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Claudio Maggioni Information Modelling & Analysis -- Project 2 margin=2cm

Code Repository

The code and result files, part of this submission, can be found at:

Data Pre-Processing

I use the sources of the [Closure]{.smallcaps} repository that were already downloaded using the command:

defects4j checkout -p Closure -v 1f -w ./resources

and used the code in the following subfolder for the project:


relative to the root folder of the repository. The resulting CSV of extracted, labelled feature vectors can be found in the repository at the path:


relative to the root folder of the repository.

Unlabeled feature vectors can be computed by running the script ./ The resulting CSV of unlabeled feature vectors is located in ./metrics/feature_vectors.csv.

Labels for feature vectors can be computed by running the script ./

Feature Vector Extraction

I extracted 291 feature vectors in total. Aggregate metrics about the extracted feature vectors, i.e. the distribution of the values of each code metric, can be found in Table 1{reference-type="ref" reference="tab:metrics"}.

::: {#tab:metrics}

Metric Minimum Average Maximum
BCM 0 13.4124 221
CPX 0 5.8247 96
DCM 0 4.8652 176.2
EX 0 0.1134 2
FLD 0 6.5773 167
INT 0 0.6667 3
MTH 0 11.6529 209
NML 0 13.5622 28
RET 0 3.6735 86
RFC 0 107.2710 882
SZ 0 18.9966 347
WRD 0 314.4740 3133

: Distribution of values for each extracted code metric. :::

Feature Vector Labelling

After feature vectors are labeled, I determine that the dataset contains 75 buggy classes and 216 non-buggy classes.


In this section I explain how I define and perform training for each classifier.

Since the dataset has an unbalanced number of feature vectors of each class, in order to increase classification performance I upsample the dataset by performing sampling with replacement over the least frequent class until the number of feature vectors matches the most frequest class1.

Other than for the GaussianNB (Naive Bayes) classifier, the classifiers chosen for the project offer to select hyperparameter values. In order to choose them, I perform a grid search over each classifier. The hyperparameter values I have considered in the grid search for each classifier are the following:

  • For DecisionTreeClassifier:

    Parameter Values
    criterion gini, entropy
    splitter best, random
  • For SVC:

    Parameter Values
    kernel linear, poly, rbf, sigmoid
    gamma scale, auto
  • For MLPClassifier:

    Parameter Values
    max_iter 500000
    hidden_layer_sizes [5, 10, 15, ..., 100], [15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90]^2, [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]^3
    activation identity, logistic, tanh, relu
    solver lbfgs, sgd, adam
    learning_rate constant, invscaling, adaptive

    Note that the [...]^2 denotes a cartesian product of the array with itself, and $[...]^3$ denotes the cartesian product of [...]^2 with the array (i.e. $[...]^3 = [...]^2 \times [...] = ([...] \times [...]) \times [...]$).

    Note also the high upper bound on iterations (500000). This is to allow convergence of the less optimal hyperparameter configurations and avoid ConvergenceWarning errors.

  • For RandomForestClassifier:

    Parameter Values
    criterion gini, entropy
    max_features sqrt, log2
    class_weight balanced, balanced_subsample

The script ./, according to the random seed 3735924759, performs upscaling of the dataset and the grid search training, by recording precision, accuracy, recall and the F1 score of each configuration of hyperparameters. These metrics are then collected and stored in ./models/models.csv.

The metrics for each classifier and each hyperparameter configuration in decreasing order of accuracy are reported in the following sections.

For each classifier, I then choose the hyperparameter configuration with highest accuracy. Namely, these configurations are:

Classifier Hyper-parameter configuration Precision Accuracy Recall F1 Score
DecisionTreeClassifier criterion: gini, splitter: best 0.7885 0.8506 0.9535 0.8632
GaussianNB -- 0.8 0.6782 0.4651 0.5882
MLPClassifier activation: logistic, hidden_layer_sizes: (60, 80, 100), learning_rate: constant, max_iter: 500000, solver: lbfgs 0.8958 0.9425 1 0.9451
RandomForestClassifier class_weight: balanced, criterion: gini, max_features: sqrt 0.8367 0.8851 0.9535 0.8913
SVC gamma: scale, kernel: rbf 0.7174 0.7356 0.7674 0.7416

Decision Tree (DT)

criterion splitter precision accuracy recall f1
gini best 0.788462 0.850575 0.953488 0.863158
gini random 0.784314 0.83908 0.930233 0.851064
entropy random 0.736842 0.816092 0.976744 0.84
entropy best 0.745455 0.816092 0.953488 0.836735

Naive Bayes (NB)

precision accuracy recall f1
0.8 0.678161 0.465116 0.588235

Support Vector Machine (SVP)

gamma kernel precision accuracy recall f1
scale rbf 0.717391 0.735632 0.767442 0.741573
scale linear 0.75 0.735632 0.697674 0.722892
auto linear 0.75 0.735632 0.697674 0.722892
auto rbf 0.702128 0.724138 0.767442 0.733333
scale sigmoid 0.647059 0.678161 0.767442 0.702128
auto sigmoid 0.647059 0.678161 0.767442 0.702128
auto poly 0.772727 0.643678 0.395349 0.523077
scale poly 0.833333 0.597701 0.232558 0.363636

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)

For sake of brevity, only the top 100 results by accuracy are shown.

activation hidden_layer_sizes learning_rate max_iter solver precision accuracy recall f1
logistic (60, 80, 100) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.895833 0.942529 1 0.945055
logistic (40, 80, 100) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
tanh (40, 80, 100) invscaling 500000 adam 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
tanh (60, 100, 80) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
tanh (100, 60, 20) constant 500000 adam 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
tanh (100, 80, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
relu (75, 30) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.86 0.91954 1 0.924731
logistic (20, 40, 60) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.875 0.91954 0.976744 0.923077
logistic (40, 60, 80) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
logistic (80, 40, 20) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh 30 invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh 60 constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh 85 adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (30, 30) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (45, 45) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (60, 60) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (75, 45) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (75, 75) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (90, 90) invscaling 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (20, 40, 60) invscaling 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (20, 100, 20) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (40, 20, 100) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (40, 80, 60) invscaling 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (40, 80, 100) adaptive 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (60, 20, 40) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (60, 60, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (60, 80, 80) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (80, 20, 40) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (80, 40, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
tanh (80, 60, 60) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 20, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 40, 100) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 60, 20) adaptive 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 60, 100) adaptive 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 100, 20) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (20, 100, 40) adaptive 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (40, 20, 80) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (40, 80, 60) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (60, 20, 100) constant 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (80, 20, 60) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (80, 60, 20) adaptive 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
relu (100, 20, 60) invscaling 500000 adam 0.843137 0.908046 1 0.914894
logistic (20, 60, 80) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
logistic (60, 20, 20) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (15, 45) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (45, 90) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (90, 30) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (20, 80, 100) invscaling 500000 adam 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (20, 80, 100) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (40, 40, 40) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (40, 60, 100) adaptive 500000 adam 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (60, 80, 60) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (100, 40, 60) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
tanh (100, 80, 100) adaptive 500000 adam 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
relu (30, 30) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
relu (20, 20, 40) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
relu (20, 40, 40) adaptive 500000 adam 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
relu (40, 20, 100) adaptive 500000 adam 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
relu (60, 80, 20) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.857143 0.908046 0.976744 0.913043
logistic (40, 80, 60) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.87234 0.908046 0.953488 0.911111
logistic 35 adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (15, 60) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (45, 45) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (20, 20, 60) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (60, 60, 80) adaptive 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (80, 40, 100) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
logistic (100, 100, 100) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh 60 constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (15, 15) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (15, 45) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (30, 30) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (30, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 90) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (75, 15) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (75, 45) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (90, 15) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (90, 45) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 40, 20) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 40, 40) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 60, 20) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 80, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 80, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (20, 80, 100) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (40, 20, 60) invscaling 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (40, 60, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (40, 60, 60) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (40, 80, 20) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (40, 100, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 40, 20) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 40, 40) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 40, 80) constant 500000 lbfgs 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 60, 20) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 80, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 80, 80) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 100, 20) invscaling 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 100, 40) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 100, 60) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 100, 60) adaptive 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (60, 100, 80) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263
tanh (80, 40, 40) constant 500000 adam 0.826923 0.896552 1 0.905263

Random Forest (RF)

criterion class_weight max_features precision accuracy recall f1
gini balanced sqrt 0.836735 0.885057 0.953488 0.891304
entropy balanced sqrt 0.807692 0.873563 0.976744 0.884211
gini balanced_subsample sqrt 0.807692 0.873563 0.976744 0.884211
entropy balanced_subsample sqrt 0.807692 0.873563 0.976744 0.884211
gini balanced log2 0.82 0.873563 0.953488 0.88172
entropy balanced log2 0.82 0.873563 0.953488 0.88172
gini balanced_subsample log2 0.803922 0.862069 0.953488 0.87234
entropy balanced_subsample log2 0.803922 0.862069 0.953488 0.87234


Output Distributions

A boxplot chart to show the distribution of each of precision, recall, and F1 score for all classifiers (including the biased classifier) is shown in figure 1{reference-type="ref" reference="fig:boxplot"}. Table 2{reference-type="ref" reference="tab:meanstd"} is a numeric table summing up mean and standard deviation of each metric.

Precision, Recall and F1 score distribution for each classifier for 20-times cross validation.{#fig:boxplot}

::: {#tab:meanstd}

Classifier Metric Mean Std. dev.
BiasedClassifier f1 0.666238 0.00511791
BiasedClassifier precision 0.49954 0.00575757
BiasedClassifier recall 1 0
DecisionTreeClassifier f1 0.888104 0.0302085
DecisionTreeClassifier precision 0.832669 0.0425814
DecisionTreeClassifier recall 0.953261 0.0358021
GaussianNB f1 0.54952 0.0912106
GaussianNB precision 0.820866 0.066323
GaussianNB recall 0.418885 0.0950382
MLPClassifier f1 0.884807 0.0348063
MLPClassifier precision 0.836507 0.0489391
MLPClassifier recall 0.941823 0.0454851
RandomForestClassifier f1 0.91079 0.0301481
RandomForestClassifier precision 0.870685 0.0427383
RandomForestClassifier recall 0.956665 0.0381288
SVC f1 0.752656 0.0537908
SVC precision 0.7557 0.0515768
SVC recall 0.754709 0.0819603

: Mean and standard deviation for each classifier for 20-times cross validation. :::

Comparison and Significance

For every combination of two classifiers and every performance metric (precision, recall, f1) compare which algorithm performs better, by how much, and report the corresponding p-value in the following subsubsections:

::: {#tab:precision}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0.0893 0.4012 0.0000 0.0000
GaussianNB -- -- 0.0348 0.0000 0.0000
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0.0000 0.0000
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0.0000

: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for precision for each combination of classifiers. :::

::: {#tab:recall}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0.0000 0.0118 0.3276 0.0000
GaussianNB -- -- 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0.0001 0.0000
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0.0000
: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for recall for each combination of classifiers.

::: {#tab:f1}

DecisionTreeClassifier GaussianNB MLPClassifier RandomForestClassifier SVC
BiasedClassifier 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
DecisionTreeClassifier -- 0.0000 0.4711 0.0000 0.0000
GaussianNB -- -- 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
MLPClassifier -- -- -- 0.0000 0.0000
RandomForestClassifier -- -- -- -- 0.0000
: Pairwise Wilcoxon test for the F1 score metric for each combination of classifiers.

F1 Values

  • ...


(same as for F1 above)


(same as for F1 above)

Practical Usefulness

Discuss the practical usefulness of the obtained classifiers in a realistic bug prediction scenario (1 paragraph).

  1. Upsampling due to unbalanced classes was suggested by Michele Cattaneo, who is attending this class. ↩︎