @@ void* request_thread(void* data) {