Class GoogleJsMessageIdGenerator

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GoogleJsMessageIdGenerator
extends Object
implements JsMessage.IdGenerator

An JsMessage.IdGenerator designed to play nicely with Google's Translation systems. Each message is scoped to a project id, so that it does not conflict with other messages at Google.

Just as reminder what key type used in different formats:

  1. XMB - id. We export using this format.
  2. XTB - id. Internal, result of translation.
  3. XLB - name. External, use it if we need to share translation with third part.
  4. PROPERTIES - name.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
GoogleJsMessageIdGenerator(String projectId)
          Creates an instance.
Method Summary
 String generateId(String meaning, List<CharSequence> messageParts)
          Generate the ID for the message.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GoogleJsMessageIdGenerator(String projectId)
Creates an instance.

projectId - A TC project name (e.g. "MyProject")
Method Detail


public String generateId(String meaning,
                         List<CharSequence> messageParts)
Description copied from interface: JsMessage.IdGenerator
Generate the ID for the message. Messages with the same messageParts and meaning will get the same id. Messages with the same id will get the same translation.

Specified by:
generateId in interface JsMessage.IdGenerator
meaning - The programmer-specified meaning. If no @meaning annotation appears, we will use the name of the variable it's assigned to. If the variable is unnamed, then we will just use a fingerprint of the message.
messageParts - The parts of the message, including the main message text.