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author title geometry
Claudio Maggioni Information Modelling & Analysis -- Project 2 margin=2cm,bottom=3cm

Code Repository

The code and result files, part of this submission, can be found at

Data Pre-Processing

I use the sources of the [Closure]{.smallcaps} repository that were already downloaded using the command:

defects4j checkout -p Closure -v 1f -w ./resources

and used the code in the following subfolder for the project:


relative to the root folder of the repository. The resulting csv of extracted, labelled feature vectors can be found in the repository at the following path:


relative to the root folder of the repository.

Feature Vector Extraction

I extracted 291 feature vectors in total. Aggregate metrics about the extracted feature vectors, i.e. the distribution of the values of each code metric, can be found in Table 1{reference-type="ref" reference="tab:metrics"}.

::: {#tab:metrics}

Metric Min Average Max
BCM 0 13.4124 221
CPX 0 5.8247 96
DCM 0 4.8652 176.2
EX 0 0.1134 2
FLD 0 6.5773 167
INT 0 0.6667 3
MTH 0 11.6529 209
NML 0 13.5622 28
RET 0 3.6735 86
RFC 0 107.2710 882
SZ 0 18.9966 347
WRD 0 314.4740 3133

: Distribution of values for each extracted code metric. :::

Feature Vector Labelling

After feature vectors are labeled, I determine that the dataset contains 75 buggy classes and 216 non-buggy classes.


In every subsection below, describe in a concise way which different hyperparameters you tried for the corresponding classifier, and report the corresponding precision, recall and F1 values (for example in a table or an [itemize]{.smallcaps}-environment). Furthermore, for every type of classifiers, explicitly mention which hyperparameter configuration you chose (based on above reported results) to be used in further steps, and (in one or two sentences), explain why these hyperparameters may outperform the other ones you tested..

Decision Tree (DT)

Naive Bayes (NB)

Support Vector Machine (SVP)

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)

Random Forest (RF)


Output Distributions

Add a boxplot showing mean and standard deviation for Precision values on all 6 classifiers (5 trained + 1 biased)
Add a boxplot showing mean and standard deviation for Recall values on all 6 classifiers (5 trained + 1 biased)
Add a boxplot showing mean and standard deviation for F1 values on all 6 classifiers (5 trained + 1 biased)

Precision, Recall and F1 score distribution for each classifier for 20-times cross validation.{#fig:boxplot}

Comparison and Significance

For every combination of two classifiers and every performance metric (precision, recall, f1) compare which algorithm performs better, by how much, and report the corresponding p-value in the following subsubsections:

::: {#tab:precision}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0 0 0 0 0
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0.0893 0.4012 0 0
GaussianNB -- -- 0.0348 0 0
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0 0
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0

: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for precision for each combination of classifiers. :::

::: {#tab:recall}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0 0 0 0 0
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0 0.0118 0.3276 0
GaussianNB -- -- 0 0 0
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0.0001 0
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0
: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for recall for each combination of classifiers.

::: {#tab:f1}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0 0 0 0 0
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0 0.4711 0 0
GaussianNB -- -- 0 0 0
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0 0
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0
: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for the F1 score metric for each combination of classifiers.

F1 Values

  • ...


(same as for F1 above)


(same as for F1 above)

Practical Usefulness

Discuss the practical usefulness of the obtained classifiers in a realistic bug prediction scenario (1 paragraph).