Class ProcessCommonJSModules

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProcessCommonJSModules
extends Object
implements CompilerPass

Rewrites a Common JS module into a form that can be safely concatenated. Does not add a function around the module body but instead adds suffixes to global variables to avoid conflicts. Calls to require are changed to reference the required module directly. goog.provide and goog.require are emitted for closure compiler automatic ordering.

Field Summary
Method Summary
 void process(Node externs, Node root)
          Process the JS with root node root.
static String toModuleName(String filename)
          Turns a filename into a JS identifier that is used for moduleNames in rewritten code.
static String toModuleName(String requiredFilename, String currentFilename)
          Turn a filename into a moduleName with support for relative addressing with ./ and ../ based on currentFilename;
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX
Method Detail


public void process(Node externs,
                    Node root)
Description copied from interface: CompilerPass
Process the JS with root node root. Can modify the contents of each Node tree

Specified by:
process in interface CompilerPass
externs - Top of external JS tree
root - Top of JS tree


public static String toModuleName(String filename)
Turns a filename into a JS identifier that is used for moduleNames in rewritten code. Removes leading ./, replaces / with $, removes trailing .js and replaces - with _. All moduleNames get a "module$" prefix.


public static String toModuleName(String requiredFilename,
                                  String currentFilename)
Turn a filename into a moduleName with support for relative addressing with ./ and ../ based on currentFilename;