Interface MessageBundle

All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyMessageBundle, XtbMessageBundle

public interface MessageBundle

An interface for providing alterative values for user-visible messages in javascript code.

Method Summary
 Iterable<JsMessage> getAllMessages()
          Returns an iterable over the keys that this object has replacements for.
 JsMessage getMessage(String id)
          Gets a message replacement.
 JsMessage.IdGenerator idGenerator()
          Gets the message ID generator to use to compute message IDs for this type of bundle.

Method Detail


JsMessage.IdGenerator idGenerator()
Gets the message ID generator to use to compute message IDs for this type of bundle.

idGenerator instance or null if we do not want to use any custom id generation. In case if idGenerator is null caller should decide how to create id by itself. In the most cases using the message key is enough.


JsMessage getMessage(String id)
Gets a message replacement.

id - the id of the message being replaced; the key is message ID generated by JsMessage.IdGenerator
the message replacement, which may be null.


Iterable<JsMessage> getAllMessages()
Returns an iterable over the keys that this object has replacements for.

all messages from this bundle.