Interface SourceMapping

All Known Subinterfaces:
SourceMapConsumer, SourceMappingReversable
All Known Implementing Classes:
SourceMapConsumerV1, SourceMapConsumerV2, SourceMapConsumerV3

public interface SourceMapping

Interface for provide a way of mapping (line, column) positions back to positions in the original (uncompiled) source code.

Method Summary
 Mapping.OriginalMapping getMappingForLine(int lineNumber, int columnIndex)
          Returns the original mapping for the line number and column position found in the source map.

Method Detail


Mapping.OriginalMapping getMappingForLine(int lineNumber,
                                          int columnIndex)
Returns the original mapping for the line number and column position found in the source map. Returns null if none is found.

lineNumber - The line number, with the first being '1'.
columnIndex - The column index, with the first being '1'.