Interface HotSwapCompilerPass

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public interface HotSwapCompilerPass
extends CompilerPass

Interface for compiler passes that can be used in a hot-swap fashion.

The additional method is hotSwapScript which runs this pass on a subtree of the AST. Each pass that is intended to support hot-swap style should implement this interface.

It is assumed that Node argument of hotSwapScript is the root of a sub-tree in AST that represents a js file and so is of type Token.SCRIPT.

Method Summary
 void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot)
          Process the JS with root node root.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot,
                   Node originalRoot)
Process the JS with root node root. This is supposed to be significantly faster compared to corresponding full-compiler passes.

scriptRoot - Root node corresponding to the file that is modified, should be of type Token.SCRIPT.
originalRoot - Root node corresponding to the original version of the file that is modified. Should be of type token.SCRIPT.