Updated instruction types
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 25 additions and 25 deletions
@ -4,35 +4,37 @@ import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data Instruction = TapeLeft | TapeRight | Add | Sub | Out | In | LoopStart |
LoopEnd deriving (Eq, Show)
data UpdType = Add | Sub deriving (Eq, Show)
data LoopType = Start | End deriving (Eq, Show)
data Instruction = TapeLeft | TapeRight | Update UpdType | Out | In |
Loop LoopType deriving (Eq, Show)
parseInstr :: Char -> Maybe Instruction
parseInstr '<' = Just TapeLeft
parseInstr '>' = Just TapeRight
parseInstr '+' = Just Add
parseInstr '-' = Just Sub
parseInstr '+' = Just $ Update Add
parseInstr '-' = Just $ Update Sub
parseInstr '.' = Just Out
parseInstr ',' = Just In
parseInstr '[' = Just LoopStart
parseInstr ']' = Just LoopEnd
parseInstr '[' = Just $ Loop Start
parseInstr ']' = Just $ Loop End
parseInstr _ = Nothing
newtype Byte = Byte Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
chr :: Byte -> Char
chr (Byte i) = toEnum i :: Char
updateCell :: Instruction -> Byte -> Byte
updateCell :: UpdType -> Byte -> Byte
updateCell Add (Byte 255) = Byte 0
updateCell Sub (Byte 0) = Byte 255
updateCell Add (Byte i) = Byte (i + 1)
updateCell Sub (Byte i) = Byte (i - 1)
type Tape = V.Vector Byte
type Program = V.Vector Instruction
data Memory = Memory { tape :: Tape, dp :: Int } deriving (Show)
type Program = V.Vector Instruction
-- Consider putting IP in Termination output
data Term = Next Int | Crash Error Int | Done deriving (Show)
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ errorDesc :: Error -> String
errorDesc NegTape = "ERROR: '<' not working. Cannot access negative tape positions."
errorDesc LoopNoMatch = "ERROR: '[' or ']' not working. Matching parenthesis not found."
execUpdate :: Instruction -> State Memory (Maybe Error)
execUpdate :: UpdType -> State Memory (Maybe Error)
execUpdate i = state stateF
where stateF p = (Nothing, p { tape = newTape p })
newTape p = tapeHelp (tape p) (dp p) (updateCell i)
@ -76,28 +78,28 @@ execOut :: StateT Memory IO (Maybe Error)
execOut = StateT $ \p -> putChar (chr $ tape p V.! dp p) >>
(return (Nothing, p))
findMatching :: Program -> Instruction -> Int -> Maybe Int
findMatching :: Program -> LoopType -> Int -> Maybe Int
findMatching prg par = fmHelper $ -1
where (oppos, limit, next) = case par of
LoopStart -> (LoopEnd, length prg, (+1))
LoopEnd -> (LoopStart, 0, (-1+))
Start -> (End, length prg, (+1))
End -> (Start, 0, (-1+))
fmHelper :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
fmHelper acc s
| s == limit = Nothing
| acc == 0 && c == oppos = Just s
| c == oppos = fmHelper (acc - 1) $ next s
| c == par = fmHelper (acc + 1) $ next s
| otherwise = fmHelper acc $ next s
| s == limit = Nothing
| acc == 0 && c == Loop oppos = Just s
| c == Loop oppos = fmHelper (acc - 1) $ next s
| c == Loop par = fmHelper (acc + 1) $ next s
| otherwise = fmHelper acc $ next s
where c = prg V.! s
execLoop :: Program -> Instruction -> Int -> State Memory Term
execLoop :: Program -> LoopType -> Int -> State Memory Term
execLoop p i ip = state $ \w -> case posOrF w of
Just n -> (Next $ n + 1, w)
Nothing -> (Crash LoopNoMatch ip, w)
where posOrF ps = case ((tape ps V.! dp ps) == Byte 0, i) of
(True, LoopStart) -> findMatching p i ip
(False, LoopEnd) -> findMatching p i ip
(True, Start) -> findMatching p i ip
(False, End) -> findMatching p i ip
_ -> Just ip
execute :: Program -> Memory -> IO (Term, Memory)
@ -111,14 +113,12 @@ execute p = runStateT $ runInstruction 0
instrFor :: Int -> StateT Memory IO Term
instrFor ip = case (p V.! ip) of
Update t -> toTerm ip . toStateT $ execUpdate t
Loop t -> toStateT $ execLoop p t ip
TapeLeft -> toTerm ip . toStateT $ execTapeLeft
TapeRight -> toTerm ip . toStateT $ execTapeRight
Add -> toTerm ip . toStateT $ execUpdate Add
Sub -> toTerm ip . toStateT $ execUpdate Sub
In -> toTerm ip execIn
Out -> toTerm ip execOut
LoopStart -> toStateT $ execLoop p LoopStart ip
LoopEnd -> toStateT $ execLoop p LoopEnd ip
toTerm ip = fmap termMem
where termMem Nothing = Next $ ip + 1
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