Class JsonMLAst

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
SourceAst, Serializable

public class JsonMLAst
extends Object
implements SourceAst

Generates an AST from a JsonML source file. JsonML format for representation of JavaScript is specified here.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
JsonMLAst(JsonML jsonml)
Method Summary
 void clearAst()
          Removes any references to root node of the AST.
 JsonML convertToJsonML()
 Node getAstRoot(AbstractCompiler compiler)
          Generates AST based on AST representation
 JsonML getElementPreOrder(int n)
          Returns a JsonML element with the specified number from the tree in pre-order walk.
 InputId getInputId()
 SourceFile getSourceFile()
          Returns the source file the generated AST represents.
 String getSourceName()
 void setSourceFile(SourceFile file)
          Sets the source file the generated AST represents.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JsonMLAst(JsonML jsonml)
Method Detail


public void clearAst()
Description copied from interface: SourceAst
Removes any references to root node of the AST. If it is requested again, another parse will be performed. This method is needed to allow the ASTs to be garbage collected if the inputs are still around after compilation.

Specified by:
clearAst in interface SourceAst


public Node getAstRoot(AbstractCompiler compiler)
Generates AST based on AST representation

Specified by:
getAstRoot in interface SourceAst
See Also:


public SourceFile getSourceFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceAst
Returns the source file the generated AST represents.

Specified by:
getSourceFile in interface SourceAst


public void setSourceFile(SourceFile file)
Description copied from interface: SourceAst
Sets the source file the generated AST represents. This can be called after deserializing if access to the source file is needed. If a different file is provided than that with which this was created, an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

Specified by:
setSourceFile in interface SourceAst


public String getSourceName()


public JsonML convertToJsonML()


public JsonML getElementPreOrder(int n)
Returns a JsonML element with the specified number from the tree in pre-order walk.

n-th node or null if the node does not exists


public InputId getInputId()
Specified by:
getInputId in interface SourceAst
The input id associated with this AST