Class CallGraph.Function

  extended by
Enclosing class:

public class CallGraph.Function
extends Object

An inner class that represents functions in the call graph. A Function knows how to get its AST node and what Callsites it contains.

Method Summary
 Node getAstNode()
          Returns the underlying AST node for the function.
 Node getBodyNode()
          Returns the AST node for the body of the function.
 Collection<CallGraph.Callsite> getCallsitesInFunction()
          Returns the callsites in this function.
 Collection<CallGraph.Callsite> getCallsitesPossiblyTargetingFunction()
          Returns a collection of callsites that might call this function.
 String getName()
          Gets the name of this function.
 boolean isAliased()
          Returns true if the function is aliased.
 boolean isExposedToCallOrApply()
          Returns true if the function is ever exposed to ".call" or ".apply".
 boolean isMain()
          Does this function represent the global "main" function?
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean isMain()
Does this function represent the global "main" function?


public Node getAstNode()
Returns the underlying AST node for the function. This usually has type Token.FUNCTION but in the case of the "main" function will have type Token.BLOCK.


public Node getBodyNode()
Returns the AST node for the body of the function. If this function is the main function, it will return the global block.


public String getName()
Gets the name of this function. Returns null if the function is anonymous.


public Collection<CallGraph.Callsite> getCallsitesInFunction()
Returns the callsites in this function.


public Collection<CallGraph.Callsite> getCallsitesPossiblyTargetingFunction()
Returns a collection of callsites that might call this function. getCallsitesPossiblyTargetingFunction() is a best effort only: the collection may include callsites that do not actually call this function and if this function is exported or aliased may be missing actual targets. This method should not be called on a Function from a CallGraph that was constructed with computeBackwardGraph false.


public boolean isAliased()
Returns true if the function is aliased.


public boolean isExposedToCallOrApply()
Returns true if the function is ever exposed to ".call" or ".apply".