Class JSDocInfo

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JSDocInfo
extends Object
implements Serializable

JSDoc information describing JavaScript code. JSDoc is represented as a unified object with fields for each JSDoc annotation, even though some combinations are incorrect. For instance, if a JSDoc describes an enum, it cannot have information about a return type. This implementation takes advantage of such incompatibilities to reuse fields for multiple purposes, reducing memory consumption.

Constructing JSDocInfo objects is simplified by JSDocInfoBuilder which provides early incompatibility detection.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class JSDocInfo.Marker
          Defines a class for containing the parsing information for this JSDocInfo.
static class JSDocInfo.NamePosition
          A piece of information (found in a marker) which contains a position with a name node.
static class JSDocInfo.StringPosition
          A piece of information (found in a marker) which contains a position with a string.
static class JSDocInfo.TypePosition
          A piece of information (found in a marker) which contains a position with a type expression syntax tree.
static class JSDocInfo.Visibility
          Visibility categories.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addSuppression(String suppression)
          Add a suppressed warning.
 boolean containsDeclaration()
 Node getAssociatedNode()
 Collection<String> getAuthors()
          Returns the list of authors or null if none.
 JSTypeExpression getBaseType()
          Gets the base type specified by the @extends annotation.
 String getBlockDescription()
          Returns the block-level description or null if none specified.
 String getDeprecationReason()
          Returns the deprecation reason or null if none specified.
 String getDescription()
          Gets the description specified by the @desc annotation.
 String getDescriptionForParameter(String name)
          Returns the description for the parameter with the given name, if its exists.
 JSTypeExpression getEnumParameterType()
          Gets the enum parameter type specified by the @enum annotation.
 List<JSTypeExpression> getExtendedInterfaces()
          Returns the interfaces extended by an interface
 int getExtendedInterfacesCount()
          Gets the number of extended interfaces specified
 String getFileOverview()
          Returns the file overview or null if none specified.
 int getImplementedInterfaceCount()
          Gets the number of interfaces specified by the @implements annotation.
 List<JSTypeExpression> getImplementedInterfaces()
          Returns the types specified by the @implements annotation.
 String getLendsName()
          Gets the name we're lending to in a @lends annotation.
 String getLicense()
          Gets the description specified by the @license annotation.
 Collection<JSDocInfo.Marker> getMarkers()
          Gets the list of all markers for the documentation in this JSDoc.
 String getMeaning()
          Gets the meaning specified by the @meaning annotation.
 Set<String> getModifies()
          Returns the set of sideeffect notations.
 String getOriginalCommentString()
          Returns the original JSDoc comment string.
 int getParameterCount()
          Gets the number of parameters defined.
 Set<String> getParameterNames()
          Returns the set of names of the defined parameters.
 JSTypeExpression getParameterType(String parameter)
          Gets the parameter type.
 Collection<String> getReferences()
          Returns the list of references or null if none.
 String getReturnDescription()
          Returns the description of the returned object or null if none specified.
 JSTypeExpression getReturnType()
          Gets the return type specified by the @return annotation.
 String getSourceName()
          Gets the name of the source file that contains this JSDoc.
 Set<String> getSuppressions()
          Returns the set of suppressed warnings.
 String getTemplateTypeName()
          Gets the template type name.
 JSTypeExpression getThisType()
          Gets the type specified by the @this annotation.
 List<JSTypeExpression> getThrownTypes()
          Returns the list of thrown types.
 JSTypeExpression getType()
          Gets the type specified by the @type annotation.
 JSTypeExpression getTypedefType()
          Gets the typedef type specified by the @type annotation.
 Collection<Node> getTypeNodes()
          Returns a collection of all type nodes that are a part of this JSDocInfo.
 String getVersion()
          Returns the version or null if none.
 JSDocInfo.Visibility getVisibility()
          Gets the visibility specified by @private, @protected or @public annotation.
 boolean hasBaseType()
          Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @extends annotation.
 boolean hasDescriptionForParameter(String name)
          Returns whether a description exists for the parameter with the specified name.
 boolean hasEnumParameterType()
          Returns whether an enum parameter type, specified using the @enum annotation, is present on this JSDoc.
 boolean hasFileOverview()
          Returns whether this has a fileoverview flag.
 boolean hasModifies()
 boolean hasParameter(String parameter)
          Returns whether the parameter is defined.
 boolean hasParameterType(String parameter)
          Returns whether the parameter has an attached type.
 boolean hasReturnType()
          Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @return annotation.
 boolean hasThisType()
          Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @this annotation.
 boolean hasType()
          Returns whether a type, specified using the @type annotation, is present on this JSDoc.
 boolean hasTypedefType()
          Returns whether a typedef parameter type, specified using the @typedef annotation, is present on this JSDoc.
 boolean isConsistentIdGenerator()
 boolean isConstant()
          Returns whether the @const annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isConstructor()
          Returns whether the @constructor annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isDefine()
          Returns whether the @define annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isDeprecated()
          Returns whether the @deprecated annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isExport()
          Returns whether the @export annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isExpose()
          Returns whether the @expose annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isExterns()
          Returns whether the @externs annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isHidden()
          Returns whether the @hidden annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isIdGenerator()
 boolean isImplicitCast()
          Returns whether the @implicitCast annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isInterface()
          Returns whether the @interface annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isJavaDispatch()
          Returns whether the @javadispath annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isNoAlias()
          Returns whether the @noalias annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isNoCompile()
          Returns whether the @nocompile annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isNoShadow()
          Returns whether the @noshadow annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isNoSideEffects()
          Returns whether the @nosideeffects annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isNoTypeCheck()
          Returns whether the @nocheck annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 boolean isOverride()
          Returns whether the @override annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 void setAssociatedNode(Node node)
          Sets the node associated with this JSDoc.
 void setDeprecated(boolean value)
 void setLicense(String license)
          License directives can appear in multiple comments, and always apply to the entire file.
 void setVisibility(JSDocInfo.Visibility visibility)
 boolean shouldPreserveTry()
          Returns whether the @preserveTry annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JSDocInfo()
Method Detail


public void setDeprecated(boolean value)


public boolean isConsistentIdGenerator()
whether the @consistentIdGenerator is present on this JSDocInfo


public boolean isConstant()
Returns whether the @const annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isConstructor()
Returns whether the @constructor annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isDefine()
Returns whether the @define annotation is present on this JSDocInfo. If this annotation is present, then the getType() method will retrieve the define type.


public boolean isHidden()
Returns whether the @hidden annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isNoTypeCheck()
Returns whether the @nocheck annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean shouldPreserveTry()
Returns whether the @preserveTry annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isOverride()
Returns whether the @override annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isNoAlias()
Returns whether the @noalias annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isDeprecated()
Returns whether the @deprecated annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isInterface()
Returns whether the @interface annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isExport()
Returns whether the @export annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isExpose()
Returns whether the @expose annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isNoShadow()
Returns whether the @noshadow annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isIdGenerator()
whether the @idGenerator is present on this JSDocInfo


public boolean isImplicitCast()
Returns whether the @implicitCast annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isNoSideEffects()
Returns whether the @nosideeffects annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isExterns()
Returns whether the @externs annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isJavaDispatch()
Returns whether the @javadispath annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean isNoCompile()
Returns whether the @nocompile annotation is present on this JSDocInfo.


public boolean containsDeclaration()
Whether there is declaration present on this JSDocInfo.


public void setVisibility(JSDocInfo.Visibility visibility)


public void addSuppression(String suppression)
Add a suppressed warning.


public JSDocInfo.Visibility getVisibility()
Gets the visibility specified by @private, @protected or @public annotation. If no visibility is specified, visibility is inherited from the base class.


public JSTypeExpression getParameterType(String parameter)
Gets the parameter type.

parameter - the parameter's name
the parameter's type or null if this parameter is not defined or has a null type


public boolean hasParameter(String parameter)
Returns whether the parameter is defined.


public boolean hasParameterType(String parameter)
Returns whether the parameter has an attached type.

true if the parameter has an attached type, false if the parameter has no attached type or does not exist.


public Set<String> getParameterNames()
Returns the set of names of the defined parameters. The iteration order of the returned set is not the order in which parameters are defined.

the set of names of the defined parameters. The returned set is immutable.


public int getParameterCount()
Gets the number of parameters defined.


public List<JSTypeExpression> getThrownTypes()
Returns the list of thrown types.


public boolean hasType()
Returns whether a type, specified using the @type annotation, is present on this JSDoc.


public boolean hasEnumParameterType()
Returns whether an enum parameter type, specified using the @enum annotation, is present on this JSDoc.


public boolean hasTypedefType()
Returns whether a typedef parameter type, specified using the @typedef annotation, is present on this JSDoc.


public boolean hasReturnType()
Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @return annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getType()
Gets the type specified by the @type annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getReturnType()
Gets the return type specified by the @return annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getEnumParameterType()
Gets the enum parameter type specified by the @enum annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getTypedefType()
Gets the typedef type specified by the @type annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getThisType()
Gets the type specified by the @this annotation.


public boolean hasThisType()
Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @this annotation.


public JSTypeExpression getBaseType()
Gets the base type specified by the @extends annotation.


public String getDescription()
Gets the description specified by the @desc annotation.


public String getMeaning()
Gets the meaning specified by the @meaning annotation. In localization systems, two messages with the same content but different "meanings" may be translated differently. By default, we use the name of the variable that the message is initialized to as the "meaning" of the message. But some code generators (like Closure Templates) inject their own meaning with the jsdoc @meaning annotation.


public String getLendsName()
Gets the name we're lending to in a @lends annotation. In many reflection APIs, you pass an anonymous object to a function, and that function mixes the anonymous object into another object. The @lends annotation allows the type system to track those property assignments.


public String getLicense()
Gets the description specified by the @license annotation.


public void setLicense(String license)
License directives can appear in multiple comments, and always apply to the entire file. Break protection and allow outsiders to update the license string so that we can attach the license text even when the JSDocInfo has been created and tagged with other information.

license - String containing new license text.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean hasBaseType()
Returns whether this JSDocInfo contains a type for @extends annotation.


public List<JSTypeExpression> getImplementedInterfaces()
Returns the types specified by the @implements annotation.

An immutable list of JSTypeExpression objects that can be resolved to types.


public int getImplementedInterfaceCount()
Gets the number of interfaces specified by the @implements annotation.


public List<JSTypeExpression> getExtendedInterfaces()
Returns the interfaces extended by an interface

An immutable list of JSTypeExpression objects that can be resolved to types.


public int getExtendedInterfacesCount()
Gets the number of extended interfaces specified


public String getDeprecationReason()
Returns the deprecation reason or null if none specified.


public Set<String> getSuppressions()
Returns the set of suppressed warnings.


public Set<String> getModifies()
Returns the set of sideeffect notations.


public boolean hasDescriptionForParameter(String name)
Returns whether a description exists for the parameter with the specified name.


public String getDescriptionForParameter(String name)
Returns the description for the parameter with the given name, if its exists.


public Collection<String> getAuthors()
Returns the list of authors or null if none.


public Collection<String> getReferences()
Returns the list of references or null if none.


public String getVersion()
Returns the version or null if none.


public String getReturnDescription()
Returns the description of the returned object or null if none specified.


public String getBlockDescription()
Returns the block-level description or null if none specified.


public boolean hasFileOverview()
Returns whether this has a fileoverview flag.


public String getFileOverview()
Returns the file overview or null if none specified.


public Node getAssociatedNode()


public void setAssociatedNode(Node node)
Sets the node associated with this JSDoc. Notice that many nodes may have pointer to the same JSDocInfo object (because we propagate it across the type graph). But there is only one canonical "owner" node of the JSDocInfo, which corresponds to its original place in the syntax tree.


public String getSourceName()
Gets the name of the source file that contains this JSDoc.


public Collection<JSDocInfo.Marker> getMarkers()
Gets the list of all markers for the documentation in this JSDoc.


public String getTemplateTypeName()
Gets the template type name.


public Collection<Node> getTypeNodes()
Returns a collection of all type nodes that are a part of this JSDocInfo. This includes @type, @this, @extends, @implements, @param, @throws, and @return. Any future type specific JSDoc should make sure to add the appropriate nodes here.

collection of all type nodes


public boolean hasModifies()


public String getOriginalCommentString()
Returns the original JSDoc comment string. Returns null unless parseJsDocDocumentation is enabled via the ParserConfig.