Class StatementFusion

  extended by

public class StatementFusion
extends Object

Tries to fuse all the statements in a block into a one statement by using COMMAs. Because COMMAs has the lowest precedence, we never need to insert extra () around. Once we have only one statement in a block, we can then eliminate a pair of {}'s. Further more, we can also fold a single statement IF into && or create further opportunities for all the other goodies in PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean areNodesEqualForInlining(Node n1, Node n2)
          Are the nodes equal for the purpose of inlining? If type aware optimizations are on, type equality is checked.
protected  void error(DiagnosticType diagnostic, Node n)
          Helper method for reporting an error to the compiler when applying a peephole optimization.
protected  boolean isASTNormalized()
          Is the current AST normalized? (e.g.
protected  void reportCodeChange()
          Helper method for telling the compiler that something has changed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StatementFusion()
Method Detail


protected void error(DiagnosticType diagnostic,
                     Node n)
Helper method for reporting an error to the compiler when applying a peephole optimization.

diagnostic - The error type
n - The node for which the error should be reported


protected void reportCodeChange()
Helper method for telling the compiler that something has changed. Subclasses must call these if they have changed the AST.


protected boolean areNodesEqualForInlining(Node n1,
                                           Node n2)
Are the nodes equal for the purpose of inlining? If type aware optimizations are on, type equality is checked.


protected boolean isASTNormalized()
Is the current AST normalized? (e.g. has the Normalize pass been run and has the Denormalize pass not yet been run?)